J o u r n a l  o f  P r i s o n e r s  o n  P r i s o n s
"...allowing our experiences and analysis to be added to the forum that will constitute public opinion could help halt the disastrous trend toward building more fortresses of fear which will become in the 21st century this generation's monuments to failure."
-Jo-Ann Mayhew, from JPP Vol. 1:1 (1988)
General Information
The Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (JPP) is a prisoner written, academically oriented and peer reviewed, non-profit journal, based on the tradition of the penal press. It brings the knowledge produced by prison writers together with academic arguments to enlighten public discourse about the current state of carceral institutions. This is particularly important because with few exceptions, definitions of deviance and constructions of those participating in these defined acts are incompletely created by social scientists, media representatives, politicians and those in the legal community. These analyses most often promote self-serving interests, omit the voices of those most affected, and facilitate repressive and reactionary penal policies and practices. As a result, the JPP attempts to acknowledge the accounts, experiences, and criticisms of the criminalized by providing an educational forum that allows women and men to participate in the development of research that concerns them directly. In an age where `crime` has become lucrative and exploitable, the JPP exists as an important alternate source of information that competes with popularly held stereotypes and misconceptions about those who are currently, or those who have in the past, faced the deprivation of liberty.
Current Issues

Volume 30, Number 1 (2022) is a general issue of the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons. The collection features contributions on various issues, including life sentences, use of force, solitary confinement, as well as barriers to community re-entry and the development of Convict Criminology. The Prisoners' Struggles section also explores the impact of COVID-19 on imprisoned people. The cover art was made by an anonymous imprisoned artist who founded Steel Door Studios. The issue was mailed to contributors and subscribers on 4 April 2022.

View and download the articles (PDF)
Order a printed copy of Volume 30(1) by subscribing to the JPP

Volume 30, Number 2 (2022) is a special issue of the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons on an "Anti-Colonial Approach to Abolition". The collection features contributions on various themes, including how genocidal settler colonial state institutions, laws, policies and practices serve as pipelines to prisons, the systemic racism experienced by Indigenous peoples behind and beyond bars, the so-called indigenization of incarceration, and the additional barriers to community re-entry faced by Indigenous peoples. The cover art was created by Tim Felfoldi and Cory Cardinal. The special issue is currently in press. It will be sent to contributors and subscribers when they copies arrive in our office in late-May or early-June 2022.

View and download the articles (PDF)
Order a printed copy of Volume 30(2)by subscribing to the JPP

Forthcoming Issues

Volume 31 (2022) will include one general issue and one special issue of the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons on "Desistance, Social Justice and Lived Experience".

Volume 32 (2023) will also include one general issue and one special issue of the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons marking "25 Years of Convict Criminology".

Click here to order printed copies of the Volume 31 and Volume 32 issues by subscribing to the JPP.

Calls for Papers

In addition to the general submissions the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons receives and reviews on an on-going basis, the publication also occassionally issues calls for papers based on special themes of contemporary relevance. Below, you will find our current calls for papers for special issues or sections slated for publication in 2023 and 2024:

Call for Papers on Homelessness and Incarceration (Download PDF)

Call for Papers on Emotions and Carceral Spaces (Download PDF)