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COVID-19 in Congress

We’re tracking the impact of COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, on the operations of Congress.

So far representatives and senators have been diagnosed with COVID-19, one of whom subsequently died of COVID-19. In all, representatives and senators either were diagnosed with COVID-19, self-quarantined after exposure to someone with COVID-19, or reported exposure but took other action or no action — some multiple times. (We count both COVID-19 positive tests and presumed COVID-19 based on symptoms in the count of legislators diagnosed with COVID-19. Many legislators who tested positive may have had no symptoms. Other legislators may have had asymptomatic or undiagnosed COVID-19 before testing was widely available.)

On February 7, 2021, Rep. Ron Wright (R-TX6) died from COVID-19. On December 29, 2020, a week before he was to take office, Rep.-elect Luke Letlow died of COVID-19. The GovTrack team expresses our condolences to the Wright and Letlow families, as well as to the family of congressional staff member Gary Tibbetts who died of COVID-19 in 2020.

In the charts below, the duration of each self-quarantine/isolation is indicated, reflecting their inability to participate in the legislative process in-person. In the House of Representatives, proxy voting and updated committee rules allow legislators to participate remotely in most aspects of the legislative process. In the Senate, quarantined and isolated legislators cannot vote remotely on legislation but may be able to participate in some committee activities.

Date Legislator Event Action Links
3/9/20 Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL-1) contact with CPAC attendee who tested positive self-quarantined until 3/12/2020, tested negative tweet tweet
3/9/20 Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26) contact with someone who tested positive self-quarantined until 3/18/2020, DC office to telework tweet tweet
3/9/20 Sen. Ted Cruz (TX) contact with two people who tested positive at different times self-quarantined, extended quarantine after found out about contact with second person who tested positive, tested negative, exited quarantine 3/17/2020 tweet tweet
3/9/20 Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-1) contact took no action tweet
3/9/20 Rep. Doug Collins (GA-9) contact self-quarantined until 3/12/2020 tweet
3/9/20 Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-4) contact self-quarantined until 3/13/2020 tweet tweet
3/9/20 Rep. Mark Meadows (NC-11) contact with CPAC attendee who tested positive self-quarantined until 3/12/2020 tweet news story
3/10/20 Rep. Donald Beyer (VA-8) contact with someone who tested positive self-quarantined until 3/16/2020 tweet tweet
3/11/20 Sen. Maria Cantwell (WA) DC staffer tested positive DC office to telework tweet
3/12/20 Sen. Sherrod Brown (OH) staffer in another senator’s office tested positive DC office to telework press release
3/12/20 Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) energy staff? DC office to telework tweet
3/12/20 Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC) contact with someone who tested positive self-quarantined until 3/16/2020; tested negative tweet tweet
3/12/20 Sen. Marco Rubio (FL) contact took no action yet tweet
3/12/20 Sen. Rick Scott (FL) contact with someone who tested positive exited self-quarantine 3/23/2020 tweet interview tweet
3/15/20 Rep. David Schweikert (AZ-6) DC staffer tested positive DC office to telework tweet
3/15/20 Sen. Ron Johnson (WI) contact with someone who tested positive took no action tweet
3/15/20 Rep. John Yarmuth (KY-3) contact with someone who tested positive self-quarantine until 3/23/2020; tested negative tweet tweet
