
Definitely guilty by ShadowCotton in TheStaircase

[–]ShadowCotton[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Look, I’ve just watched some vids. I’m far from a detective but wasn’t a big part of the suspicion due to the fact that the injuries were unusually severe for someone who had fallen down the stairs. The defence actually claimed that she fell while going up them. And okay, the same types of wounds. The same place, the same shape, the same number and on women who were both found at the bottom of a staircase after hanging out with old mate, Michael. Michael must be the most unlucky fella in the world. My theory is that he beat these woman to death with his bare hands and then slammed their head against the edges of the staircase. Explains why there is no cast off blood pattern or murder weapon found and why both women had such similar wounds. Well, to be honest, that isn’t my theory, I’m just regurgitating what a specialist said on a video I watched.

Definitely guilty by ShadowCotton in TheStaircase

[–]ShadowCotton[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

They found out that Michael hadn’t made a cent in 2 years. But also come on… he was the last person to see that woman in Germany before she died too. She had the same wounds!

Anyone still undecided about his guilt after all these years? by DarthCorleone in TheStaircase

[–]ShadowCotton 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Definitely guilty. That there was an almost identical incident in which he was also the last person to see that person alive. That he said they sitting around the pool in the early ours of the morning even though he was in shorts and a shirt and it was extremely cold outside. That they found Red neurons in Kathleen’s brain. That there was proven infidelity. That there was a financial motive - he was poised to receive a 1 million dollar pay out if her death was ruled an accident. That he deleted 216 files off his computer the night before. The wording used in 911 call. The fact that it was at 230 in the morning and when police arrived a lot of the blood was dry. It blows my mind that people can think otherwise.

Suspect has the chippy by ShadowCotton in funny

[–]ShadowCotton[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Gday guys, if you’re keen to see any more of my vids, you can find my them here - link tree cheers!