
Grill’d receives $16m taxpayer funding for controversial ‘Hamburger University’ training program by mekanub in australia

[–]Lamont-Cranston 0 points1 point  (0 children)

2013 Australia Day was a slaughterhouse at Glenferrie Rd: when I got in there were only four staff members working and a line out the door, had run out of change for the registers, and was quickly running out of buns. It was the team leaders first shift on her own. She was on the phone to the manager - the man responsible for not rostering enough staff or ordering enough supplies for the long weekend - begging to close the store and he was insisting we had to stay open, so we had to go make change at maccas and clear out Coles of every type of bun they had to serve to customers.

Thats when I decided to look for somewhere else.

Grill’d receives $16m taxpayer funding for controversial ‘Hamburger University’ training program by mekanub in australia

[–]Lamont-Cranston 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Grill'd own a lot of the businesses rather than franchise, a common problem with franchising is the franchisees can then struggle with making their franchising fees+overhead+enough profit and if a lot then go under they'll take the parent company with them.

And being able to underpay staff and get paid for doing that helps too.

‘The Magnificent Ambersons’ at 80: Orson Welles’ Powerful but Cursed Drama by MarvelsGrantMan136 in movies

[–]Lamont-Cranston 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In case people dont know, what is being refered to here is that when the film was in post-production Welles was asked by the government to go to South America and make a goodwill documentary - it was all very vague and slapdash and never amounted to anything unfortunately - and so a print of Ambersons was sent down for Welles to edit.

While he was out of the way in Brazil RKO jumped the gun on the negative test audience reactions and decided to drastically reedit the film and shoot new scenes. (the films editor Robert Wise getting his first directing work on these reshoots)

The fate of this print has never been precisely determined, some people believe it may in fact still be in Brazil.

Kevin Smith Defends Marvel Against Scorsese Criticisms: He’s ‘A Man of a Certain Age and Stuck in His Ways’ by DisneyDreams7 in movies

[–]Lamont-Cranston 0 points1 point  (0 children)

but he's right, these films are made on an assembly line by a committee following a very rigid plot structure, nothing changes from film to film

the only error is singling out the superhero genre for this because any sort of film made this way, the b-movie 'horse operas' of the 1930s-50s are very similar, is going to be bad

yakuza movies /tv series by leswhinin in movies

[–]Lamont-Cranston -1 points0 points  (0 children)

The Yakuza is a good Hollywood movie.

The Yakuza Papers are like The Godfather of Japanese yakuza movies.

Texas grid operator warns of potential rolling blackouts on Monday by foreveralonealt in news

[–]Lamont-Cranston -25 points-24 points  (0 children)

This is the power of the free market, imagine if America was a socialist country you'd all have to stand in line for rations.

Sarasota County school board sued over ‘obscene’ library materials by Lamont-Cranston in news

[–]Lamont-Cranston[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Unfortunately these people have been given a great deal of authority over society.

Grill’d receives $16m taxpayer funding for controversial ‘Hamburger University’ training program by mekanub in australia

[–]Lamont-Cranston 80 points81 points  (0 children)

And with Victorias 'upskilling requirement' for tafe this can screw you over cause if you do a cert ii or iii with them and then go to real tafe you'll have to pay full price (assuming you finish the grill'd cert of course)

Grill’d receives $16m taxpayer funding for controversial ‘Hamburger University’ training program by mekanub in australia

[–]Lamont-Cranston 15 points16 points  (0 children)

They have a high turnover of staff. When I was hired it was in a big induction farmed out to various stores and after 2-3 months I heard I was the only one left, when I quit I was the sixth person at the store that month. I think the only that gave notice too. And we were frequently short staffed often having to call other stores for fill-ins.

Bad pay, management, corporate culture.

Grill’d receives $16m taxpayer funding for controversial ‘Hamburger University’ training program by mekanub in australia

[–]Lamont-Cranston 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I worked there many years ago, the cert training is non-existent and getting the $400 bonus - nice to see it hasn't been increased in all this time - for completing it is nigh impossible.

Outrage Erupts as White House Calls Abortion Rights Activists ‘Out of Step’ by Mjolnir17 in politics

[–]Lamont-Cranston 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If their donors dont care then Democrats struggle to find a problem with something.

Their donors dont care because they benefit too from the reforms implemented by the Republicans captured state legislatures and stacked courts which they are able to do thanks to appealing to their voting base with these fringe issues.

Sarasota County school board sued over ‘obscene’ library materials by Lamont-Cranston in news

[–]Lamont-Cranston[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Individual purchases cant match collective buying power and economy of scale.

Sarasota County school board sued over ‘obscene’ library materials by Lamont-Cranston in news

[–]Lamont-Cranston[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They're convinced it is being 'misused' by minorities and illegal immigrants freeloaders and that cutbacks will only target these people and not themselves.

Sarasota County school board sued over ‘obscene’ library materials by Lamont-Cranston in news

[–]Lamont-Cranston[S] 384 points385 points  (0 children)

Firemedic where he believes his "Job stolen due to corruption and criminal activity Federal Charges pending Discrimination and retaliation. Property theft"

So thats when the mental health issues set in.

Also searching for ATHENAEUS ASCENSION LLC finds his facebook and youtube and they're pretty funny.

Rishi Sunak's beloved 'charter cities' pose a huge threat to our democracy by Lamont-Cranston in GreenAndPleasant

[–]Lamont-Cranston[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Part of what they want has some overlap with fascism but they also definitely want the state very limited and powerless to deal with them which the Italians and Germans definitely didn't do, and part of their power will derive not from government intervention but rather a lack of government.

I dont think there is a formal definition of what they want, except maybe William F. Buckley Jrs quip about the 1980 Libertarian Party Presidential Election platform for which Charles brother David ran as the Vice Presidential candidate, Buckley called it "anarcho totalitarianism".