
A baby's first breath. by esberat in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]garandx 5827 points5828 points 2 (0 children)

Before we get on with popping the amniotic sack this baby has been brought to you by





A baby's first breath. by esberat in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]Forevernevermore 135 points136 points  (0 children)


When the sack is broken, Baby monkey brain screams, "OMG, idk what's happening but pop ALL OF YOUR OH SHIT ABILITIES NOW!" Baby then smashes every cooldown they have and starts face-tanking the world while the healers keep interrupting his shout ability. Finally, the baby gets a "cleanse" cast on it and swaps with mommy main tank so he can eat, get some buffs, and reset his cooldowns. Baby then continues to face-tank and pull all the adds before main tank is ready for the next 18 'ish year's until they're ready to start running 5-mans and eventually raids.

A baby's first breath. by esberat in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]just_a_person_maybe 313 points314 points  (0 children)

5 seconds old and already fucking up.

A baby's first breath. by esberat in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]TheMurderMitten 4087 points4088 points  (0 children)

Like every morning when the alarm clock goes off.

A baby's first breath. by esberat in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]fortcouch 3942 points3943 points 22& 3 more (0 children)

That was a nice hiss. Alright, let's get this set up on the tray.

Putting a period pain simulator on a cowboy by PlenitudeOpulence in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]Speedy_Cheese 1628 points1629 points 23 (0 children)

I heard a woman with endometriosis describe the pain as being "like barbed wire squeezing around your uterus."

As a woman with endometriosis myself, holy accurate. People told me cramps were "normal", but this just couldn't be normal for anyone.

There'd be days where just the act of trying to get up out of bed made me incredibly faint and ill. I'd nearly (or completely) pass out from pain and weakness.

But you'd still have to go to work like it and earn your paycheck.

It was misery every month for years. Decades of my life like that since I was 13 years old. I just harassed health care professionals, exhausted and desperate, insisting it wasn't just "normal cramps". Hounding them for more tests, more resources, any answers. I got the run around for years.

For endo treatment, the gyno recommended a hormonal IUD be implanted which has helped immensely with the symptoms and especially the cramps. It took me 21 years to get a diagnosis.

One in ten women have it, yet women's health is so woefully underfunded or understood. So few of us get validated with a formal diagnosis. We are told "the cramps you are having are normal, you just have to live with it." If it doesn't feel right, it isn't. It shouldn't be debilitating to the point that you can't live your life.

Also, access to IUDs and laproscopy procedures are vital in the treatment of endometriosis. Endo does not go away on its own, and untreated it can (and often does) worsen and spread to other parts of the body. My gyno told me about a patient of hers who found endo tissue in her lungs that caused her to cough blood during monthly period cycles (thoracic endometriosis). Things most people don't even know exist.

It is a serious condition, and quite common (1 in 10 women). Untreated, it can wreak havoc and cause a great deal of pain. It is also a condition that can render pregnancies dangerous and/or fatal. It is very difficult and invasive to get an official endo diagnosis; furthermore, forcing a woman to have a baby with endo could potentially prove fatal to her, the baby, or both.

Women's reproductive rights are imperative in understanding and treating conditions like endometriosis. It's why it is so important to understand women's health and educate instead of trying to systematically oppress and restrict access to it.

Never Expected Someone To Go This Hard On A Truck Simulator Set-Up by SoberClassZorroInterested in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]Old_and_tired 25 points26 points  (0 children)

There are many different types of truck driving. All of which have their pros and cons. You specifically stated long haul trucking. So let's go with that. Where to begin.... You cannot park your truck just anywhere, so often bathroom breaks become an issue. You often need to be creative in how you get your restroom breaks, imagine driving 60MPH down the road while peeing in a bottle.

There are lots of scary people you will meet on your travels, many of which are trying to scam you or rob you. You need to always be on the defensive.

The only company you have is the people on the CB radio and they are annoying as fuck. I could not tolerate them so I kept my CB radio off ALMOST always, the only time I turned it on was when traffic was backed up and I needed to know which lane I should be in to get through it.

Low pay.

Imagine being home for a few days every month. This is probably the worst thing. So let's say you're dating. Well, now you're not. Because who in their right mind wants to date someone who is only home a few days a month?

You could just sell pretty much everything you own and just live in the truck, to save on apartment costs. But that is a bit drastic, so you maintain an apartment that you never get to enjoy.

Showering is a whole other thing. You show up at a truck stop and you buy a ticket for a shower and you often need to wait a long time for your ticket to get announced. ANY time the wheels aren't spinning, you're not making money. So you often skip showers and get all nasty. Doesn't matter anyways, not like you have anyone to impress, or talk to.

I could go an and on, about how you often get loaded incorrectly and your weights are off and you need to fix it. Or when shit breaks down. Or the inclement weather you MUST drive in. Or the idiots on the road. Or the low bridges. Or the whole SCIENCE of passing other trucks and different gradients and load weights..etc...

Why Shaq turned down being on the cover of a Wheaties box, twice by PeecockPrince in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]Valfourin 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Then you mustn’t live somewhere with an ingrained and perpetually peddled culture of gambling.

I do. It’s awful, every sports event is littered with gambling ads, every radio station, television show, YouTube ads, etc.

Here in Australia 60-80percent of adolescents have admitted to gambling, proper gambling with these apps, esports gambling etc. Australians lose $25billion a year from gambling, it also creates a social cost of at least $4.9billion a year. If America gambled at the rate we do, Americans would lose $350billion a year from gambling.

It’s toxic and totally intertwined with our culture, currently the first generation of children are growing up who believe sports is intrinsically combined with gambling.

Nothing good comes from gambling, if you ever get the opportunity to have your say on whether gambling is more accessible you should say no.