3/15/20 Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-28) contact with someone who tested positive said he self-quarantined until "a few days ago" on 3/27/2020tweet
3/16/20 Rep. Gwen Moore (WI-4) contact with someone who tested positive self-quarantine until 3/23/2020 tweet
3/16/20 Rep. Ben Luján (NM-3) contact with someone who tested positive self-quarantine until 3/30/2020 tweet
3/16/20 Sen. Tom Carper (DE) district staffer tested positive DC and district staff self-isolating tweet
3/17/20 Sen. Cory Gardner (CO) contact with someone who tested positive exited self-quarantine 3/25/2020 tweet tweet
3/17/20 Rep. Jason Crow (CO-6) contact with a constituent who tested positive self-quarantine until 3/25/2020 tweet
3/18/20 Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-8) contact with someone who tested positive self-quarantine until 3/29/2020 tweet
3/18/20 Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25) tested positive isolation until 3/28/2020 tweet
3/18/20 Rep. Ben McAdams (UT-4) tested positive exited isolation 3/30/2020 having been declared "virus free" by doctors tweet interview
3/18/20 Rep. Drew Ferguson (GA-3) contact with someone who tested positive self-quarantine until 3/27/2020 tweet tweet
3/18/20 Rep. Steve Scalise (LA-1) contact with Diaz-Balart self-quarantine until possibly 4/1/2020, two weeks after the announcement tweet
3/18/20 Rep. Ann Wagner (MO-2) contact with (presumably) Diaz-Balart exited self-quarantine by 4/3/2020 when she delivered food donations in person tweet tweet
3/18/20 Rep. Stephanie Murphy (FL-7) contact with Diaz-Balart exited self-quarantine 3/29/2020 tweet tweet
3/18/20 Rep. Kathleen Rice (NY-4) contact with someone who tested positive self-quarantine until 3/27/2020 tweet
3/19/20 Rep. Kendra Horn (OK-5) contact with McAdams self-quarantine until possibly 4/2/2020, two weeks after the announcement tweet
3/19/20 Rep. Frederica Wilson (FL-24) contact with Diaz-Balart exited self-quarantine 4/5/2020 tweet tweet
3/19/20 Rep. Joe Cunningham (SC-1) contact with another legislator who tested positive, then tested positive himself exited isolation 4/1//2020 tweet tweet news
3/19/20 Rep. Tom Cole (OK-4) contact with Diaz-Balart exited self-quarantine 3/28/2020 tweet press release
3/19/20 Rep. Anthony Brindisi (NY-22) contact with McAdams self-quarantine until 3/27/2020 tweet
3/19/20 Rep. David Price (NC-4) contact with another legislator who tested positive self-quarantine until 3/25/2020 tweet
3/19/20 Rep. Sharice Davids (KS-3) contact with another legislator who tested positive exited self-quarantine 3/26/2020 tweet tweet
3/19/20 Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) contact with another legislator who tested positive exited self-quarantine 3/25/2020; tested negative; maintaining social distancing tweet press release
3/19/20 Rep. Andy Kim (NJ-3) contact with another legislator who tested positive self-quarantine until 4/2/2020 tweet
3/22/20 Sen. Rand Paul (KY) tested positiveexited isolation 4/5/2020 tweet news
3/22/20 Sen. Mike Lee (UT) contact with Rand Paulexited self-quarantine 4/5/2020 tweet news
3/22/20 Sen. Mitt Romney (UT) contact with Rand Paulexited self-quarantine 4/5/2020, tested negative tweet news news
3/24/20 Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) contact with a doctor who tested positive self-quarantine until 4/7/2020 tweet
3/25/20 Rep. Katie Porter (CA-45) unknown self-quarantine; end date uncertain; test results negative tweet tweet
3/25/20 Rep. Seth Moulton (MA-6) unknown self-quarantine; end date uncertain tweet
3/25/20 Sen. John Thune (SD) unknown self-quarantine; end date uncertain news article
3/25/20 Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (TX-7) unknown self-quarantine; end date uncertain tweet
