
Putin Says U.S. Using Ukrainians as 'Cannon Fodder', Trying to Prolong War by BurstYourBubbles in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's definitely an Ali Express robot dog, it's not hard to verify that. But it also can't hold much weight so....

Road to war: U.S. struggled to convince allies, and Zelensky, of risk of invasion by 457655676 in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The article says several times that the UK and the Baltic states along with the US were the ones that were ringing the alarm bells. France and Germany were generally very skeptical. And Ukraine was in a position of frustration not knowing who to believe; asking for more heavy weapons if the threat was real but also not tanking the economy if the threat wasn't real or even if it was.

Ukraine war: Explosions rock Russian base in Ukraine's Crimea by humiliating_hands in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Whatever it is we will know eventually. And it's probably more helpful to let Russia try to figure it out on their own in the meantime.

Russia blames sabotage for new Crimea blasts by CreepzFPS in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 6 points7 points  (0 children)

There seem to be different estimates/observations, perhaps depending on how much damaged or likely damaged counts as destroyed. The lowest estimate I've seen was 8-9.

Ukraine war: Explosions rock Russian base in Ukraine's Crimea by humiliating_hands in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 31 points32 points  (0 children)

This one was actually far outside of HIMARS range, or rather the range of the GMLRS that we know Ukraine has for their HIMARS. Could maybe be an undisclosed ATACMS or sabotage though.

Trump taking home nuclear documentation is awful. by giantchar20 in dancarlin

[–]Krivvan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The word you're looking for is 'authoritarian' otherwise by your definition Putin is a communist.

Russian forces complain of low-quality equipment in new video by Core2score in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think that explanation gives a somewhat misleading impression. It's meant to disrupt a projectile or shaped charge, not cancel out any kind of explosion in general. If it really was simply canceling out an explosion then that explosion wouldn't be able to penetrate the tank in the first place.

What defeats this type of protection is a tandem charge which uses an explosion to intentionally set off the explosive reactive armor so that the actual shaped charge or projectile can penetrate the tank.

Russian ammunition depot detonating in nova Kakhovka, 13.08.2022 by sagakino in CombatFootage

[–]Krivvan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If it is really about militaries ability to defeat another, we haven’t fought another countries army since WW2.

I wasn't aware the first gulf war was before WW2.

Russian ammunition depot detonating in nova Kakhovka, 13.08.2022 by sagakino in CombatFootage

[–]Krivvan 5 points6 points  (0 children)

They're just trying to backtrack the fact that they didn't actually know anything. The next stage would be the "I wasn't being an idiot, I was just trolling, you're the one mad that America is in decline" as if that was part of the topic at all.

↓ and there it is hahaha

Russian ammunition depot detonating in nova Kakhovka, 13.08.2022 by sagakino in CombatFootage

[–]Krivvan 6 points7 points  (0 children)

If it is really about militaries ability to defeat another, we haven’t fought another countries army since WW2.

Yeah, there's nothing you can say that makes that line sound even remotely informed. Anything more you say just makes you sound even more insecure.

Russian ammunition depot detonating in nova Kakhovka, 13.08.2022 by sagakino in CombatFootage

[–]Krivvan 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Do...you just not know anything about history? Do you think there was no organized opposing military in Iraq (both times), Korea, or Vietnam?

Do you think it was an insurgent force in Iraq that had the hundreds of tanks, armored vehicles, aircraft, SAM sites, and etc.? Do you think Saddam Hussein had zero military power? How exactly did he fight the Iran-Iraq war? With insurgents?

Russia is at the stage of attempting to defeat the Iraqi military. That wasn't the stage America failed at.

Russian ammunition depot detonating in nova Kakhovka, 13.08.2022 by sagakino in CombatFootage

[–]Krivvan 9 points10 points  (0 children)

America steamrolled the invasions. The part that America failed at was the long-term occupation.

Russia is failing at the invasion part. They didn't even get to the hard part.

