White Supremacists Boast About Crashing TPUSA Event

Updated | On October 27, 2019, the staff at Politicon — the annual non-partisan political conference held this year in Nashville, TN — were forced to deal with an unwanted presence. Continue reading “White Supremacists Boast About Crashing TPUSA Event”

Raheem Kassam Defends Deplatformed Antisemites And Conspiracy Theorists

Recently a handful of extremists were permanently banned from Facebook and Instagram for violating the platforms’ terms of service. This group of crackpots and bigots included unhinged Islamophobe Laura Loomer, conspiracy theorists Alex Jones and protégé Paul Joseph Watson, misogynistic fame-seeker Milo Yiannopoulos, antisemitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and Neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen.

Continue reading “Raheem Kassam Defends Deplatformed Antisemites And Conspiracy Theorists”

Tim Murdock Interviews The Purported Creator Of The ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ Meme

During the March 23, 2019 episode of White Rabbit Radio Live, hosts Johnny Ramondetta and Tim Murdock interviewed one of the purported creators of the “It’s Okay To Be White” meme. Continue reading “Tim Murdock Interviews The Purported Creator Of The ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ Meme”

‘Learn To Code’: The Alt-Right’s Latest Anti-Journalist Meme Is Based On A Lie

Last week was a terrible week for journalism as major media companies cut their workforces. According to The Cut, approximately 1,000 workers — editors, writers, etc. — were laid off in a three-day period, with BuzzFeed, HuffPost, and Gannett as the hardest hit. Continue reading “‘Learn To Code’: The Alt-Right’s Latest Anti-Journalist Meme Is Based On A Lie”