
It Feels Like I'm Trying Everything But Having A Hard Time Dating by iemg88 in AsianMasculinity

[–]el-art-seam 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It’s all fine that you’re putting in 110% and trying your best. You sound very serious about all this. Very analytical based on your post.

Focus less on that and more on emotion, feeling, having a good time. So what if your jacket is last season or you spill some water at dinner?

Approach dating like the best of Brazilian football/soccer. Think Ronaldinho. You gotta win with a smile and some style. Have fun. You miss? It was a cheeky shot, next time my friends! High five!

A goal is a goal, but a too serious teammate in a pick up game who may know exactly what to do can change the feel of the game even if you win.

More than 220 shot and killed in U.S. gun violence over July 4 holiday weekend by dremonearm in news

[–]el-art-seam 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Actually it sounds like heaven if you are a 2A advocate wanting as little gun control as possible. It’s a vicious circle.

A major reason for ownership, open carry, all that is often self-defense. If there are no crimes or shootings, it’s difficult to justify- you’re basically pissing in the wind with your arguments.

With mass shootings, now you can say, look what happened on 7/4. The world is a dangerous place and to protect me and my family, I NEED my gun for self-defense. Fuck ccw- I need to open carry my Glock. And I also need to open carry my AR15. If me and my buddies were there on 7/4, we would have saved lives- good guy with gun theory. And with each shooting, there are renewed talks of gun control, which then sends gun buyers into a frenzied shopping spree. So then more guns are out there and now we repeat the cycle all over again.

Kazakhstan ready to use its hydrocarbon potential to stabilize situation on markets by nephronum in worldnews

[–]el-art-seam 104 points105 points  (0 children)

My name Tokayev. I like you. I like world peace. It's nice.

This my country of Kazakhstan. It locate between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan... and a**holes Russia.

He is my neighbor, Vladamir Putin. He is pain in my a**holes.

I sell a uranium to other countries, he must get money from uranium.

I get in WTO, he must get WTO.

I sell oil freely on world market, he have sanction.

Great success.

Two children in bounce house shot at Indianapolis cookout by Lifeboatb in news

[–]el-art-seam 9 points10 points  (0 children)

That’s insane. Why would you give kids body armor and guns?!?!?

You need to make the bouncy house out of Kevlar and add in gun ports and a little machine gun nest.

Do or will you share finance will your wife? by PublicHealth23 in AsianMasculinity

[–]el-art-seam 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well what I’ve learned is that any legal advice like that over the internet really can’t be trusted because of the details of the case, state, judge, etc all vary. This part is true and can happen but may not necessarily apply to you.

And where I live, every three years I gotta open the books- disclose all financial transactions, statements from every single account, credit card statements, they wanna know about the $20 withdrawal from an ATM one town over on 6/27/22, etc to adjust the payments and see all income sources and also to see if I’m hiding anything. Then they can hire a forensic accountant.

Are my assumptions about shared custody wrong? by farawaykate in datingoverforty

[–]el-art-seam -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

Doesn’t matter.

Anything less than 50/50 generally shows that either a) one party is awful or b) the conflict is so great that it led to this outcome.

In very rare cases, this is not the case.

Do or will you share finance will your wife? by PublicHealth23 in AsianMasculinity

[–]el-art-seam 15 points16 points  (0 children)

So I’m going to be talking about this in very clinical terms and this is in no way a statement on marriage, women, etc.

Depends on the state and what the laws are.

Where I’m from let’s say you keep separate accounts and you make money. Any money earned and anything bought during the marriage is 50/50. You could work and your partner could do nothing- if you buy a Rolex, using the income you earned, it’s not yours. It’s joint ownership.

Now let’s say you have a premarital account with $100k in it, and you deposit one paycheck of post marital income into it. In some states, scenarios- now that entire account is a marital account so when it comes time to divorce, they get to raid the account. Which happened to me.

So often times a desire to protect/respect each other’s income by keeping separate accounts may end up exposing you to greater loss in a divorce. There are ways to minimize that risk but not entirely eliminate it. Even a prenup is not bulletproof. With my experiences going through the court system, nothing is certain. Contracts, legal agreements, a judge’s order- aren’t rock solid defenses. It’s just quicksand on a piece of paper. It can slow them down but won’t stop them.

If you really want to drive the probability of income/asset loss down to zero in a divorce, don’t get married.

When you are marrying somebody you are investing half your net worth and an annuity payment correlated to your income to your partner, in some cases for life, that they are the one for you. If it doesn’t work out, payment’s due. And a penny shy or a dollar short, and that jail cell will not open. Also, they can always take you back to court. May not work out and your ex might have hired a shady lawyer to just get a quick $10,000 knowing it’s not worth it, but you still have to defend.

Now I’m not saying that marriage is bullshit and bitches are gold diggers, but if you can’t pay to play, don’t get married. If the thought of you losing all that is going to turn you into a bitter, empty shell of a person, I’d say that’s not worth it.

