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The Magdalene Chronicles #1

The Magdalene Deception

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A forbidden secret . . . The Church's fate in the balance . . . Will a pair of amateur sleuths expose a truth that could upend the Christian world? 

Jesus’ resurrection is a cornerstone of Christian faith. But when a clue surfaces that hints at an alternate account, the ramifications stand to change Christianity forever.

Jesuit priest Michael Dominic’s assignment to the Vatican’s legendary Secret Archives results in his discovery of a hidden papyrus: the unpublished writings of Mary Magdalene — a lost record buried in Rome’s deepest recesses. The forgotten relic’s heretical revelation threatens the Vatican’s very legitimacy, and pits Michael against ruthless and powerful enemies.

Desperate, he reaches out to Hana Sinclair, an investigative reporter with a record of tackling contentious subjects. Together they defy the Church elite, and embark on a search through the shadows of history to unearth the truth. As the pressure builds to silence the pair, will the Vatican resort to the unthinkable in order to safeguard its wealth and power?

Based on historical facts, this international thriller takes readers on a white-knuckle race through the holy sites of Europe. Get your copy of this award-winning tale and discover why Gary McAvoy’s devoted fans say, “I didn’t want this book to end!”

368 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 1, 2020

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About the author

Gary McAvoy

11 books228 followers
Gary McAvoy is author of several books including his bestselling thriller series “The Magdalene Chronicles,” and his sequel series, “Vatican Secret Archive Thrillers.” His nonfiction work “And Every Word Is True” has been hailed as a sequel to Truman Capote's landmark book “In Cold Blood.” Gary is also a professional collector of ancient manuscripts and historical documents, much of which informs his writing projects.

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