
What do you genuinely not understand? by lliorca336 in AskReddit

[–]rmrf199 188 points189 points  (0 children)

Everyone here should check out https://www.learncpp.com/

It's a fantastic free online text book. I've been programming in C++ for many years and still reference it occasionally

What’s one thing your partner doesn’t know? by alvl70charizard in AskReddit

[–]Buttonwillow 4151 points4152 points  (0 children)

He knows because I tell him a lot, but I don’t think he fully understands how much I love and rely on him. I don’t think he could know without being in my head, but I have pretty acute anxiety. I know enough about my anxiety to know when I’m freaking out over nothing, so I try to keep it mostly contained to my own brain and keep the external freak outs to a minimum. Just his presence keeps me grounded and calm. He is my best friend and I don’t know if I could have accomplished most of what I have without him.

What are some of the first signs a movie is going to suck? by TimeMachineToaster in AskReddit

[–]BeeCJohnson 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I feel like "shit lighting" is the visual equivalent of mumble core dialogue.

Like, suddenly I can't fucking see anything in movies anymore. Even huge franchise movies. Everything is this flat, fuzzy gray where it looks like the camera is straining to see anything.

I used to be a lighting guy in live theatre, and it just drives me up the fucking wall.

All of the night scenes in Obi Wan for instance looked like they were lit by a grip holding a kitchen trash bag full of fireflies twenty feet from the actors.

According to you, who is the sexiest human to ever live? by Immediate-Salary-736 in AskReddit

[–]Schneetmacher 43 points44 points  (0 children)

How tf did I have to scroll so damn far to find a single mention of David Bowie‽

Edit: wow, thanks for the gold!

What is the worst name you've ever heard? by Iron8te in AskReddit

[–]iTeoti 208 points209 points  (0 children)


The world would be 100x better without this, what is it? by Sp3csLM in AskReddit

[–]Uberbobo7 -18 points-17 points  (0 children)

It teaches people to believe things based on no evidence.

Literally no major religion does that. They in fact have literal mountains of material dedicated to explaining based on what one should believe their religion.

Be it historical evidence that the Buddha or Jesus or Muhammad existed, or the continued survival of the Jewish people, or the uninterrupted line of Japanese emperors or reincarnation cycle of Lamas, or the literary evidence in the form of the Veda, Bible or the Confucian Analects, most religions rely on historical people or records as being direct witnesses or evidence of the existence of their respective god.

On top of this, all major religions have extremely complex theological arguments that have been developed through centuries of refinement, which would all be entirely unnecessary if they were based on "teaching people to believe things based on no evidence".

There's a big difference between you agreeing with the veracity of their evidence or the conclusions they drew from it, and them not using any evidence at all.

which food item do you continue to hate even as an adult? by ohwowwhatfun in AskReddit

[–]Fleaslayer 90 points91 points 2 (0 children)

She was such an amazing mom and person. I gave a eulogy at her funeral, and afterwords the number of people who needed to tell me how great she was was stunning. A lot of them told stories that none of us knew about, like the guy who said his wife got really sick and my mom cooked a full dinner for him and his kids and brought it to them every night for more than a week. So many stories like that.

What is something people brag about but actually no one gives a fuck? by RealTourelle11 in AskReddit

[–]Knallbob 1241 points1242 points  (0 children)

That i beat Malenia in my 7th try on level 100 in my first run. Nobody seems to care.