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Official account of the Australian Labor Party. Authorised by P. Erickson, Australian Labor Party, Canberra.
#Respect & #Treaties #WGARNews #GrassRoots #AboriginalVoices #WGARmob @WgarNews #AboriginalTalk #TeamWGAR #WorkingGroup4AboriginalRights #AltMedia #GrassRootsAboriginalVoices #VoicesInSolidarity #AboriginalRights #AustraliaWideCityRural #JoinedNovember2014
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Great to be back in Australia. My team and I are eager to get to work on delivering the better future Australians voted for on Saturday. In the coming week, I will visit Canberra for the first Caucus meeting of the new Labor Government and to swear in my new ministry.
#QandA 😂 Oh, stop it, my sides are aching from the rolling hilarity of the #LNPCorruptionParty's unseating from power by #AustralianLabor. "A tragic loss to our country"? Er, no. 🍾
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#auspol Can't stop laughing and shaking my head at the spectacular self-imploding stupidity of the recently defeated #LiberalAus #LNP #LNPCorruptionParty actually choosing the most unelectable duo in #Australia as new leadership team: 😈 #Dutton 👍😂😂😂 #LNPNeverAgain #abcnews…
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#auspol No housing in #Australia and not much defence available now but Stan Grant just said @AlboMP @SenatorWong intend to give AUD$470M to southeast Asia. Why? Invest it here. #AustralianLabor @SenKatyG @JEChalmers #abcnews #SkyNewsAust @RealBobKatter @zalisteggall @simonahac
#auspol #ausvotes #abcnews There's no support for #Dutton outside his electorate - except for #LiberalAus Boys' Club and dishonest codependent self-deprecating underachievers like #AustralianLabor #Greens
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#auspol #ausvotes #Australia There's few things more offensive to educated professional women than one of their number refusing a promotion to a leadership role in deference to an uneducated fascist plod #Dutton, as @karenandrewsmp just did. Respect for Karen now at 0 #LiberalAus
#auspol Along with reservations about , and a few other old guard are the reason just 31% of #Australia (including myself) gave our first preference to #AustralianLabor in this election. Next-gen leaders and brand refreshment required
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Replying to @Vic_Rollison and @Peter_Fitz
@MargaretSimons You forgot to incl Wong's Machiavellian Rainbow Labor agenda that over past decade has hijacked #AustralianLabor away from its battler families base, and embedded operatives in key roles in the offices of senators and MPs to control focus and communication inflow.