Russian ammunition depot detonating in nova Kakhovka, 13.08.2022 by sagakino in CombatFootage

[–]Krivvan 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Conspiracy theorists often mention a few well-known messed up things hoping to shock people who had no knowledge of any history into then believing literally any random stupid thing.

They'll mention operation paperclip or MK Ultra or etc. and then from there try to get you to believe in pizzagate/QAnon or how television actually stands for tell-a-vision as some secret message to the sheep that it is a brainwashing device.

They don't realize that to people who already knew about such historical things that it just makes them look even more stupid and pathetic rather than secretly in the know which is what conspiracy theorists desperately want.

It works on people who go "wait, america isn't an absolutely perfect paragon that is incapable of having anyone in it do anything wrong? Well shit, then I guess anything could be true like how Putin is going to save America from Hollywood and the gay agenda!"

Crystal DC, looking to get back into big Hunts by NoLewdsOnMain in ffxiv

[–]Krivvan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Linkshells are kinda dead for hunts. It's mostly done via discords now.

Ukraine ‘preparing for tragedy’ at nuclear plant, U.N. chief calls for demilitarised zone by keh_k_lenge in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Something between Fukushima to Chernobyl, but probably not quite as bad as Chernobyl.

WHO warns people not to attack monkeys amid monkeypox outbreak by CobCorn0 in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Monkeypox doesn't even really come from monkeys in the first place. It's just named monkeypox because it was first discovered in monkeys.

⚡️Intelligence: Russia working on campaign to discredit Zelensky. According to the Defense Ministry's Intelligence Directorate, Russia created a new structure affiliated with the Russian special service, the main task of which is to ruin President Zelensky's image abroad. by Key_Brother in ukraine

[–]Krivvan 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It preys on people who want to feel superior for knowing "the truth" and not what "the man" tells you is the truth. They really believe that they are "doing their own research."

They don't realize that they're still sheep, just listening to a different shepard.

Russian forces declare their readiness to blow up mined Zaporizhzhia NPP. It's either going to be controlled by ruzzia or become a nuclear wasteland. "Liberators" show their real intent. by unknown_wtc in ukraine

[–]Krivvan 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It would depend on exactly how they plan to "blow up" the plant. If they just detonate a bunch of random mines then they probably actually wouldn't achieve much. Maybe at worst a Fukushima level incident.

Not that they wouldn't be disasters, but people tend to overestimate potential nuclear power plant disasters a lot.

Russians threaten to blow up nuclear power plant in case of Ukrainian advances by Kiosani in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 17 points18 points  (0 children)

I suppose it would depend on a lot of details of exactly how they plan to "blow up" the power plant but I don't think it would result in enough to immediately kill everyone in the donbas region, and I don't think Russia would care much about all the cancer arising in their veterans. I envision it more as a salting the land thing.

Russians threaten to blow up nuclear power plant in case of Ukrainian advances by Kiosani in worldnews

[–]Krivvan 32 points33 points  (0 children)

You might be overestimating the potential fallout a bit if you think it would immediately destroy all Russian forces.

CGP Grey - The Simple Secret of Runway Digits by ianjm in videos

[–]Krivvan 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I mean, that's the appeal. The fun is the rabbit holes and tangents, otherwise it may as well just be a google search lookup.

Moving Russian tank instantly cooks off and explodes after hit by javelin missile (music from source) by HalalMeatCOEggo in CombatFootage

[–]Krivvan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Conscripts are being heavily pressured to sign contracts and go into Ukraine though. Sometimes just by shame, sometimes promise of money, sometimes just by bullying.

Also some reports from earlier in the war of conscripts being sent in regardless but I believe they were more isolated incidents likely from commanders trying to hide their lack of actual numbers.

But there are actual conscripts from the separatist regions.

The Russian T-90 explodes after being hit by the strike forces of the "Kharkiv" Air Defense Forces. August 2022 by tomina69 in CombatFootage

[–]Krivvan 3 points4 points  (0 children)

And why do I see lonesome russian tanks in almost every video?

Apparently likely simply because of Russia's manpower problem in Ukraine.