Overly flirty/affectionate or am I being too sensitive? by nuauldstalk in datingoverforty

[–]el-art-seam 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Up to you. Some people love saying and would love if a first date said you’re gorgeous and some don’t. The general consensus here is that’s a no-no- but you do you.

Every choice has a consequence. Be comfortable with what you do and make sure you’re at the right risk/reward balance for yourself.

“On Bumble, the girls have to come up with the clever convo starters!” by [deleted] in Bumble

[–]el-art-seam 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Bumble’s whole thing is that it’s is a platform to make dating easier for women. Easier for women. If you remember this, then a simple “hi” makes sense.

Robert Crimo: Person of interest identified in Highland Park July 4th mass shooting by katiecharm in news

[–]el-art-seam 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Or, in this country, since we are so gun crazy: it's called Freedom and Liberty and exactly the reason why everybody else should be walking around with multiple guns and body armor.

Police Respond to ‘Incident' in Downtown Highland Park, Urge Public to Avoid Area by UseOnlyLurk in news

[–]el-art-seam -24 points-23 points  (0 children)

Sadly, I am increasingly becoming convinced that the only way this country will stop/minimize mass shootings is if we ALL become armed and train in military tactics. Think Black Hawk Down as America.

Like this is how a family will approach a parade in Highland Park a few years from now, with this level of gear and training: https://youtu.be/eqqx04xtSxE

It will be the 2A's dream of a secure nation.

Clearly lying about his location… should I call him out on it? So annoyed with wasted time on OLD! by [deleted] in datingoverforty

[–]el-art-seam 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Well as somebody who got burned by inaccurate location data, if you like the guy you should at least talk to him. My ex at one point required that they track me real time in google maps and would call me if I wasn’t where I said I would be. SEVERAL times I would get an angry call demanding to know why I was on the other side of town when I was at work. It got to the point where I was going to send an email of a photo of me at work until the gps data sorted itself out. It’s no fun getting yelled at and then asking how did you get crosstown in a matter of minutes? Or when she angry is demanding to know why I’m in town when my other office is in another town- got the days confused and laughed it off when I clarified my schedule.

So if your SO uses location data to track you-no vpn, turn on WiFi, turn on Bluetooth, and call to confirm you are where they expect you to be. A quick call to check in will save your phone being blown up, and even them coming out to check on you, and a whole lot of headache. Fun times, all this tech. Or don’t use it to spy on others. Some days I feel like I’m living in an episode of black mirror.

I’m proud of you by Clean-Ant6002 in datingoverforty

[–]el-art-seam 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I dunno- I’m nowhere near buying a home now and if I ever recover financially, I’d be proud of owning my own home. But proud clearly isn’t the best choice of words. Admirable is better. It’s admirable you are able to achieve home ownership.

Banned by Dr_al2014 in datingoverforty

[–]el-art-seam -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

A lot of these websites apply random rules to these kinds of situations. It’s why some people get permanently banned for an appropriate bathing suit pic on vaykay citing community guidelines and others can post up threatening messages toward women with firearms on display citing free speech guidelines. Shouldn’t be a surprise given what we’ve all seen online.

I’ve been banned from Facebook for adding too many friends- I was in a competition to add as many friends as possible. It took like half a year to unlock and get a response back as to why I was banned. Now this was when you didn’t need to verify your identity. So you could create a Facebook account under Bruce Wayne and post a pic as Batman. So basically I was adding fictional characters for fun and we would brag that Bruce Wayne was our friend as a running gag.

I’m surprised I haven’t read more people complaining of this. I ghosted my date and now all of a sudden I’m banned. Or I declined a second date and he said I threatened him which got me banned.

Man who paid $2.9m for NFT of Jack Dorsey’s first tweet set to lose almost $2.9m by [deleted] in entertainment

[–]el-art-seam 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Does anybody else find this title hilarious?

“Man who paid $2.9m for NFT of Jack Dorsey’s first tweet set to lose almost $2.9m”

Gotta love Roman’s twisted sense of humor when joking about things that are absolutely true by Allen_Sun in SuccessionTV

[–]el-art-seam 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Was rewatching and in sad sack wasp trap, Roman is angered by Frank coming back to over see him and says “You know he rehired Frank to babysit me? I don't need a babysitter. OK? Especially one I don't get to fսck.”

Why is there no Asian playboys like Dan Bilzerian or Andrew Tate? by Real_Big_Boss in AsianMasculinity

[–]el-art-seam 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Doesn’t matter if it’s real or fake. The illusion becomes real, and the more real it becomes, the more desperately they want it.

Texas man puts life savings into buying virtual property by esporx in technology

[–]el-art-seam 0 points1 point  (0 children)

All or none. Either we’re going to laugh at him in a few years when they return to interview him or we’re all gonna see him on the cover of Forbes.