Johnny Ramondetta Claims Murdered Sandy Hook Children Faked Their Deaths

Johnny Monoxide

On a recent episode of The Paranormies Present: The Ahnenerbe Hour, host Johnny Ramondetta (a.k.a. “Johnny Monoxide”) claimed that the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax carried out by the Obama administration. Continue reading “Johnny Ramondetta Claims Murdered Sandy Hook Children Faked Their Deaths”

A Muslim American Activist Used The Word ‘Jihad,’ And Islamophobes Want Her Deported For It

Linda Sarsour

Linda Sarsour, a Muslim human rights activist of Palestinian descent, found herself in the crosshairs of the far-right when she used the word “jihad” in a speech about fighting oppression. Continue reading “A Muslim American Activist Used The Word ‘Jihad,’ And Islamophobes Want Her Deported For It”

Flashback: Proud Boy Attorney J.L. Van Dyke Whines About College Censorship

Updated| Today attorney Jason L. Van Dyke is primarily known for his association with the far-right Proud Boys organization, or his partnering with fellow racist attorney Kyle Bristow to wage war against revenge porn – more on him in a bit. Continue reading “Flashback: Proud Boy Attorney J.L. Van Dyke Whines About College Censorship”

White Nationalist Leaders Will Return To Charlottesville For ‘Unite The Right’ Rally

Several white nationalist leaders will be gathering in Charlottesville, VA’s Lee Emancipation Park on August 12, 2017 — just months after a similar protest against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Continue reading “White Nationalist Leaders Will Return To Charlottesville For ‘Unite The Right’ Rally”

Memes to an End: Thots, ‘White Sharia,’ and the Misogynistic Heart of White Nationalism

If you haven’t already guessed, the “white sharia” meme is both an elaborate troll and a window into the twisted minds of the misogynists that populate the alt-right. Continue reading “Memes to an End: Thots, ‘White Sharia,’ and the Misogynistic Heart of White Nationalism”