3/26/20 Rep. Ayanna Pressley (MA-7) unknown self-quarantine; end date uncertain; tested negative on 3/31/2020 news article
3/27/20 Rep. Mike Kelly (PA-16) tested positive isolation until 4/10/2020 press release
3/30/20 Rep. Nydia Velázquez (NY-7) diagnosed with presumed coronavirus infection self-quarantine until 4/13/2020; she will not get a test tweet
4/5/20 Rep. Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) spouse has confirmed case self-quarantine until 4/19/2020 at least; will be tested news article
4/6/20 Rep. Neal Dunn (FL-2) tested positive isolation until at least 4/20/2020 news
5/11/20 Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN) staff member tested positive self-quarantine until 5/25/2020 news
5/28/20 Sen. Tim Kaine (VA) tested positive for antibodies news
5/29/20 Sen. Bob Casey (PA) tested positive for antibodies news
6/15/20 Rep. Tom Rice (SC-7) tested positive isolation until 6/29/2020 news
7/8/20 Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14) apparent exposure to someone positive self-quarantine June 29 - July 3 tweet
7/14/20 Rep. Morgan Griffith (VA-9) tested positive isolation until 8/1/2020 tweet
7/15/20 Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (IN-9) tested positive for antibodies news
7/29/20 Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-1) tested positive isolation until 8/12/2020 news
7/29/20 Rep. Kay Granger (TX-12) exposed by Rep. Gohmert; results negative as of 7/31/2020 self-quarantine until 8/12/2020 tweet tweet
7/29/20 Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-4) exposed by Rep. Gohmert self-quarantine until 8/12/2020 tweet
7/29/20 Rep. Raúl Grijalva (AZ-3) tested positive after exposure by Rep. Gohmert isolation until 8/12/2020 tweet tweet
7/31/20 Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14) exposed by Rep. Gohmert self-quarantine until 8/14/2020 tweet
7/29/20 Rep. Jody Hice (GA-10) exposed by Rep. Gohmert self-quarantine until 8/12/2020 tweet
8/5/20 Rep. Rodney Davis (IL-13) tested positive isolation until 8/19/2020 tweet
8/10/20 Rep. Thomas Massie (KY-4) tested positive for antibodies news
8/20/20 Sen. Bill Cassidy (LA) tested positive isolation until 9/3/2020 news
8/22/20 Rep. Dan Meuser (PA-9) tested positive isolation until 9/5/2020 press release
8/25/20 Commish. Jenniffer González-Colón (PR) tested positive isolation until 9/8/2020 tweet
9/15/20 Sen. Shelley Capito (WV) exposure to someone positive self-quarantine until 9/29/2020 news
9/17/20 Sen. Ron Johnson (WI) exposure to someone positive self-quarantine until 9/29/2020 news
9/20/20 Rep. Jahana Hayes (CT-5) tested positive isolation until 10/4/2020 news
10/2/20 Rep. Lisa Rochester (DE-0) exposure at first 2020 Presidential debate self-quarantine until 10/13/2020 tweet
10/2/20 Sen. Mike Lee (UT) tested positive isolation until 10/12/2020 tweet
10/2/20 Sen. Thom Tillis (NC) tested positive isolation until 10/12/2020 tweet
10/2/20 Sen. Ben Sasse (NE) exposure at White House event on 9/25/20 self-quarantine until 10/12/2020 tweet
10/3/20 Sen. Ron Johnson (WI) tested positive isolation until 10/17/2020 news
10/3/20 Sen. James Lankford (OK) exposed to Sen. Lee, tested negative on 10/3/2020 self-quarantine until 10/12/2020 tweet
10/3/20 Sen. Ted Cruz (TX) contact with Sen. Lee self-quarantine until 10/12/2020 news
10/3/20 Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-4) exposed at Amy Coney Barrett event on 9/25/2020 self-quarantine until 10/10/2020 news
10/7/20 Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) tested positive isolation until 10/21/2020 tweet
10/8/20 Rep. Mike Bost (IL-22) tested positive isolation until 10/22/2020 tweet
10/15/20 Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) campaign staffers tested positive; Harris says no direct contact with them self-quarantine until 10/19/2020 news
