
OOP asks AITA for not wanting to lie about having a baby with a lesbian? by c0ff33c0ff33c0ff33please sir, can I have some more? in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]SnooWords4839 42 points43 points  (0 children)

I love how the kid thought they broke up because she was vegan, and it's not a big deal to him to have to deal with bigots.

Husband (32M) and his friends have a nickname for me (35F) in their group chat, he won't tell me what it means. by CrossroadsPoster in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]devperez 3361 points3362 points  (0 children)

I can't even imagine disrespecting my partner like that. Let alone telling people and joking about it. Wtf is wrong with people

OP and pregnant wife fight over rehoming cat by gobjuice in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]Low-Jellyfish1621 1884 points1885 points  (0 children)

Poor OOP. My husband had a dog he’d raised from a tiny puppy when I met him 13 years ago. Damned thing was a demon and hated me. It was mutual. By the time we had my son, the dog was 12 or 13 and as much as we disliked each other, we coexisted. He finally had to be put down about 2 years ago because he couldn’t hardly stand anymore or eat on his own. His quality of life had just rapidly gone down.

I sobbed like a baby.

TIFU by giving my gf money to surprise my boys + updates by phantx9912 in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]gooder_name 39 points40 points  (0 children)

I think you’re downplaying how hard it would be for someone like OP to find someone given his circumstances. The ex is clearly manipulative and saw him as a mark from early on, but for him it might have been someone interested when nobody else wants to date someone with responsibilities as complex as his. I don’t think it’s just thinking with your pants, it’s thinking you’ve got a chance at happiness and someone to emotionally share a challenging situation with.

With the awful things people say in general it would be easy to almost think it’s normal, and if the ex is as manipulative as it seems he’ll never get space to confront her.

I’ve no doubt that someone like this would weasel their way into his house to scam him for more money and not pay rent any more. It’s only once you cut them off they reveal their true character.

OOP made a mistake, a big one sure but he just thought he could trust someone, don’t forget he’s also a victim here.

OP blows up his marriage after reading too many paternity fraud stories online by theskyhurts in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]JustHereForCookies17 1498 points1499 points 23& 2 more (0 children)

Projecting so hard that Gotham's going to hire him if that Bat Signal ever goes out.

JNOMIL poster actually heeds the signs and leaves for once. by imnotanevilwitch in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]jianantonic 81 points82 points  (0 children)

I have been the one with severe untreated mental illness (been properly medicated for 12+ years now though) and it doesn't look how most people expect. I wasn't having hallucinations or screaming from street corners that I was the messiah. I was and am very logical, thoughtful, and intelligent. I passed for neurotypical and I sounded like I made perfect sense. But I still operated in this alternate reality. I would get very upset over things that don't/shouldn't matter, and when my partner couldn't empathize with me (because it didn't make sense), I'd get so angry at him for not getting it. It had to be willful ignorance because it was so clear to me. I could argue my case and win more often than not, but that winning wasn't legit. I was unknowingly gaslighting him into oblivion. From my perspective, I made perfect sense. It wasn't until I had a mental breakdown and got medications that I realized I'd been operating under a false reality. It didn't feel like psychosis because I wasn't seeing things other people didn't see, or behaving in any particularly concerning ways; logic was just different in my mind. Once I got treatment, I began to see how broken my previous reality was. I was incredibly wrong and incredibly manipulative without realizing either. I'm ashamed of how I treated people back then. I really had no idea how difficult it was to be close to me.

I'm much better now and will continue talk therapy and prescription meds for the rest of my life. I know I'm lucky that my treatment works well.

TL/DR: not all mental illness is obvious, even if it's severe.

JNOMIL poster actually heeds the signs and leaves for once. by imnotanevilwitch in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]Legallyfit 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I also related to her update a lot. Feel free to DM me.

In my case it turned out that my now-ex husband was hiding an opiate addiction from me (he also had psych issues but the opiates were the main driver).

It took me a long time to figure it out, but it explained why he seemed to be two different people sometimes and why I seemed to be the only one recognizing that. Sometimes he was this sweet, goofy, chill guy - the guy I had dated and married - turns out that’s when he had access to drugs and was high. Other times he was irritable, full of rage, slamming doors and punching walls and screaming at me - turned out that was when he didn’t have drugs and was going through painful withdrawals.

I wasted a decade of my life in this dynamic and I regret that I did not leave sooner. I thought I was helping him by staying with him, trying to support him in reducing and eliminating his use (after I found out). I mean marriage is a vow to stay in sickness and health right? And opioid use disorder is a sickness. It’s actually a recognized disability under the ADA now. So what monster would leave her husband while he’s in the middle of a crisis like that? Never mind that not only were my needs not being met, but I was dealing with behavior from him like, him talking about how he wouldn’t be able to live if I left him at the same time he was cleaning his firearms. But no matter what I did to try and support him in getting clean, his behavior and addiction just got worse.

