Geisthausia: A gender related to haunted houses, ghosts, and death.

From German Geist - ghost/spirit; Haus - house.

Anonymous asked: Do you have any death related genders
  • Vulturehoarder: A subset of genderhoarder in which you hoard agenders and ‘dead’ genders.
  • Sepulcherine / Morguegender: A gender perceived through the lens of being (un/)dead. Intended for Cotard’s Syndrome & similar reasonings.
  • Arthos / Arthogender: A gender associated with the cycle of death and decay. It brings to mind graveyards, old rotting things, the inevitability of death but also the knowledge that decay fuels rebirth. It has a connection to death rituals and funerary rites, and may be influenced by or associated with death-related deities, such as Anubis, Thanatos, Hel, Ankou, Arkay, etc.
  • Corpsegender: A xenogender / kingender relating to one’s undeath. One’s gender perception is altered by the fact that they are undead, their gender might be muddled or weak but not necessarily. Some examples of “undead” can be zombies, vampires, ghosts, etc. 
  • Lykh: A xenogender characterized by supernatural vigor and a sense of disembodiment. Someone who identifies as a lykh might feel like their gender exists in spite of or apart from their earthly existence. Synesthetically, this gender feels undead, incorporeal and/or extradimensional, like a conspicuous absence. 
  • Monstruoususique: A gender that feels shrouded in eeriness and sadness, its bare and clear, but may sometimes feel foggy. 
  • Mortemfawngender: A gender that infects and takes over any existing natural and cute gender(s), including but not limited to fawngender, and changes them to feel more mature and grisly. May ‘die out’ after a while, but the infected gender(s) can never be restored.
  • Mortugender: A gender / gender addition that has strong ties to or relates to death in a deep way. The prefix mortu- is added to a gender when said gender becomes stronger in the presence or feeling of death. Coined with people with Cotard’s Syndrome in mind, but isn’t exclusive.  
  • Demonian: A slightly LIN gender related to demons, witchcraft, paganism, and/or candles and death. [LIN = androgynous in nature]
  • Abandoe: A gender similar to that of an abandoned house; could be dead/genderless or themes of being empty and intimidating.
  • Fatum: A gender somehow connected to death, halloween, and decoration. feels empty and gone
  • Osseusne: A gender related to skeletons or bones, halloween, and spirits. feels bare and barely there

PLEASE LISTEN TO ME! The flags that are pictured above are a HEALTH HAZARD because there are very saturated neon colours next to black. These flags can cause seizures for epileptics. Please please pleaseeee avoid making flags like these because once you look at them long enough it creates an optical illusion that they are moving as if they were flashing strobe lights. People with epilepsy can die from their seizures due to SUDEP (sudden unexpected death due to epilepsy). It doesn’t happen to everyone but it’s risk we shouldn’t have to take to browse tumblr


thank you for your warning! perhaps a good idea would be to contact the makers of the flags and ask them to edit them?

i’ll make sure i don’t make any flags like this in the future!

Anonymous asked: Can I get pronoun validation for Angel who kind of wants to see more how they feel about being referred to by he/him and they/them and is really interested in undertaking, death positivity, and Homestuck?

this is angel! he’s trying out they/them and he/him pronouns. they’re interested in undertaking and death positivity, that’s really interesting! has he heard of the order of good death? they’re also interested in homestuck, that’s cool! i hope he is enjoying mogai month! i hope they have a great day and that he takes care of themself!

Anonymous asked: This is probably a weird question but... did trans guys ever ID as femme or was it only trans women?


Trans guys have the same wide, wide breadth of experience as cis guys (wider, really). So, for every cis guy who has been calling himself (or called by others) a high femme queen for decades, you can bet there’s a trans guy who has, too.

Unfortunately, as is often the case with trans narratives, it’s fuckin’ dangerous to admit to being trans at all, let alone trans and anything else, and especially, especially trans and gender nonconforming. That’s a real good way to get yourself murdered if you’re a trans woman, put in a care facility if you’re a trans man, and have your deadname and birth assignment written in your obituary in both cases.

So, for the same reason there are so agonozingly few records of butch trans women outside of the handful of first hand accounts of just, “well, I was there, and I know they were there too, I met them,” there’s not a lot of paper trail. It was basically either, conform to gendered expectations in public, go stealth and never let anyone know you were trans, or fucking die in ignominy.

This is one of those horrible scenarios where bigots will use the violence that queer people have faced for generations, stuffing corpses into closets so they didn’t have to be seen, as “proof” that they didn’t exist at all.

And, much like with, “yeah dude, autoerotics (modern: asexuals) were usually part of the homophile (modern: gay/queer) communities in the 60s and 70s, and the bi communities in the 80s and 90s, I would know, I was there,” it’s been made clear that bigots don’t give a shit about firsthand accounts. Even when you can finally drum up a paper trail, they tend not to listen so, IDK.

But, just like butch, femme is not a gendered term. It’s a reclamatory one. It’s about taking back something that heteronormative, cisnormative, patriarchal expectations nearly destroyed, and saying, “hey, you massive sack of shit fucking excuse for a culture, drink nail polish until you fucking die.”

And there’s nothing about overthrowing hegemonic norms that is somehow girls-only, or cis-only.

I’m sorry to end up saying, “use your judgement here, you can reach the right conclusion,” but like.

Well, look at the evidence:

Trans women are and were femmes, both today and throughout history, ergo being a femme is not cis-locked.

Cis men are and were femmes, both today and throughout history, ergo being a femme is not woman-locked.

Therefore, there’s no reason why trans men wouldn’t or couldn’t be femmes, throughout history, just like they do today.

Anonymous asked: hi! :) do you mind explaining the etymology in arthos/arthosgender?

[TW for religion & death]

Sure! Arthos is a portmanteau of Arkay + Thanatos. Thanatos is the Greek god of death, and Arkay is the god of the life & death cycle in the Elder Scrolls series. Given that Arthos is a gender associated with death and religion, I combined the names of two death gods.

[Edit] I should add, as a disclaimer, that I’m a worshipper of Arkay. While I don’t worship Thanatos, he seems fine with me using part of his name :)

Arthos / Arthogender

A gender associated with the cycle of death and decay. It brings to mind graveyards, old rotting things, the inevitability of death but also the knowledge that decay fuels rebirth. It has a connection to death rituals and funerary rites, and may be influenced by or associated with death-related deities, such as Anubis, Thanatos, Hel, Ankou, Arkay, etc.

Colour & design meanings:

Shades of green: decay, rot, also moss & lichen which often grows in graveyards.
Circle: the cycle of life, death & rebirth, as well as the religious aspect. The light green circle in the centre represents rebirth specifically.
Black & red: death; the red is also representative of the deity Arkay, to whom I dedicate this gender to.