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2 years ago
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Posted by11 hours ago
Wholesome (Pro)Helpful6Wholesome4All-Seeing UpvoteStarstruck

I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to comment and respond. I took about a week to mull things over and ultimately, I told him we should break up.

Our views are too incompatible, I feel like we are living separate lives at the moment, and I don’t feel like either one of us respects the other.

He doesn’t understand why I’m upset over him wanting me to be athletic and friendly to him. I’m not fat. I weigh 130 pounds and I feel like I’m nice to people who are nice to me. I just don’t enjoy working out nor do I enjoy being around people who I feel are disrespectful to me.

He then started talking about abortion and how I’m okay with murder and don’t believe in science or facts because I believe a woman should get to make the choice, regardless of how far along she is.

He told me I can never come back to him.

I’m scared. I’m alone for the first time in almost 8 years. I’m about to be 29 and I can’t stop thinking of him telling me I’m going to die alone because of my attitude. No kids to speak of and no real plan in place.

Wish me luck. I’m probably going to need it.

Posted by5 hours ago

I heard this on a conservative news channel. Perhaps they thought people would just gloss over this, but my ears certainly pricked up. We know that over 60%+ people agree with abortion, at the VERY least with rape/incest and up to 12 weeks. Even my friends who are conservative ALL believe in abortion up to 12 weeks and definitely with rape and incest. I'm in Texas, so we are all screwed here.


Did anyone else hear this.

Posted by4 hours ago
SilverAllyAll-Seeing Upvote

Vote YES on H.R. 3755 - URGENT

Heyo there's a bill (passed in the House and going to the Senate) that's better than Roe v. Wade. It's called the Women's Health Protection Act. They're voting on Friday. Now's the time to flood your Senator's emails and voicemails.

  • Phone numbers and contact forms are available on each state's page or on your senator's website

  • A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can also connect you directly with the Senate office (202) 224-3121

I said something like this:

As a woman who would rather die than get pregnant (and I’d rather not die) I ask you vote YES on H.R. 3755

Everyone deserves the right to decide when and whether to start a family, no matter where they live or what they believe

As your constituent, I urge you to vote YES on the Women’s Health Protection Act

Posted by18 hours ago

News article here.

My blood turned to ice while reading this. I’m nauseous at the idea that slowly but surely, not only does the overturning of Roe v Wade threaten the very health and existence of people with uteruses in the United States, but also that it is bringing to light how so many people were never on our side to begin with. They just now feel safer about coming forward and admitting that in their view, we’ve been walking incubators all along.

I am so angry and so scared, just like every single one of you. I’m simply seething with fury and I wish I was stronger to do something about it and protect others.

Posted by
13 hours ago
Posted by15 hours ago

I hope this is allowed in this sub - I just need a space with people who might be able to relate.

This is the umpteenth time. I lead a project. I carry it from beginning to end. A lot of the underlying ideas and code are mine.

But somehow, somehow, a man on the team comes out as the overachiever. Somehow he’s the expert?

I don’t want to give too many details for the sake of anonymity. I’m the one they go to when they have questions -but today in the meeting they conveniently forget to mention my name when it’s time to elect someone to present?

I used to ask myself if it was me. I sought feedback. I upskilled -and these days, my reviews are sparkling. I present well, I lead well, I communicate well, I’m leadership potential apparently.

But you’ve all forgotten my name all of a sudden?!

I shouldn’t be so angry. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before -and realistically, at least this time I KNOW it wasn’t something I did. And yet, that makes me feel even worse.

Oh, can I also say that this guy has zero corporate decorum. But senior leaders have applauded him for it -for being a breath of fresh fucking air.

I have a colleague (female) who is essentially the same -but apparently she is difficult.

I’m so sick of this bull shit boys club. Gender equality my ass


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Created Jul 16, 2009

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