It finally got so bad that I asked him to move out to his parents house for us to have a temporary separation. When he was gone and I didn’t have to constantly worry about his safety and my safety, I felt a lightness of being that I cannot begin to describe. I quickly realized that he was never going to be able to do the level of therapy we would need to actually repair it. We spent about a year living apart doing regular couples therapy before I asked for a divorce though, just to be sure and to try to genuinely give him a chance to repair the relationship. He started an outpatient rehab program after a short inpatient stay, but he often showed up to counseling appearing to be under the influence (swaying while standing in place, slurred speech) such that we never really made headway.

It always felt like we were speaking a different language, almost, when we tried to talk about our feelings. I’m currently about a year and a half into a new relationship with amazing communication and I cannot even begin to describe how different it feels. I feel supported and part of a team. We literally have never had a fight because when we do disagree on something or one of us has hurt feelings over something, we talk about it as a team and try to work through the issue as a problem we are facing together, as a team. And frankly those moments have been super rare.

We practice something we call “radical honesty” where we make sure to be super duper clear what our feelings and expectations are for the relationship. This can lead to some conversations that sometimes feel so odd, but at the same time, so amazing and bonding. Like we talked for hours leading up to our first Valentine’s Day about what the holiday meant to us, what our expectations were for a partner in a relationship around the holiday. It was almost weird in a way but at the same time, that was the first Valentine’s Day that I wasn’t stressed about how it was going to go down, and could just enjoy it with my partner knowing exactly how we feel about it.

With him, every day I want to share my day with life him and discuss things. The relationship isn’t this “thing” I have to manage that adds stress to my life, it’s a space for me to retreat to to feel safe and protected from the world. My relationship with my ex was opposite - it was a source of stress, and in retrospect, I never truly felt emotionally safe with him because like many addicts, he used manipulation and subtle put downs to get me to do what he wanted and to distract me from his drug use.

I regret not leaving my marriage sooner, but at the same time, I don’t know if I would have met my current partner if I had because the timing would not have been right (he was also leaving a marriage around the same time I was).

You are welcome to DM me to chat more, I’m happy to talk you through it. One thing I’d suggest is to take a trial break, even a short one for a week or two, and reconnect with yourself and see how you feel. This may not be practical but if you can swing it it might be something to try. You don’t have to even ask for a trial separation officially - say it’s a girls trip or guys trip (depending on your gender) or family thing that would be boring for him, and then see if you can crash at someone else’s house for a while or a hotel/Airbnb and just be on your own. I think if I had been able to do something like that sooner, I might have realized how bad things had gotten faster. But it may not be logistically possible.

You deserve to be happy and to have your own needs met in a relationship. A relationship should not be a project that adds to your overall stress in life, it should be a source of joy that revitalizes your soul. You deserve that.

OOP Has THE Roommates From HELL by joshuallyHobbies Include Scouring Reddit for BORU Content in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]ItsMeishi 4058 points4059 points  (0 children)

I have never craved a revenge update as much as after reading this.

What the actual fuck.

OP: AITA for taking the wrong kitten on purpose? by bestupdator in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]Thats_So_Shifty 6860 points6861 points  (0 children)

Guarantee she never contacted the seller. She’s just trying to save face.

OP: AITA for taking the wrong kitten on purpose? by bestupdator in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]wigglycritic 593 points594 points  (0 children)

Kinda super unrelated but more wholesome.

Black cat chose us and started screaming for food everyday.

Try to make her love us.

It works.

Take her to the vet, she is a boy.

He just has a very small penis.

It took months to remind ourselves Laurie is Laurant now.

He is a special precious boy.

Pressuring me for a bite of cake

Thanks for all the compliments! He knows he is cute and uses it to try manipulate us into giving him snacks and snuggles. Not that he needs to ask.

OOP asks AITA for admitting to my daughter that I hate what she changed her name to? by BludgeonBudgie in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]throwRA1a2b3c4d1 12.0k points12.0k points  (0 children)

Who else thinks the daughter may be in contact with MIL. This is just outright mean. Being spoiled doesn’t automatically make you mean in my opinion. This sucks.

OP is getting bullied at work… with a twist? by xo-laur in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]heseme 4267 points4268 points 443 (0 children)

She was assigned smart at birth, but she transitioned.

OP Asks If He's The Asshole For Hooking Up With His New SIL's Brother (June 15, '22) by KittenDealinMama in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]UselessTrident 156 points157 points  (0 children)

It is. My SIL is the exact same way and has treated my younger brother(who's gay) like complete shit for almost 10 years now. She's a hateful, racist, bigot and her family is much the same. My oldest brother who is married to this human garbage has slowly been sucked into their little small town bubble and convinced of this way of thinking though he is not as hateful. Unfortunately, he has always been a coward and our parents would both be ashamed of him if they were still alive.

