
A classic stands the test of time. The work is usually considered to be a representation of the period in which it was written; and the work merits lasting recognition. In other words, if the book was published in the recent past, the work is not a classic.

A classic has a certain universal appeal. Great works of literature touch us to our very core beings--partly because they integrate themes that are understood by readers from a wide range of backgrounds and levels of experience. Themes of love, hate, death, life, and faith touch upon some of our most basic emotional responses.

Although the

New Releases Tagged "Classics"

Golden Age Locked Room Mysteries
Animal Farm
And Then There Were None
The Little Prince
The Great Gatsby
Pride and Prejudice
The Bell Jar
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Metamorphosis
Fahrenheit 451
To Kill a Mockingbird
Of Mice and Men
The Hobbit
No Longer Human
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • Anne by Kathleen Gros
    Anne: An Adaptation of Anne of Green Gables (Sort Of)

    Release date: Sep 20, 2022
    In this fun and modern middle grade graphic novel adaptation of Anne of Green Gables, foster child Anne Shirley finally lands in. Enter to win an ARC!
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    Format: Print book

    Giveaway ends in: a

    Availability: 10 copies available, 2106 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Jul 14 - Aug 13, 2022

    Countries available: U.S.

  • The Stars Undying by Emery Robin
    The Stars Undying

    Release date: Nov 08, 2022
    In this spectacular space opera inspired by the lives and loves of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, a princess finds the potential for power—and romance—a ...more
    View Details »

    Format: Kindle book

    Giveaway ends in: a

    Availability: 100 copies available, 732 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Aug 01 - Aug 14, 2022

    Countries available: U.S.

  • The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
    The Underground Railroad

    Release date: May 04, 2021
    The #1 New York Times bestselling novel by Colson Whitehead, author of HARLEM SHUFFLE.
    View Details »

    Format: Print book

    Giveaway ends in: a

    Availability: 50 copies available, 15239 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Aug 01 - Aug 30, 2022

    Countries available: U.S.

  • Pride and Prejudice
    The Great Gatsby
    To Kill a Mockingbird
    Jane Eyre
    Wuthering Heights
    Animal Farm
    The Catcher in the Rye
    The Picture of Dorian Gray
    Little Women
    Frankenstein: The 1818 Text
    Lord of the Flies
    Romeo and Juliet

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    Tags contributing to this page include: classics, classic, clàssic, clàssics, genre__classics, klasyka, lektury-klasyka, the-classics, and классика