dating tips misogyny

Not at all interested in talking about feelings or vegetables, ladies, so if you start talking about feelings or vegetables I am OUTTA HERE. So who wants to date me?


I sort of wrote the whole post already with that headline, huh. Anyway, here’s someone’s dating profile I found on r/facepalm.

ben shapiro homophobia jordan peterson transphobia

The Daily Wire can’t stop, won’t stop, probably should stop deadnaming Elliot Page

Elliot Page and his controversial abs.

Actor Elliot Page doesn’t have to say anything, or do anything other than simply exist in order to send the hamsters in the brains of transphobes skittering. Consider the case of Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire, which keeps pooping out new stories on the subject of Mr. Page not tied to any news hook but rather to some obsession they’ve developed with deadnaming him.

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With great ideas like this, I’m sure you will be losing your virginity any day now

11 angry men await their turn at the Reddit virgin orgy

This fellow has a unique plan to lose not only his own virginity but the virginity of 11 of his best buds as well. And all they need for this plan to work is just one willing virgin of the female persuasion.

homophobia monkeypox sex

Monkeypox is spreading in the US, mostly among gay men. Some people find this hilarious

We had a chance to control monkeypox. It’s been around for a long time, so it’s pretty well understood. It’s not that contagious. We have tests and vaccines for it. But the sluggish official response to the disease has lost us many of the advantages we had, and we could see a major outbreak soon, starting in the gay community and spreading out from there.

TERFs transphobia

Macy Gray walks back her transphobic statements from earlier in the week; right-wingers and gender crits clutch their pearls

Right-wingers and TERFs alike were thrilled when singer Macy Gray made some ignorant comments about trans women on Piers Morgan’s show on Monday.

allegedly false accusations domestic violence eternal gamergate misogyny

More than a month after the Heard/Depp verdict, the professional haters just won’t let Amber Heard go

During the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp defamation trial, videos taking aim at Heard filled up Tik-Tok and YouTube. Some posted them because they genuinely hated Heard; others jumped in because they knew money could be made off the vast audience clamoring continually for more Heard content.

announcements technical difficulties

I think the site may be fixed?

After several days of seemingly endless outages and timeouts, We Hunted the Mammoth is on a new server and … working ok so far (crossed fingers). There’s one more little change the WordPress people need to make; hopefully that won’t disrupt the site for too long.

dating tips lesbians misogyny MRA reddit

Lesbians are stealing our potential girlfriends, Men’s Rights Redditor laments

Her milkshake brings all the girls to the yard

Watch out, straight dudes! You may find yourself pining for a girlfriend, but find that there aren’t any on offer, because the lesbians have taken them all.

jordan peterson reddit transphobia twitter woke

Jordan Peterson got suspended from Twitter for a transphobic tweet, and even his fans think it might do him some good

Orange man bad

So fusspot Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson got himself suspended from Twitter for a tweet about actor Elliot Page that pretty clearly broke the site’s rules on hate speech.

drama kings drama queens misogyny transphobia

New Disney cartoon briefly features a trans man in the menstrual products aisle, and right-wing dingbats are losing it, again

Tampons, not just for cis women in the 1930s any more

Right-wingers are once again throwing a fit over a seconds-long snippet from a Disney cartoon. Last time it was a blink-and-you’d-miss-it kiss between middle-aged lesbian moms in the Toy Story sequel Lightyear. Now it’s a trans man in a trans flag t-shirt recommending his favorite brand of menstrual pads to a puffy inflatable robot in the new Disney+ series Baymax.

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