A lot of my extended family is from that same area and take their side. The whole culture is backwards as fuck. I have so many great memories tied to that place growing up that are now tainted because of how horrible this "family" turned out to be. It sucks to watch things you considered concrete erode away. To see people who preach love, jesus and whatever other bullshit be so quick to ridicule, ostracize and condemn their own family. They sit, enshrined in their sanctimony, causing pain their whole lives and then play victim when you dare be offended.

OP wonders if they're the AH for not giving their SO the code to their safe. by ThrowawayFaye818 in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]waimser 193 points194 points  (0 children)

Fuck yea. Im disabled to the point in only out of bed a few hourns a day. May partner brings in the money and owns the house etc. You bet your arse its my mission in life to make coming home from work the best part of her day. I keep lists of shit i want to do to make her life easier/happier, and work at ticking them off whenever i can.

We arent rich, but goddamn we are happy.

OOP's son is born at 33 weeks during quarantine by borubot in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]HotCocoaBomb 269 points270 points 2 (0 children)

I am very glad for OOP.

Now for the not so fun part - I'm gonna throw a lot of shade on future stories like this and many of y'all are gonna hate it, but it's extremely important to think about this directly after a good outcome so you understand fully what is at stake.

When a baby is removed prematurely from the womb, that is medically known as therapeutic abortion. Whether the baby is capable of surviving outside the womb or not is a separate issue and does not fall under 'abortion' (in OOP's case, it's general NICU treatment), the medical procedure of removing the baby either via c-section or inducing birth via medication is therapeutic abortion. The drug used to induce birth at 40 weeks is the same drug used to induce birth at 15 weeks, or 20, or 33. If the baby can survive comfortably post-abortion, great, that is the desired outcome of wanted pregnancies (which are the vast majority of pregnancies that reach the 3rd trimester like OOP's.) Tragically that is not always the outcome but has to be done to avoid further complication (like the dead fetus rotting inside the womb.)

For layman jargon purposes, "abortion" or "termination" is used for the times when the therapeutic abortion will result in the death of the fetus - hopeful parents don't want to hear something so potentially alarming and with tragic implications for a child they're trying to keep alive post-birth. But the medical term is abortion.

It's like how my operation was billed as "ovarian cancer prevention" instead of "voluntarily sterilization." Insurance likes the former terms, the latter term is what I was aiming for. The name of the procedure for both is bilateral salpingectomy. Bisalps prevent pregnancy, they also prevent or greatly reduce risk of cancer. For those with a family history of ovarian cancer, it's the other way around - bisalps saves them from the cancer, comes with the bonus/consequence (depending on life wishes) of preventing pregnancy. Doesn't matter the intended outcome, the procedure is the same.

With the blanket ban on abortion, future stories like OOP will not end happy because a blanket ban on therapeutic abortion is a blanket ban on inducing early birth. A future story like OOP's will not end with a living mother and maybe not even a living baby. We have an extremely low number of reported pregnancy-related deaths thanks to therapeutic abortion that treats anything from ectopic pregnancies (est. 100k pregnancies per year) to missed miscarriages, to early birth for pre-eclampsia. That will change with abortions bans. Many women will die. Many people will lose a spouse, many children will lose a mother, many children will not even be born because the woman died instead of living to try again.

A Cake Eater discovers that his wife has also been eating cake by enaikelt in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]DollhouseFire 225 points226 points  (0 children)

As someone who was betrayed by a longtime partner i wish i could crush this post up and snort lines of it. Truly shit like this is my lil party drug. OP got exactly what was coming to him.

OPs family demands he lend his camper to his sister. Reddit and OP embarrass them into backing off. by wormhole222 in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]brackenbu 21 points22 points  (0 children)

I actually find this slightly sad. His sister is in a pretty bad situation; her son, husband and herself are staying in one room. Her teenage son is sharing a room with his parents. OOP also stated that they're trying so hard to get back on their feet, I don't understand why OP wouldn't want to help his family? He's using the fact that he uses it for holidays.... holidays are worth more than your family, is it?

There are plenty other options here. Like, keeping the camper van at his own home and allowing his nephew to stay in it there. 2nd, allow them to take it to theirs, sign a contract stating it's temporary and all the legalities of it then also do weekly checks. Unsure how OP is certain his nephew will "destroy" it as his nephews been staying in a room with his parents in their friends house.... if he was destructive and ruining their house, they or he wouldn't be living there anymore.

I just can't imagine my family falling on hard times like this, especially when a child is involved let alone a child that was family to me, and not helping them. He thinks he's justified because he's offered a tent? He literally wants his nephew to sleep in a tent? OOP is comfortable, not saying he should just hand it over but there are a million differ by options they could talk through instead of OOP getting one tent idea in his head and demanding they go with it.