Christopher Cantwell Claims He’s ‘Not Even a Hitlerite’ But Wants To ‘Gas’ The Jews

On a recent episode of the Exodus Americanus podcast, libertarian vlogger and white supremacist Christopher Cantwell announced that he’s not, in fact, a National Socialist, but nevertheless believes the Jews should be exterminated. Continue reading “Christopher Cantwell Claims He’s ‘Not Even a Hitlerite’ But Wants To ‘Gas’ The Jews”

David Duke Suggests Erecting Monuments of Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘Beating’ His ‘White Prostitutes’

On the latest episode of The David Duke Show, the former Klan leader continued to complain that statues of white “heroes” like Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis are being taken down — which he connected to widespread anti-white discrimination. Continue reading “David Duke Suggests Erecting Monuments of Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘Beating’ His ‘White Prostitutes’”

Cassie Jaye’s Career Hits a Shameful New Low With Appearance on ‘The Alex Jones Show’

Cassie Jaye InfoWars

On the June 16, 2017 episode of his eponymous online show, Sandy Hook “truther” Alex Jones interviewed Cassie Jaye — the anti-feminist director of The Red Pill, a documentary sympathetic to the men’s rights movement. Continue reading “Cassie Jaye’s Career Hits a Shameful New Low With Appearance on ‘The Alex Jones Show’”

Jesse Dunstan Calls Muslims ‘Conquerors’ and Claims They Don’t Belong in the West

Jesse Dunstan

Alt-right vlogger and radio host Jesse Dunstan mocked conservatives for feigning concern over the treatment of women and gays in repressive, majority Muslim countries in his latest episode of “Hihg Svenergy.” Continue reading “Jesse Dunstan Calls Muslims ‘Conquerors’ and Claims They Don’t Belong in the West”

Goy Orbison is Sad That Christians No Longer Blame the Jews for the Death of Christ


On the 16th episode of the Krypto Report, Daily Stormer contributors Goy Orbison and Azzmador waxed nostalgic about the days when mainstream Christians accused the Jews of murdering Jesus Christ. Continue reading “Goy Orbison is Sad That Christians No Longer Blame the Jews for the Death of Christ”

Stefan Molyneux: Alexandria Shooting Was Caused By ‘Relentless, Hysterical, Hate-filled Attacks’ On Trump

Wednesday morning a gunman began firing at Republican members of Congress as they practiced for the annual Congressional Baseball Game for Charity. Continue reading “Stefan Molyneux: Alexandria Shooting Was Caused By ‘Relentless, Hysterical, Hate-filled Attacks’ On Trump”