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Character Lineup Titled



these are all of the ttrpgs characters i've played in major campaigns! there are a lot asd;klfj i'll give a quick rundown here, but a lot of them are also located on my artfight at artfight.net/~hbxplain !

ELI (he/him)
elijah is a 17-yo superhero with a heart of gold... and a name of silver! his superhero name is silver heart, thats the joke a;sldkfj

FLORIAN (she/her)
florian is a transgender bard with a debilitating fear of heights. for the love of god will the universe stop putting her in situations where she has to hangglide across giant ravines!?!? all she wants to do is play her damn lute!

QUILLA (she/her)
a rogue with a million aliases, a hell of a stealth modifier, and undiagnosed autism. she's the intel for every mission; you won't even see her coming!

CHEL (she/her)
chel was my first character in the Strahd campaign... sort of? She was originally Recelli, which was actually her and her two gnome triplets stacked on top of each other in a trench coat. they were eventually forced to split up, at which point she became Just Chel; happy, extroverted, excitable fighter chel!

JJ (she/her): the flirty ghost. easy-going, a bit mischievous, but ultimately well-meaning.
Thelo (he/him): the child ghost. loves his frogs. can he see past all that hair? no one knows, and no one asks. he's a sweetheart though!
Chi Pin (they/them): also known as cheep, Chi Pin died the moment they were born... but then a bunch of ghosts inhabited their body, saving their life. Now they share the body with the ghosts, and try to ignore their slightly undead nature...
Magella (she/her): a mom-friend who's really good at fighting! her story's quite the tragic one, though... when she was alive, she and qiro were lovers, but she hadn't transitioned nor come out yet. when they died, she got to take her ideal form--as a woman--and now qiro doesn't recognize her. he's been so mean, she's kind of scared to speak up after all this time...
Qiro (he/him): the only one keeping this damn body alive. qiro has the smarts to back up all of the others' buckwild plans, but he's pretty grumpy about being the only one with a functioning braincell. (he's also grumpy because he misses his boyfriend from when he was alive, but he won't tell anyone that...)

EDEN (she/her)
one of chel's triplets! i started playing eden after chell died ;-; eden's a competent artificer, with her beloved steel defender bear Bolts!

QUEENIE (she/her)
a 10-yo wild soul barbarian with a giant anime sword that's bigger than she is! queenie is a little gremlin who loves to cause trouble. she's also a pirate--and has the vocab to match!

ILEAO (ey/em)
ileao is a fallen chaos angel (long story) who is, quite frankly, a real fucking asshole. ey're soft as hell for eir beloved husband and former guardian angel charge, alex, though... alongside eir adopted daughter, debbie (also an agent of chaos) and eir best friend, kevin. eir freckles change color based on eir mood.

MATARIEL (she/her)
i played matty for the second campaign of the same game; she followed up ileao! she's an angel of chivalry and war (Torm), a Chosen One meant to help get the gods back (presumably? actually she doesnt really know what her fate entails, she's just kinda assuming...) her wings are stained glass mosaics, and they show images of other people's thoughts when she uses her Empath ability.
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