
Dashboard - IISS Myanmar Conflict Map by Skrachen in dataisbeautiful

[–]Skrachen[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)


Myanmar is currently in a civil war following the coup that happened on February 1st 2021. The controls on the lower left corner let you select a time period.

Using the date presets you can easily see the evolution of the situation. In Q1 and Q2 the nature of the violence was mostly armed clashes between the Tatmadaw (Myanmar's Army) and ethnic armed organisations in the Rakhine and Shan states (Rakhine was the state drawing international attention due to the Rohingya crisis). On Q3 the coup happened and the violence changes to mostly Army and police crackdowns on demonstrations. After Q4, armed clashes restart but all over the country, and remote explosives attacks as well as infrastructure destruction become more commonplace as most ethnic groups as well as the ousted elected government start fighting the Tatmadaw.

You can also see the violent events significantly decreased in Rakhine after the coup as a truce was passed between the Tatmadaw and the rebel Arakan Army.

Sri Lanka: Les manifestants viennent de prendre le contrôle de la résidence du président, qui a fui quelques minutes avant by Goypride in france

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ceux qui remplaceront le gouvernement ont intérêt a avoir un plan solide avant de se mettre a dos la Chine, s'ils comptent relever l'économie un jour

Sri Lanka: Les manifestants viennent de prendre le contrôle de la résidence du président, qui a fui quelques minutes avant by Goypride in france

[–]Skrachen 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Je connais pas bien la situation mais il me semble que le président était surtout occupé à se remplir les poches plutôt que d'essayer de résoudre le problème

Mariage multiple ou polyamoureux: pourquoi l'interdire ? by [deleted] in france

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh, une étude officielle d'un état turbo-religieux

Ah oui le gouvernement américain, connu pour diffuser de la propagande religieuse.

Plus sérieusement il y a un paquet d'autres études sur le sujet, et effectivement je me souviens d'avoir lu qu'au moins une partie des effets étaient identiques entre des couples mariés et des couples en concubinage mais stables, mais aussi que les couples mariés sont en général beaucoup plus stables.

Si ton point était qu'on peut s'aimer sans y mêler l'administration française on est d'accord, mais si c'est de dire que le mariage en général ne sert plus à rien, tu sautes aux conclusions un peu trop vite.

Mariage multiple ou polyamoureux: pourquoi l'interdire ? by [deleted] in france

[–]Skrachen -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Enfin bref on ne peut pas affirmer catégoriquement que la monogamie est apparue après l'agriculture, il vaut mieux lire l'article un peu plus en détail

Mariage multiple ou polyamoureux: pourquoi l'interdire ? by [deleted] in france

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Alors c'est la troisième fois de la semaine que je poste ce lien, mais le mariage c'est pas juste un truc religieux et c'est pas seulement une transaction financière, il y a un important effet positif sur la santé physique et mentale des familles, les résultats scolaires des enfants et leur statut social plus tard dans la vie


Mariage multiple ou polyamoureux: pourquoi l'interdire ? by [deleted] in france

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Le lien dit littéralement qu'on ne sait pas (et 20.000 ans c'est avant l'agriculture)

🔥Looks straight out of a Disney movie by SnooCupcakes8607 in NatureIsFuckingLit

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If I saw a Disney movie with such intense blue I would deem it too unsrealistic

Rejecting Passport Renewals by Shakety in myanmar

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is purely theoretical and doesn't apply to real life. Socialist revolutions have happened dozens of times, and every time they ended up in the people who rose to power becoming a corrupt elite. The only form of socialism that achieved something is social-democracy in scandinavian countries, and it came from democracy not a revolution

Recognition of 🇮🇱 and 🇵🇸 in Asia by ShafiLP in MapPorn

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The military junta in power buys weapons from Israel. I doubt it is linked with the rohingya genocide much, because the military mostly doesn't care about the outside world

PDF in Kayar using giant slingshots to shoot 40mm rounds. by Skrachen in CombatFootage

[–]Skrachen[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That's exactly what someone was saying on the original post: "western countries say they support our cause but there is no material support in sight".

But even this way they are gaining ground against the army, which gets heavy equipment from Russia and China.

PDF in Kayar using giant slingshots to shoot 40mm rounds. by Skrachen in CombatFootage

[–]Skrachen[S] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

They've been using drones to drop grenades on enemies, there was a video on this sub some time ago. Maybe they use some to help aiming with the slingshot

PDF in Kayar using giant slingshots to shoot 40mm rounds. by Skrachen in CombatFootage

[–]Skrachen[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I haven't heard of any trenches in the Myanmar conflict, I have no idea about the actual efficiency of this

Rejecting Passport Renewals by Shakety in myanmar

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't know why you would mention socialism. Ne Win wrote a socialist constitution and it was terrible.

Try to establish democracy first, worry about the level of economic planning later.

La France est l'un des pays européens les plus méfiants vis-à-vis des médias by Rerel in france

[–]Skrachen 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Je suppose que leurs médias sont tellement polarisés qu'ils savent qu'il ne faut pas leur faire confiance

EUROPE UNITE! by Tvrtko_Kotromanic_1 in polandball

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's hilarious. We all know Clément Ader invented the plane

Passenger railway network few year ago by JodePrate in MapPorn

[–]Skrachen 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Very densely populated areas are, by definition, the ones where most people live, hence why train travel is not rare.
In France I'd say train is the default mode of transportation for any trip under 1000km, so basically all domestic travel + some popular destinations abroad.

€ in both cases, leaving on August 1st. It seems the train gets much more expensive if you reserve in the last days, but not the planes for some reason.

Dream big, kids by greywolf_18 in YUROP

[–]Skrachen 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I don't know where you got that from, but popularity polls don't show much change on January 2014

It should be noted that he was already the least popular president of the history of the Vth Republic, so he didn't have much margin to go down anyway.

Dream big, kids by greywolf_18 in YUROP

[–]Skrachen 3 points4 points  (0 children)

He did cheat, on Valerie Trierweiler