
Former neo-Nazi removes racist tattoos after making an unlikely friendship by EzioKenway977 in nextfuckinglevel

[–]Unfortunate_Grenade 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Dont get me wrong here, I hate white nationalism and that nazis have infested the US and half the voters essentially. So I'm not trying to defend them, but if I try to understand them as they would never do for us, I come to some conclusions.

I bet a good amount are just indoctrinated as kids by family who were also indoctrinated. The people who actually acted on their racism in a major way were literal slavers. As you say there is no reason to think anything about race other than that it is a technical difference and nothing else, we are all equal and human at heart. So the people who have real reasons to be as racist as those people are long gone. Not good reasons mind you, pure evil reasons, but reasons nonetheless. The people of todays world have no reason to think other races are bad, they are just caught in a cycle of hate perpetuating without evidence, in fact often in spite of evidence. As shown by the fact that there are so many people in the world that show their compassion to all others regardless of anything about them.

Some feel alone in the world, be it because of lack of romance, friends, or family. Sometimes from childhood all the way to adulthood. They find a group and a family in this shit. Because the only entrance fee is something they have, and its easy to get in. No effort, instant family and friends. Then there are the prisons, which as some have said, and is pictured in this video, is where you will find groups of neo nazis. Again the barrier for entry is easy, youre already white, want to be safe? Now I am sure there are some truly evil people in the racist movements we see all over the world. I am also sure however there are some innocent people who never really were given a choice in the matter.

Like the guy in the video, its possible to find your way out of such darkness, but it is not easy. Not that I want to go hug nazis, but it is important to our humanity to try to remember compassion, when it can matter. This woman in the video was exactly who the man hated, she didn't need to help him turn his life around, but she did, because of compassion. We are so often shown that they are pure evil, and the things they fight for and stand for are certainly evil. Yet as I think about it, I see them more as trapped in a dark place filled with nothing but hate, deserving of compassion. That of course being the people who have the ability to change, like I said there are definitely evil bastards. Even as I think about it now I can picture plenty of middle class families that are doing just fine and makes me forget about compassion, but thats not who I am talking about when I talk about compassion.

The kids in those families will definitely be indoctrinated for sure but the chances they often get to escape are many, school, college, just these alone will expose them to many other types of people and has a high chance to help them out of it. Many definitely do, unlike their parents who failed to escape the cycle. Who I truly worry for are the poor.

The kids in families in the country in the middle of nowhere. The families who are small and cant afford much. The people like my mother, She grew up with an alcoholic abusive father, an abusive brother, and two other siblings along with their mother. The father going to the lengths of drinking rubbing alcohol to get drunk, beating all of them, horrible stuff that I am not going into. despite all that she never held hate in her heart and raised me to treat everyone equally.

They latch onto religion as a way to grow their circle and know the people around them. This is a perfect place to fall prey to things like the KKK and truly vile kinds of people. Where it becomes violent and people start getting hurt. Like the Proud Boys. I hate that these groups exist, because I know there is no place for this in the world we live in. We are so advanced compared to when this actually had a place in our society. A dark and horrible place obviously.

This doesnt speak for every racist but thats not what the video the post shows is doing either. It shows that some people are able to come back from the brink, and thats what I hope to see happen more. We have the greatest power to do this, compassion. Plenty of those monsters dont deserve compassion, and I don't know that I'd ever be able to do it myself, but I am grateful there are people like her out there. Maybe I will get a chance one day, if I do I want to imagine that I could be able to help someone back like that, wouldnt you?

Former neo-Nazi removes racist tattoos after making an unlikely friendship by EzioKenway977 in nextfuckinglevel

[–]LoopyChew 169 points170 points  (0 children)

Okay, stick with me through the next sentence, because I’m going somewhere with it: do you remember the end of Ratatouille, where the critic realizes that the words “anyone can cook” doesn’t mean it’s something everyone in the world can do but rather sometimes the finest chefs can come from the most unexpected places?

Think like that. Maybe not 100% of them can be rehabilitated, particularly if they aren’t seeking change. Heck, not even all seeking change may be able to complete it. But even a few of them changing their perspective and taking that hate out of their lives will have ripple effects down the line.

She have the luckiest boyfriend. Every man's dream girl has spoken. by ultra_climber in nextfuckinglevel

[–]intensely_human 1294 points1295 points  (0 children)

She’s realizing it before she even goes to college. That’s an incredible level of social awareness for a young person, especially considering the constant propaganda trying to convince her of the opposite.