Lauren Southern Tells PizzaGate ‘Journalist’ That ‘Cultural Marxism’ is Destroying the Family Unit


In January, Brittany Pettibone, a self-styled expert on the PizzaGate sex-trafficking hoax, had mentioned the fact that she would be hosting a new show that would be dedicated to “values that once made Western Civilization great, including but not limited to the glorification of the nuclear family, motherhood, masculinity, femininity, etiquette, traditional gender roles and love of one’s own culture, race and country.” Continue reading “Lauren Southern Tells PizzaGate ‘Journalist’ That ‘Cultural Marxism’ is Destroying the Family Unit”

Meet The Right-Wing Black Separatists Proposing An Alliance With The Alt-Right

Recently I delved into the proposed alliance between far-right Zionists and the alt-right, and highlighted the nascent website The Jewish Alternative, whose members sympathize with the alt-right’s desire for an ethno-state. Continue reading “Meet The Right-Wing Black Separatists Proposing An Alliance With The Alt-Right”

Pat Dollard, Former Breitbart Contributor, Is An Outspoken White Nationalist

Previously this blog (along with others, including Media Matters) exposed Breitbart contributor Virginia Hale as a white nationalist with a long history of racist and Islamophobic rhetoric. As more and more advertisers flee from Breitbart it has become increasingly important to highlight the racism of Breitbart’s staff. Case in point, right-wing filmmaker Pat Dollard.

Continue reading “Pat Dollard, Former Breitbart Contributor, Is An Outspoken White Nationalist”

Self-Proclaimed Jewish Alt-Righters Desire An ‘Alliance’ With White Nationalists

In late December, The Daily Beast reported on the Jews who ironically wish to support, or be a part of, the largely anti-Semitic alt-right movement. Continue reading “Self-Proclaimed Jewish Alt-Righters Desire An ‘Alliance’ With White Nationalists”