Hello! I'm Joe Manchin And I'm Once Again Screwing Everyone For No Reason!

Hi folks! Joe Manchin here. Just thought I’d stop by and explain to you why I’ve decided to fuck your grandchildren.

If you don’t mind, though, I’m trying to order dinner at this fancy restaurant, so I may get distracted here and there.

Yessir, these vegetarian spring rolls? Is there any way you could put bacon in ‘em? Just take ‘em on back in the kitchen and ask the chef, would ya?

S’ok, back to all your grandchildren. They’re nice kids, I’m sure. Friendly, bright, love to play in the yard and crawl into tiny spaces deep underground that full-grown adults can’t fit into in order to scrape at a rich coal seam. I got grandkids myself. Sometimes I have ‘em all over to the houseboat for a sleepover. What the heck, they might all need to live on that boat in a couple decades.

Say, there’s a sitcom idea. Gotta remember to call Feinstein, she must know some Hollywood people.

So yeah, I feel a bit bad about fucking your grandkids in exchange for campaign donations from my fellow coal barons. But think of how important it is now to help out when their parents need you to drive ‘em to their swimming lessons. That’s gonna be more useful than starting a college fund.

That’s a “no” on the bacon, huh? Well that’s fine. Bring me some potstickers and another bottle of this Opus One red blend. No, the 2008, not the 2007. The 2007 tastes like hog swill.

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Biden Admin Said ER's Have To Provide Abortions When Women's Lives Are In Danger. So Texas Is Suing.

Earlier this week, the Biden administration clarified that states with laws barring abortion would still be subject to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), which requires hospitals that participate in Medicare and thus receive federal funding to provide those who come in with a serious emergency or while in labor with stabilizing treatment regardless of their ability to pay. This means that if the stabilizing treatment required for a certain condition is an abortion, as may be the case with an ectopic pregnancy or preeclampsia, then the patient gets an abortion. If not, the hospital may risk losing their ability to participate in Medicare or receive federal funding.

To be clear, there was no change in policy, this is just the actual law as it now stands, and it has been the law since 1986. It's purpose is to prevent patient dumping (when hospitals prematurely discharge indigent or homeless people who require expensive care), but it also allows doctors in emergency rooms to make quick decisions in emergency situations without needing to check whether a patient's insurance covers whatever they're going to do, or is accepted by the hospital, or even exists. It's basically a real cute lil Bandaid for the fact that our healthcare system is a profit-driven nightmare.

In this case, however, it means that doctors should not have to wait until the last second to perform a necessary emergency abortion when a patient's life is at risk, or have to check in with the state to see if they're allowed to save that patient's life.

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House GOP Just Innocently Trying To Stop Investigations Into Neo-Nazis In Military And Law Enforcement

On Wednesday, the House voted 218-208 in favor of including an amendment to the yearly defense bill that calls for the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and the secretary of Defense to compile a report on the prevalence of neo-Nazi and white supremacist activity among members of the military and federal law enforcement agencies and what they plan to do to combat it.

The amendment, sponsored by Brad Schneider, will require these agencies to provide information about the number of individuals discharged from the uniformed services and law enforcement due to their ties to neo-Nazi or white supremacist groups, what those individuals did, what the government did in response and what they plan to do about it in the future.

This seems like some pretty good information to have, particularly considering that white supremacist infiltration into the military and law enforcement has been a problem for decades. But you know who really doesn't want that information? House Republicans.

The vote was straight party line, all Democrats for it, all Republicans against.

A second amendment passed 220-205, to order the "Government Accountability Office (GAO) to write a report that reviews how the FBI, DHS secretary and Office of the Director of National Intelligence are complying with 'domestic terrorism transparency mechanisms' that are mandated by federal law.'" Four Republicans managed to vote for that one.

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Welcome To America, Where 10-Year-Old Rape Victims Will Be Forced To Give Birth For Jesus

The story of a pregnant 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio who had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion just keeps getting more and more awful, as if "pregnant 10-year-old rape victim" weren't all the horror anyone needed to consider.

The story was initially reported July 1 by the Indianapolis Star as part of a larger story on patients traveling to Indiana to get abortion care because it was now illegal in their home states:

Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, took a call from a colleague, a child abuse doctor in Ohio.

Hours after the Supreme Court action, the Buckeye state had outlawed any abortion after six weeks. Now this doctor had a 10-year-old patient in the office who was six weeks and three days pregnant.

Could Bernard help?

Not surprisingly, the story quickly went viral as an example of what is going to happen in a lot of states whose abortion bans have no exceptions for rape or incest. That's precisely the goal of the abortion bans: Every fetus is sacred, even those carried by little girls who've been raped.

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Wonkette Movie Night: Aliens


I have never seen this movie! Enjoy yourselves!


Anti-Abortion Creeps Coming For The Internet, Your Phone Conversations And The First Amendment

National Right to Life wants abortion pill ads banned from the internet ... and so much more.

First, they came for your reproductive rights. Now, an anti-abortion group is lobbying states to pass model legislation that would pretty much make it a crime to give any information about abortion whatsoever, on the off chance that someone from an anti-choice state might hear about it.

The ironically named National Right To Life, recognizing the fact that yes, we are absolutely going to do everything we can to make sure that people are not forced to gestate and give birth against their well, is proposing that states go at this in a manner similar to RICO laws meant to deter organized crime. This means that if someone has an abortion, they want literally everyone involved arrested and charged with a crime (except the pregnant person because their schtick is that they are being taken advantage of by nefarious actors who just want more abortions).

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What Does Rand Paul Have That We Don't Have?

We'd say it's the hair, but it's actually a blue slip.


For the last month, many of us who value our reproductive rights have been a tad bewildered by the fact that President Biden decided to dole out a judgeship to a right-wing Federalist Society guy who just recently defended Kentucky's terrible abortion law, not as part of any deal, but rather as a lovely "personal friendship gesture" to Mitch McConnell. Unless there was a hostage we don't know about. There could have been a hostage! And maybe that's just what we should go with here.

But yesterday, it was announced that Biden had decided not to make Chad Meredith a judge after all. Was it because he suddenly realized that perhaps it was a bad idea to nominate an anti-abortion judge right after Roe was overturned, during an election year where one of the main things Democrats have to run on is "Look at these monsters who took your reproductive rights away!?" Was it because he listened to the concerns of those who thought this was, perhaps, a bad idea and a bad look? Or was worried that if he were to appoint this judge, that those for whom this is a big issue might feel like he was letting them down?

No. That wasn't it. The reason Chad Meredith won't be a judge is because Rand Paul, one of the few men out there with a douchier name than "Chad Meredith," said no.

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