10/15/20 Rep. Bill Huizenga (MI-2) tested positive isolation until 10/29/2020 news
10/30/20 Rep. Drew Ferguson (GA-3) tested positive isolation until 11/13/2020 tweet
11/7/20 Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL-1) tested positive for antibodies news
11/6/20 Rep. Mike Waltz (FL-6) tested positive news
11/10/20 Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-2) exposed via his asymptomatic mother while caring for her self-quarantine until 11/24/2020 news
11/24/20 Rep. Rick Allen (GA-12) tested positive news
11/12/20 Rep. Don Young (AK-0) tested positive isolation until 11/26/2020 tweet
11/14/20 Sen. Rick Scott (FL) tested positive isolation until at least 11/28/2020 since he tested positive on 11/20/20 tweet tweet
11/15/20 Rep. Tim Walberg (MI-17) tested positive isolation until 11/29/2020 tweet
11/16/20 Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17) tested positive isolation until 11/30/2020 tweet
11/17/20 Sen. Chuck Grassley (IA) tested positive isolation until 12/01/2020 news tweet
11/17/20 Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-7) tested positive isolation until 12/01/2020 tweet
11/18/20 Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-4) tested positive isolation until 12/02/2020 tweet
11/18/20 Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-5) tested positive isolation until 12/02/2020 news
11/21/20 Sen. Kelly Loeffler (GA) tested positive isolation until 12/05/2020 news
11/22/20 Rep. Ryan Steil (WI-1) tested positive isolation until 12/06/2020 tweet
11/22/20 Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-2) tested positive isolation until 12/06/2020 news
11/23/20 Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC-5) tested positive isolation until 12/07/2020 news
11/25/20 Rep. Susie Lee (NV-3) tested positive isolation until 12/09/2020 tweet
11/30/20 Rep. Ken Calvert (CA-42) tested positive isolationd until 12//14/2020 news
11/30/20 Rep. Austin Scott (GA-8) tested positive isolation until 12/14/2020 tweet
12/1/20 Rep. Ted Budd (NC-13) tested positive isolation until 12/15/2020 tweet
12/4/20 Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-4) tested positive isolation until 12/18/2020 tweet
12/11/20 Rep. Devin Nunes (CA-22) tested positive for antibodies news
12/15/20 Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) tested positive isolation until 12/29/2020 press release
12/16/20 Rep. Joe Wilson (SC-2) tested positive isolation until 12/30/2020 news
12/17/20 Rep. Mike Rogers (AL-3) tested positive isolation until 12/31/2020 tweet
12/17/20 Rep. Cedric Richmond (LA-2) tested positive isolation until 12/31/2020 tweet
12/18/20 Rep. Eshoo (CA-18) exposed to someone positive self-quarantine until 01/01/21 tweet
12/23/20 Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-2) tested positive isolation until 01/06/21 news
12/28/20 Rep. Gwen Moore (WI-4) tested positive isolation until 01/03/21; Moore announced her illness on 12/28/20; on 1/6/21, she said in an interview she tested positive on 12/23. tweet
12/30/20 Sen. Doug Jones (AL) exposed to someone positive self-quarantine until 01/13/21 tweet
12/31/20 Sen. David Perdue (GA) exposed to someone positive self-quarantine until 01/14/21 news
1/3/21 Rep. David Valadao (CA-21) tested positive on Dec. 31 (date at left reflects his start of service in Congress) isolation until 1/12/21 news
1/3/21 Rep. Maria Salazar (FL-27) tested positive on Dec. 31 (date at left reflects her start of service in Congress) isolation until 1/12/21 tweet
1/4/21 Rep. Kay Granger (TX-12) tested positive isolation until 1/18/21 tweet
1/5/21 Rep. Kevin Brady (TX-8) tested positive isolation until 1/19/21 tweet
1/6/21 Rep. Michelle Steel (CA-48) tested positive isolation until 1/20/21 news
1/6/21 Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) tested positive isolation until 1/20/21 news
