
Why do men think THEIR sperm is OUR problem? by scubagirl44 in TwoXChromosomes

[–]scubagirl44[S] 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Mitral valve regurgitation. I already have shortness of breath and tiredness from it. Theres no way I could handle the stress of pregnancy on top of that.

Why do men think THEIR sperm is OUR problem? by scubagirl44 in TwoXChromosomes

[–]scubagirl44[S] 1290 points1291 points  (0 children)

Late 40's. We are young enough that getting pregnant is still a possibility but too old to want to try to have children.

Why do men think THEIR sperm is OUR problem? by scubagirl44 in TwoXChromosomes

[–]scubagirl44[S] 178 points179 points  (0 children)

He's already had an "accident" kid and we are both middle aged. If I can have two IUD procedures for him I dont think a vasectomy is unreasonable.

Why do men think THEIR sperm is OUR problem? by scubagirl44 in TwoXChromosomes

[–]scubagirl44[S] 1548 points1549 points  (0 children)

Its making me see having a relationship in a different light. I dont need a man for income or happiness. Sex and companionship is nice but now sex can kill me and I have a dog for company. Will other women start feeling this way too? If you dont want children or marriage are men worth it?

Update: Help finding a replacement for our pup’s favourite toy! by xo-laur in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]scubagirl44 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Lol! I would send my daughters favorites to the "cleaners". The new replacement set would be in the mailbox she got home. I still have the worn out ones saved and one new set for when she has a child. Definitely stock up when you realize your child has a toy they love that much.

What screams entitlement in a woman? by No-Cardiologist-6147 in AskMen

[–]scubagirl44 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I say it all the time. When you dont care what someone is doing but they may not have realized something. As in "did you want to grab a jacket? Im just saying its going to be in the 30s tonight." A fact I would want to know but not sure if they considered it. Not sure how this is tearing someone down.

Whats the worst horror film you've ever watched? by godonlyknows1101 in horror

[–]scubagirl44 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The history that haunts us. So incredibly bad that parts were entertaining. It was local so we watched it. So many parts made no sense. The editing was awful. We kept watching just to see how bad it was going to get.

Women who are good at sex get less sex because their partners finish faster by IwontplayDOTA in Showerthoughts

[–]scubagirl44 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The man's orgasm is not the finish line. Good sex is when both partners are satisfied.

Do auditors really have sexual relationships with each other like how it was portrayed in PBC? by iabyajyiv in Accounting

[–]scubagirl44 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Have you seen my coworkers? Its not happening. Headquarters had us take a sexual harassment class and nobody knew why they bothered.

My mother is dying by Sapphyrre in EstrangedAdultChild

[–]scubagirl44 2 points3 points  (0 children)

When my father died I ugly cried for days. I had been estranged for 10 years and felt nothing when my mother died. My father was just as abusive as my mother if not worse. I thnk most of the grief was mourning the relationship we did not have. I always feel the hole where a loving parental relationship should have been. Right now you can see and take care of your mother. You can be the mother she wasnt to you. She cant abuse you now. However you feel about that and what you do right now is up to you. Whatever you feel or do is valid and right. Take care of her or walk away. After she passess it will get better and that part of your life will be over. After I greived I felt a weight lift. They could never hurt me again and I was free to live my life without feeling like they could somehow drag me back to living like that.

Going to my first Mardi Gras ball this year. My date is black. According to my grandma they won’t let’s us in. Is this true? I already bought her a dress. by papadaddio69 in MobileAL

[–]scubagirl44 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Ive seen mixed couples and black couples at all of the balls I have arrended. You will definitely be in the minority but you will not be turned away. I assume the same would be true at the black organizations balls. Having segregrated organizations leads to having more guests of the same race. I think its this reason more than the race disparities being due to racism.

What is one sex education fail you’ve heard/experienced? (I.E. the person wasn’t taught sex ed, or the quality of said education wasn’t good, etc.) by wilson-volleyball77 in AskWomen

[–]scubagirl44 10 points11 points  (0 children)

My ex boyfriend asked me how women astronauts got their period in space since it was tied to the lunar cycle. He thought it was like the tides. That they wouldn't be able to have one because the moon was in a diffrent location? The man had a masters degree.

What is a basic skill that you grew up thinking everyone had until you saw others do it so horribly? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]scubagirl44 2670 points2671 points  (0 children)

Reading a map. I grew up traveling long before computers. I've handed several adults paper maps while driving and they didn't even know how to find where we were. I guess it isn't a skill you need anymore though.

What’s a trend that you’re glad died out? by Silent_Screamer17 in AskWomen

[–]scubagirl44 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Live, laugh love. Please tell me that's over. Why do homes need signs everywhere? Do we not know what to do? Or what room we are in?

What's a quirk about your house/living situation that you always have to explain to guests? by Seataxi in AskWomen

[–]scubagirl44 74 points75 points  (0 children)

My daughter does that to go to sleep! Sharing a bed is like trying to sleep on a train. She shakes the whole bed.

AITA for not donating my vacation hours to my coworker? by [deleted] in AmItheAsshole

[–]scubagirl44 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My job (US and gov job) has this. To be fair we get plenty of annual and sick leave. So HR will allow you to donate any to someone who needs it for a life threatening or catastrophic reason. It's all done through HR and is kept private except for announcing the employee has requested donated leave. Our leave expires past a certain amount and you would rather donate to someone who needs it. We do have fmla and unpaid protected leave.

Funerals cause problems. by throwitawaybarbara in EstrangedAdultChild

[–]scubagirl44 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Have your cousins made any other effort to be a part of your life? Or do they only miss you now that they want something from you? They didnt care about your absence until now. Your dad wants info and they are helping him out. Stay away and preserve yourself. Maybe go somewhere quiet and nice like a park or a beach and say your own goodbyes in private.

What did you buy because you saw it on social media and it turned out to be terrible? by kittyspacecadet in AskWomen

[–]scubagirl44 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It works great for taping boobs. Stays in place and doesn't hurt to remove. I usually put the bra on then use the tape to pull my boobs up a little higher and reinforce the side sticky tabs. You can also put some pads inside the bra for internal lift if you reinforce it with tape on the outside. Nude sweat proof kt tape works great.

Spending my birthday alone by Iridalken65 in DecidingToBeBetter

[–]scubagirl44 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Happy birthday! Your my birthday buddy you are not alone. Do some things to treat yourself today. Being alone kinda sucks but it gives you a chance to just do the things you want and buy yourself a present that you want. I'm going to a movie and ordered myself a present from Amazon.

What did you buy because you saw it on social media and it turned out to be terrible? by kittyspacecadet in AskWomen

[–]scubagirl44 45 points46 points  (0 children)

I use them for backless ballgown. They work to give you a base and a good shape to begin with then I go back over with kinesiology tape for holding power and to get exactly the position/shape I want. I dont think they have the power to hold bigger boobs for long alone but with tape help they are great.

Going to look at an apartment in a half hour, what do I do? by AbaDaba_Doo in internetparents

[–]scubagirl44 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Ask how much the rent will increase when renewing the lease. Especially if you are getting a discounted rate. You dont want to have to move if you are going to be priced out of the apt next year.