
Found this thing in an old garage CD box, fun times inbound. by CrazyIronMyth in Doom

[–]Cubelock [score hidden]  (0 children)

Oh man I love Hexen 1 & 2.

Hopefully we will get a third game someday.
I believe Microsoft CEO Phil Spencer even named Hexen specifically as a game they want to revive now that they own the Bethesda IP's.

Where do you rank Doom 64 within the entire Doom series? by Cubelock in Doom

[–]Cubelock[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Even today, many people still think that Doom 64 or remake is a port of the OG Doom. It is however a completely new game + it's the bridge between Doom and Doom 2016.

Apex has become a chore for the average player to enjoy by dennisistired in apexlegends

[–]Cubelock 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Seems they have their (development) focus on the mobile game and possibly also on their new single player IP in the Apex universe.

Where do you rank Doom 64 within the entire Doom series? by Cubelock in Doom

[–]Cubelock[S] 19 points20 points  (0 children)

For me personally, Doom 64 is right up there with the OG Doom and Doom 2016.

It offers something unique with its atmosphere that none of the other games did. The sounds, the lighting and the visual design all come together as a scary and unsettling experience, even with the limits of the technology back in those days.

'Werkgevers benutten niet alle kansen op krappe arbeidsmarkt' by surpator in thenetherlands

[–]Cubelock [score hidden]  (0 children)

Imo word er ook veel te veel naar een diploma papiertje gekeken.

Dit is een groot probleem dat meestal volledig voortkomt uit HR afdelingen waar een paar mensen werken die geen idee hebben wat het bedrijf eigenlijk doet of nodig heeft aan kennis/ervaring. Die krijgen een vacature verzoek van het management en copy/pasten wat basic info vanuit vacatures van andere bedrijven en filteren vervolgens snoeihard op opleidingsniveau.

Werkgevers krijgen vaak de volle laag bij kritiek, maar imo zijn het vaak de HR afdelingen waar het misgaat.

4 matches in a row, with the same (awful) randoms in ranked by MadDog_8762 in apexlegends

[–]Cubelock 1 point2 points  (0 children)

In general, the quality of random players in Pubs seems to be worse than ever. I miss the early seasons (1-6ish) where I had a lot of good groups. Nowadays Im lucky if I get one good team all evening.

What riding mount would you like added in the DLC? by Sami209 in Eldenring

[–]Cubelock 52 points53 points  (0 children)

I want me some $2.50 horse armor, ES:Oblivion style

Hoe ga je om met glazenwassers? by miaomiaomiao in thenetherlands

[–]Cubelock 460 points461 points  (0 children)

Gewoon even dominantie tonen door te 'helicopteren' voor het raam.

Why have politics in the United States become more polarized? by Thom_Bryant in TooAfraidToAsk

[–]Cubelock 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Social media is a big reason for sure. Humanity was not ready for such a large scale form of communication (and manipulation).

Tiener zonder kaartje mishandelt conductrice en kan ov-verbod verwachten by utivich95 in thenetherlands

[–]Cubelock 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Ik zag conducteurs altijd de coupe scannen op bepaalde typen mensen en als ze in een groepje zaten, wat ze meestal doen, dan sloegen ze de coupe over en liepen ze direct door naar de volgende. Kan ik volledig inkomen, in alle eerlijkheid.

let there be blood shed by DYLAN1194 in Eldenring

[–]Cubelock 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That's not a shed, that's clearly a tower