1/6/21 Rep. Jake LaTurner (KS-2) tested positive isolation until 1/20/21 tweet
1/10/21 Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (TN-3) tested positive isolation until 1/24/2021 press release
1/11/21 Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12) tested positive isolation until 1/25/2021 tweet
1/12/21 Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-7) tested positive isolation until 1/26/2021 tweet
1/12/21 Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10) tested positive isolation until 1/26/2021 tweet
1/14/21 Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) tested positive isolation until 1/28/21 tweet
1/15/21 Rep. Louis Correa (CA-46) tested positive isolation until 1/29/21 tweet
1/19/21 Rep. Raul Ruiz (CA-36) tested positive isolation until 2/2/21 tweet
1/21/21 Rep. Ron Wright (TX-6) tested positive 1/21/21; died 2/7/21 tweet news
1/28/21 Sen. Mark Warner (VA) contact with covid19 positive person quarantine until 2/11/21 news
1/30/21 Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-8) tested positive isolation until 2/13/21 news
1/30/21 Rep. Lori Trahan (MA-3) tested positive isolation until 2/13/21 news
2/4/21 Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-12) exposed to someone positive self-quarantine until 2/14/21 tweet
6/1/21 Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-4) tested positive "in the summer" unclear whether Jordan isolated himself while sick, the exact date of which is also unclear, but he was symptomatic tweet
7/19/21 Rep. Vern Buchanan (FL-16) tested positive isolation until 8/2/21 tweet
7/26/21 Rep. Clay Higgins (LA-3) tested positive isolation until 8/9/21 news
8/2/21 Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC) tested positive isolation until 8/12/21 tweet
8/5/21 Rep. Ralph Norman (SC-5) tested positive isolation until 8/15/21 tweet
8/6/21 Rep. Sharice Davids (KS-3) tested positive isolation until 8/16/21 news
8/19/21 Sen. Roger Wicker (MS) tested positive isolation until 9/2/21 tweet
8/19/21 Sen. Angus King (ME) tested positive isolation until 9/2/21 tweet
8/19/21 Sen. John Hickenlooper (CO) tested positive isolation until 9/2/21 tweet
8/20/21 Rep. Barry Moore (AL-2) tested positive isolation until 9/3/21 tweet
8/21/21 Rep. Troy Nehls (TX-22) tested positive isolation until 9/4/21 tweet
8/25/21 Rep. Mike Doyle (PA-18) tested positive isolation until 9/8/21 tweet
9/8/21 Rep. Darren Soto (FL-9) tested positive isolation until 9/22/21 tweet
9/20/21 Rep. Tim Ryan (OH-13) tested positive isolation until 10/4/21 tweet
9/21/21 Rep. Bob Latta (OH-5) tested positive isolation until 10/5/21 tweet
9/25/21 Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) tested positive isolation until 10/9/21 tweet
9/26/21 Rep. Kelly Armstrong (ND-0) tested positive isolation until 10/6/21 tweet
10/9/21 Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-5) tested positive isolation until 10/23/21 tweet
11/16/21 Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10) tested positive isolation until 11/30/21 tweet
12/8/21 Rep. Brett Guthrie (KY-2) tested positive isolation until 12/22/2021 tweet
12/19/21 Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA) tested positive isolation until 1/2/22 tweet
12/19/21 Sen. Cory Booker (NJ) tested positive isolation until 1/2/22 tweet
12/19/21 Rep. Jason Crow (CO-6) tested positive isolation until 1/2/21 news
12/18/21 Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-8) tested positive isolation until 1/1/22 news
12/21/21 Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11) tested positive isolation until 1/4/22 tweet
12/21/21 Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-13) tested positive isolation until 1/4/22 tweet
12/21/21 Rep. Antonio Delgado (NY-19) tested positive isolation until 1/4/22 tweet
