08 8 / 2022











Why is amazon treating its employees like teachers treat students

Because infantilizing your underpaid workers is the best strategy to instill feelings of inferiority and fear, while also encouraging them to want to please middle managers for better treatment while not actually improving their situation at all. Its very effective.


Everybody needs to take a good, hard look at the history of West Virginia, so they can understand just how badly companies will sink their claws into your life, and how to stop them from doing it again.

We are really gonna replay the 1920s all over again

Happened in the 1800s in Wales. They were called “truck shops”, and the English coal barons paid the miners in coupons that could only be used in their own shops, where goods were massively overpriced. The Merthyr Uprising was, by some accounts, the first place the red flag of worker’s rights was raised, and it was in part because of this.

reminder that the state joined the war on the side of the corporations

Some specific facts about this from the Battle of Blair Mountain:

  • The US Army fires over 1 million rounds of ammo at striking coal workers
  • around 100 workers were killed, nearly 1000 were arrested over the strike, some were tried and imprisoned for years
  • the bombs dropped on the workers by the state were the first time aerial bombs fell on US soil

(via jalules)

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