
ELI5:Why has America become so transfixed on military dominance? by Hell_on_Earth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Hell_on_Earth[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeh you are a knob. Kinda get why people are turning away after the tech debacho

ELI5:Why has America become so transfixed on military dominance? by Hell_on_Earth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Hell_on_Earth[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I never thought it was my 'soap box' but I'm not taking 5 year old answers for my question that are clearly a) uniformed (which you should moderate) and b) bullshit (which you should moderate). See where this is going?

ELI5:Why has America become so transfixed on military dominance? by Hell_on_Earth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Hell_on_Earth[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No it's not. It's an honest question. Edit: it's a question that was honest..

ELI5:Why has America become so transfixed on military dominance? by Hell_on_Earth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Hell_on_Earth[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I HAD NO AGENDA. So just because you attribute meaning to a discussion DOESN'T MAKE IT AN AGENDA. I am genuinely interested in hearing people's POINTS OF VIEW. IF I HAD ANY KIND OF RESPONSE THAT EXPLAINED TO ME LIKE I WAS FIVE THAT MADE IT CLEARER I WOULDN'T BE RESPONDING!!!!

ELI5:Why has America become so transfixed on military dominance? by Hell_on_Earth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Hell_on_Earth[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's a genuine question that I am interested in hearing responses from. Clearly you have a different agenda.

ELI5:Why has America become so transfixed on military dominance? by Hell_on_Earth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Hell_on_Earth[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think they attacked because of things already done to them by America so 9/ 11 is a lame excuse

ELI5:Why has America become so transfixed on military dominance? by Hell_on_Earth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Hell_on_Earth[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You can try, unfortunately you allowed your weapons to be made by the Chinese (instead of paying working americans) and I'm not so sure they work appropriately but again it's a minor consequence to a big bank account

ELI5:Why has America become so transfixed on military dominance? by Hell_on_Earth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Hell_on_Earth[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

To who's benefit? It's well known that Lady Bird Johnson had a part in Bell Helicopters in the Vietnam war but wtf does that have to do with the rest of America??? How does America benefit from personal wealth growth?

ELI5:Why has America become so transfixed on military dominance? by Hell_on_Earth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Hell_on_Earth[S] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

On top of what? Cheap manufacturing labour for Walmart sales whilst local ordinary people go under? (everyone loves a bargain). Oil reserves for cars discounting technology that wouldn't make a small percentage wealthy? I don't understand the benefit to an ordinary American other then being a VET and the rewards that come with fighting a rich mans war.

Michael C. Hall has no plans to join a Dexter spinoff by molemon in television

[–]Hell_on_Earth 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Dexter became so ridiculously awful that I didn't even finish the last season.

I'm Tony Hawk, AMA! by tonyskates in IAmA

[–]Hell_on_Earth 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Are you that dude that destroyed all my good feelings of joy and hopefulness with that hoverboard prank? Also have you tried flyboarding ?

Save the world, stop using microbeads by imissbooks in SkincareAddiction

[–]Hell_on_Earth 2 points3 points  (0 children)

What happened to just sugar scrubs and dry brushing ?

10 lesser known movies to check out in 2014 by [deleted] in movies

[–]Hell_on_Earth -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I dunno. I would like to think that I would've rocked it back then. Little thatch cottage with my own chickens and herb garden. But then I probably would've been branded a witch and drowned to prove my innocence.