12/22/21 Rep. Jim Clyburn (SC-6) tested positive isolation until 1/5/22 tweet
12/22/21 Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) tested positive isolation until 1/5/22 tweet
12/22/21 Sen. Chris Coons (DE) tested positive isolation until 1/5/22 tweet
12/26/21 Rep. Kaialiʻi Kahele (HI-2) tested positive isolation until 1/5/22 tweet
12/27/21 Rep. Bobby Rush (IL-1) tested positive isolation until 1/6/22 tweet
12/30/21 Rep. Chuy García (IL-4) tested positive isolation until 1/4/22 tweet
1/1/22 Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) tested positive; re-infection post-vaccination isolation until 1/5/22 tweet
1/4/22 Sen. Rob Portman (OH) tested positive isolation until 1/9/22 tweet
1/4/22 Rep. Jim Hagedorn (MN-1) tested positive isolation until 1/18/22 tweet
1/5/22 Rep. Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) tested positive isolation until 1/10/22 press release
1/7/22 Rep. Michael McCaul (TX-10) tested positive isolation until 1/12/22 tweet
1/8/22 Rep. Young Kim (CA-39) tested positive isolation until 1/13/22 tweet
1/8/22 Rep. Sean Casten (IL-6) tested positive isolation until 1/13/22 tweet
1/8/22 Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-5) tested positive isolation until 1/13/22 tweet
1/9/22 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) tested positive isolation until 1/14/22 tweet
1/10/22 Rep. John Katko (NY-24) tested positive isolation until 1/15/22 tweet
1/10/22 Rep. Ben Cline (VA-6) tested positive isolation until 1/15/22 tweet
1/10/22 Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-1) tested positive isolation until 1/15/22 news
1/10/22 Rep. Nancy Mace (SC-1) tested positive for a second time, but first as a member of Congress isolation until 1/15/22 tweet
1/10/22 Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (MD-2) tested positive isolation until 1/15/22 tweet
1/11/22 Rep. Daniel Webster (FL-11) tested positive isolation until 1/16/22 tweet
1/11/22 Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) tested positive isolation until 1/11/22 tweet
1/12/22 Rep. Gary Palmer (AL-6) tested positive isolation until 1/17/22 tweet
1/13/22 Sen. Brian Schatz (HI) tested positive isolation until 1/18/22 press release
1/14/22 Rep. Ashley Hinson (IA-1) tested positive isolation until 1/19/22 tweet
1/17/22 Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-1) tested positive isolation until 1/21/22 tweet
1/18/22 Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (NE-1) tested positive isolation until 1/23/22 news
1/18/22 Rep. Dan Kildee (MI-5) tested positive isolation until 1/23/22 press release
1/19/22 Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5) tested positive isolation until 1/24/22 tweet
1/19/22 Rep. Raúl Grijalva (AZ-3) tested positive after also having it in 2020 isolation until 1/24/22 tweet
1/19/22 Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (TX-7) tested positive; quarantined early in 2020, but not positive isolation until 1/24/22 tweet
1/19/22 Rep. Troy Carter (LA-2) tested positive isolation until 1/24/22 tweet
1/20/22 Rep. Thomas Massie (KY-4) tested positive again after having it sometime before August 2020 isolation until 1/25/22 tweet
1/25/22 Sen. Mark Warner (VA) tested positive isolation until 1/30/22 tweet
1/25/22 Rep. Melanie Stansbury (NM-1) tested positive isolation until 1/30/22 tweet
1/28/22 Sen. Mitt Romney (UT) tested positive isolation until 2/2/22 press release
1/30/22 Rep. Colin Allred (TX-32) tested positive isolation until 2/4/22 tweet
2/1/22 Rep. Steny Hoyer (MD-5) tested positive isolation until 2/6/22 tweet
2/1/22 Sen. John Hoeven (ND) tested positive isolation until 2/6/22 tweet
2/1/22 Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10) tested positive for a second time isolation until 2/6/22 tweet
