
Youtube_IRL by RUFUS_BOI_2008 in furry_irl

[–]siegewolf 26 points27 points  (0 children)

I honestly just think it's hilarious like... it's a shocker that people with similar interests have sex for them.

MRW church is packed and there's no seats left so my parents are considering just going home by ThEhIsO8730 in reactiongifs

[–]siegewolf 3 points4 points  (0 children)

My parents definitely did this when I was a kid. We would also frequently leave right after taking the eucharist instead of staying for another half hour. They also started requiring sign ins for older kids for our Catholic classes so my parents knew I didn't want to go anymore, but they didn't want me to get kicked out for whatever reason so they'd sneak in, sign my name, and go grab breakfast for us.

The Domina dev is back at it again. by wizard_mitch in Steam

[–]siegewolf 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And here my experience with everyone I played with was to try to see if grinding the renown was worth it.

It’s watermelon day at the Oregon Zoo!!! by _Aether__ in videos

[–]siegewolf 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Animal enrichment stuff is the best. I love when Zoos give them meat filled jack o lanterns during Halloween or recycled Christmas trees around Christmas.

Florida man calls cops on intruders, arrested for possession of cocaine by SamusSilver3 in FloridaMan

[–]siegewolf 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If you're familiar with his music then this should not surprise you. There's multiple full albums where he mentions cocaine every song.

The Domina dev is back at it again. by wizard_mitch in Steam

[–]siegewolf 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Rainbow 6 is a bad example because you never explicitly had to pay for Operators and they were available for everyone.

Bob Odenkirk loves classic cars by Yankees1196 in videos

[–]siegewolf 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This is definitely better than the time Bob Odenkirk was stealing people's toes.

Don't Mess Up Your First Commission | Zenless Zone Zero Tuning Test Trailer by SpeakingVeryMoistly in Games

[–]siegewolf 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Gameplay seems fast, flashy, and satisfying...but I'm probably biased because I was sold when Von Lycaon got the same voice actor as Legoshi from Beastars.

New Blood CEO: The Epic Games Store is a marketing black hole by turkishdeli in Games

[–]siegewolf 20 points21 points  (0 children)

What's there to mistake? Solely releasing a game on Epic games will destroy your chances of actually marketing the game regardless of how much hype is built around it. There are some exceptions to that, but that's how it goes.

Guarantee this thread will end up like the last one I saw on this subject proving that point. You'll see, "Wait Darkest Dungeon 2 had a sequel and it's our!?"

New Blood CEO: The Epic Games Store is a marketing black hole by eCkRcgjjXvvSh9ejfPPZ in pcgaming

[–]siegewolf -1 points0 points  (0 children)

They wouldn't be compensated on steam? Honestly my general experience is that EGS tends to get games that have generated hype, but the devs know the game isn't as good as the hype and want to take a sure paycheck because their game wasn't turning out how they planned.

Edit: There are some exceptions, but very few.

New Blood CEO: The Epic Games Store is a marketing black hole by eCkRcgjjXvvSh9ejfPPZ in pcgaming

[–]siegewolf 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If you're only using Steam or GMG then you need to dig deeper because there are quite a few stores that have better deals that are legit sellers.

Always make sure you're checking www.isthereanydeal.com

Forgot my Steam Deck before 11 hour train ride :(. Pray for me brothers and sisters. by ukeben in SteamDeck

[–]siegewolf 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I feel you. I found a dead pixel on my deck and had to send it in for RMA...and I'm dog sitting for someone for the next week.

MRW everyone is split on going back into the office or staying remote, and I’m the deciding vote by ThEhIsO8730 in reactiongifs

[–]siegewolf -1 points0 points  (0 children)

That's actually my point. Go find a club or group that has open spots. Volunteer or maybe find a hobby that requires other people. One easy and generally inexpensive one to recommend is Disc Golf. You have more time working from home since you don't have to travel. Use it as "work time" to find things to better your mental health.

Regardless I hope you're able to find some people to hang out with so you can start feeling a bit better mentally.

MRW everyone is split on going back into the office or staying remote, and I’m the deciding vote by ThEhIsO8730 in reactiongifs

[–]siegewolf -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Would you have felt better if you could have gone out and do stuff? I see people assume "work from home" means "never go out and do things" which was more an issue brought on by COVID and not working from home itself. People couldn't go out and do stuff. I was only pushing forward for a while because I knew eventually I could start going back to conventions, arcades, bars, and seeing friends when the conditions improved.

MRW everyone is split on going back into the office or staying remote, and I’m the deciding vote by ThEhIsO8730 in reactiongifs

[–]siegewolf 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm a bit of an extrovert. I'll hang and talk with anyone and it gives me energy. Working from home gives me more time to actually talk/hang out with people I want to and not people I'm forced to. I'll argue forever that the only reason people say extroverts want to be back in office is because people see too many extroverts without meaningful things to do outside of work. Get a hobby, join a club, volunteer, or hell do anything out and about. You'll probably find people do talk to.

It’s official guys!! by LastLeading1463 in SteamDeck

[–]siegewolf 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It always confuses me that people want something so bad they'll let stuff like that slide. Like this isn't a remaster of an old title. It's the same with EGS exclusives that come to Steam. If your game has been out for a year it shouldn't be full price at Steam launch.

Dead by Daylight | Resident Evil™: PROJECT W | Official Trailer by Turbostrider27 in Games

[–]siegewolf 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Honestly I just wish other asymmetrical games got the chance DBD did. Midnight Ghost Hunt sadly didn't catch on.

TIL That 68 % of The World's Population Has Lactose Intolerance by ubermeisters in todayilearned

[–]siegewolf 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I thought my severe stomach issues were due to lactose intolerance. Turns out I just mostly had IBS that needed control with a much higher fiber diet and only occasionally does dairy mess with my stomach now.

So not everyone is shitting their Brian's out, but I assume plenty are and far more probably just get a bit of gas and bloating at worst.

It’s official guys!! by LastLeading1463 in SteamDeck

[–]siegewolf -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Personally disagree. The game has been out for a long time. Should be max $40 at release, but I won't buy it until $20. I don't care if it's new to a platform. It's not new. Don't treat it like new because you opted to not have a port ready at launch.

Deck stolen off my porch by methany by GreatGrigsbee in SteamDeck

[–]siegewolf 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I have live in an iffy area. I have lived in a good area. At no point was I ever concerned people would steal my packages. Most shipping companies close at 5. I don't get home and done with work until after that. So that means I could only get packages on a weekend or have to take time to pick up something completely negating the convenience of shipping in the first place. I'd probably not order stuff online if I had to go out to pick it up in the first place.

Ya'll have me terrified my deck will be broken or stolen during shipping by Reviledseraphim in SteamDeck

[–]siegewolf 1 point2 points  (0 children)

OP did anybody notice you referenced Centaurworld?

Because that series was fantastic.