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Lesbians are stealing our potential girlfriends, Men’s Rights Redditor laments

Her milkshake brings all the girls to the yard

Watch out, straight dudes! You may find yourself pining for a girlfriend, but find that there aren’t any on offer, because the lesbians have taken them all.

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Jordan Peterson got suspended from Twitter for a transphobic tweet, and even his fans think it might do him some good

Orange man bad

So fusspot Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson got himself suspended from Twitter for a tweet about actor Elliot Page that pretty clearly broke the site’s rules on hate speech.

drama kings drama queens misogyny transphobia

New Disney cartoon briefly features a trans man in the menstrual products aisle, and right-wing dingbats are losing it, again

Tampons, not just for cis women in the 1930s any more

Right-wingers are once again throwing a fit over a seconds-long snippet from a Disney cartoon. Last time it was a blink-and-you’d-miss-it kiss between middle-aged lesbian moms in the Toy Story sequel Lightyear. Now it’s a trans man in a trans flag t-shirt recommending his favorite brand of menstrual pads to a puffy inflatable robot in the new Disney+ series Baymax.

abortion evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies homophobia misogyny racism transphobia twitter

The Nazis loved the word “degenerate” — and so do right-wing trolls, applying it to everything from modern art to Disney films

In 1937, two years before they declared war on the western world, the Nazis declared war on modern art — which they classed as “Entartete Kunst,” — or, in English, “degenerate art.”

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5 completely cockeyed myths about sperm

There’s liquid gold in them thar balls

Sperm is in the news again. On Friday, as some of you may know already, Utah state Rep. Karianne Lisonbee (a Republican, naturally) offered her take on the always controversial topic, suggesting to the press that women should feel just fine in the post-Roe age because they can control the “intake of semen” into their bodies:

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“People suffering from gender dysphoria are rejecting truth” and other turds of wisdom from the Jordan Peterson subreddit

Have you ever really looked at your hands?

The other day, a fan of Jordan Peterson went to check out the subreddit devoted to the fusspot psychologist and right-wing culture warrior. The fan was a little confused when he discovered that the subreddit was filled, not so much with discussions of Peterson and his works, but with endless posts about trans people. So he asked why.

abortion music

Not Completely Off Topic Sunday: A Musical F*ck You to five members of the Supreme Court

Megan Thee Stallion doesn’t like people controlling what she can do with her body

On Saturday, singer Olivia Rodrigo, performing at the Glastonbury festival, offered a literal “Fuck You” to the five Supreme Court members who voted to kill Roe — by doing a duet with Lily Allen of Allen’s song of the same name. Kudos to both of them. Here’s video of the performance.

abortion anti-Semitism incels misogyny

Incel on the end of Roe: “Now finally justice is served”

Thanks, DALL·E mini, for “men celebrating abortion ban.”

Incels cheer on anything that hurts women, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they’re hailing the death of Roe with shouts of “HOES MAD” and celebratory animated emojis.

abortion misogyny MRA reddit

MRAs gloat over the death of Roe v Wade, demand the “right” to not pay child support

It’s a happy day in the Men’s Rights subreddit

Today is a day of mourning and rage amongst those who believe in the rights of pregnant people. The Supreme Court ruling striking down Roe V. Wade is a massive step backward, and may presage similarly retrograde attacks on everything from contraception to gay marriage. It’s bad news all around.

abortion open thread

The end of Roe v. Wade: Open Thread

Well, we knew it was coming. Though that doesn’t really help much. What a fucking disaster this is.

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