2/2/22 Rep. Sara Jacobs (CA-53) tested positive isolation until 2/7/22 tweet
2/10/22 Sen. Shelly Capito (WV) tested positive isolation until 2/15/22 press release
2/25/22 Sen. Jim Inhofe (OK) tested positive isolation until 3/2/22 news
2/25/22 Rep. Lauren Underwood (IL-14) tested positive isolation until 3/2/22 tweet
3/1/22 Sen. Alex Padilla (CA) tested positive isolation until 3/5/22 tweet
3/1/22 Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD-8) tested positive isolation until 3/5/22 tweet
3/1/22 Rep. Susan DelBene (WA-1) tested positive isolation until 3/5/22 tweet
3/1/22 Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) tested positive isolation until 3/5/22 tweet
3/1/22 Rep. Ted Deutch (FL-22) tested positive isolation until 3/5/22 tweet
3/1/22 Rep. Dwight Evans (PA-3) tested positive isolation until 3/5/22 tweet
3/11/22 Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11) tested positive isolation until 3/15/22 tweet
3/12/22 Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) tested positive isolation until 3/16/22 tweet
3/13/22 Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA-19) tested positive isolation until 3/18/22 tweet
3/13/22 Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (NH) tested positive isolation until 3/18/22 tweet
3/13/22 Rep. Kim Schrier (WA-8) tested positive isolation until 3/18/22 tweet
3/14/22 Rep. Madeline Dean (PA-4) tested positive isolation until 3/19/22 tweet
3/14/22 Rep. Peter Welch (VT-0) tested positive isolation until 3/14/22 tweet
3/15/22 Rep. Andy Kim (NJ-3) tested positive isolation until 3/20/22 tweet
3/15/22 Rep. Joe Neguse (CO-2) tested positive isolation until 3/20/22 tweet
3/15/22 Rep. Jared Golden (ME-2) tested positive isolation until 3/20/22 tweet
3/15/22 Rep. Fred Upton (MI-6) tested positive isolation until 3/20/22 tweet
3/19/22 Rep. Tom O'Halleran (AZ-1) tested positive isolation until 3/24/22 tweet
3/22/22 Sen. Bob Casey (PA) tested positive isolation until 3/27/22 tweet
4/5/22 Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-28) tested positive isolation until 4/10/22 tweet
4/5/22 Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX-20) tested positive isolation until 4/10/22 tweet
4/5/22 Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) tested positive isolation until 4/10/22 tweet
4/6/22 Rep. Katherine Clark (MA-5) tested positive isolation until 4/11/22 tweet
4/6/22 Rep. Scott Peters (CA-52) tested positive isolation until 4/11/22 tweet
4/6/22 Rep. Derek Kilmer (WA-6) tested positive isolation until 4/11/22 tweet
4/6/22 Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-5) tested positive isolation until 4/11/22 tweet
4/7/22 Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-12) tested positive isolation until 4/12/22 tweet
4/7/22 Sen. Susan Collins (ME) tested positive isolation until 4/12/22 press release
4/7/22 Rep. Angie Craig (MN-2) tested positive isolation until 4/12/22 tweet
4/7/22 Sen. Rafael Warnock (GA) tested positive isolation until 4/12/22 tweet
4/7/22 Rep. Pete DeFazio (OR-4) tested positive isolation until 4/12/22 tweet
4/8/22 Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-8) tested positive isolation until 4/13/22 tweet
4/8/22 Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (FL-20) tested positive isolation until 4/13/22 press release
4/8/22 Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-0) tested positive isolation until 4/13/22 tweet
4/8/22 Rep. Frank Pallone (NJ-6) tested positive isolation until 4/13/22 tweet
4/10/22 Rep. Jackie Speier (CA-14) tested positive isolation until 4/15/22 tweet
4/10/22 Rep. Elaine Luria (VA-2) tested positive isolation until 4/15/22 news
4/11/22 Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR-3) tested positive isolation until press release
4/11/22 Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI-13) tested positive isolation until 4/16/22 tweet
4/13/22 Rep. Gwen Moore (WI-4) tested positive for a 2nd time; first was late Dec. 2020 isolation until 4/18/22 tweet
4/19/22 Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-12) tested positive isolation until 04/24/22 tweet
4/21/22 Rep. Andy Levin (MI-9) tested positive isolation until 4/26/22 tweet
4/25/22 Rep. Joseph Morelle (NY-25) tested positive isolation until tweet
4/26/22 Rep. Deborah Ross (NC-2) tested positive isolation until 5/1/22 tweet
4/26/22 Sen. Chris Murphy (CT) tested positive isolation until 5/1/22 tweet
4/26/22 Sen. Ron Wyden (OR) tested positive isolation until 5/1/22 tweet
4/27/22 Rep. Maxine Waters (CA-43) tested positive isolation until 5/2/22 press release
4/27/22 Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-7) tested positive isolation until 5/2/22 tweet
4/28/22 Rick Allen (GA-12) tested positive isolation until 5/3/22 tweet
5/1/22 Sen. Michael Bennet (CO) tested positive isolation until 5/6/22 press release
5/4/22 Rep. GK Butterfield (NC-1) tested positive isolation until 5/9/22 tweet
5/16/22 Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18) tested positive isolation until 5/16/22 tweet
5/17/22 Rep. Susie Lee (NV-3) tested positive isolation until 5/22/22 tweet
5/18/22 Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) tested positive isolation until 5/23/22 tweet
5/19/22 Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-7) tested positive isolation until 5/24/22 tweet
5/23/22 Sen. Jeff Merkley (OR) tested positive isolation until 5/28/22 tweet
5/23/22 Rep. Al Green (TX-9) tested positive isolation until 5/28/22 tweet
5/25/22 Rep. Liz Cheney (WY-0) tested positive isolation until 5/30/22 tweet
6/14/22 Sen. Roger Wicker (MS) tested positive isolation until 6/19/22 tweet
6/14/22 Rep. Sharice Davids (KS-3) tested positive for a 2nd time isolation until 6/19/22 tweet
6/14/22 Rep. Maxine Waters (CA-43) tested positive for a 2nd time isolation until 6/19/22 news
6/17/22 Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12) tested positive isolation until 6/21/22 tweet
6/22/22 Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) tested positive isolation until 6/27/22 tweet
6/27/22 Rep. Brenda Lawrence (MI-14) tested positive isolation until 7/2/22 tweet
7/10/22 Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) tested positive isolation until 7/15/22 tweet
7/11/22 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (CT) tested positive isolation until 7/16/22 tweet
7/11/22 Rep. Chellie Pingree (ME-1) tested positive isolation until 7/16/22 tweet
7/11/22 Rep. Katie Porter (CA-45) tested positive for the 2nd time isolation until 7/16/22 tweet
7/12/22 Rep. Ted Lieu (CA-33) tested positive isolation until 7/17/22 tweet
7/14/22 Sen. Ben Sasse (NE) tested positive isolation until 7/19/22 tweet
7/18/22 Rep. Val Demings (FL-10) tested positive isolation until 7/23/22 tweet
7/19/22 Rep. Bennie Thompson (MS-2) tested positive isolation until 7/24/22 tweet
7/20/22 Sen. Tina Smith (MN) tested positive isolation until 7/25/22 tweet
7/21/22 Rep. Carol Miller (WV-3) tested positive isolation until 7/26/22 tweet
7/21/22 Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11) tested positive isolation until 7/26/22 tweet
7/21/22 Sen. Tom Carper (DE) tested positive isolation until 7/26/22 tweet
7/25/22 Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) tested positive isolation until 7/30/22 tweet
7/25/22 Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (MD-2) tested positive for a 2nd time isolation until 7/30/22 tweet
7/25/22 Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK) tested positive isolation until 7/30/22 tweet
7/28/22 Sen. Dick Durbin (IL) tested positive isolation until 8/2/22 tweet