Nice Time

New Mexico Gonna Do Free Child Care, Just Like A Civilized Place!

But it's only for a year — to start.

If you want a vision of a possible future, maybe stop imagining George Orwell's "boot stamping on a human face, forever," and instead imagine a preschool class full of squirmy youngsters, learning and playing and generally being wonderful and sometimes a pain in the ass, as small children can also be.

What can I say? I love the pessimistic old English socialist who rightly feared the totalitarian impulse, but sometimes I end up feeling far more hopeful, like when I read about New Mexico's new initiative to completely cover childcare costs for most residents of the state for a year (free link to Washington Post). I can be a sap that way. I'm also the guy who tears up when Tom Joad tells his mother he'll be there in the way kids laugh when they're hungry an' they know supper's ready.

Starting May 1 and running through June 2023, the state will cover child care for families earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level, which ought to cover most New Mexico families. It's easily the broadest state child care benefit in the USA, and the first state benefit to cover such a wide range of incomes. It'll be available to a family of four making up to $110,000 annually, as the Washington Post 'splains:

The state recently expanded a federal child-care subsidy to middle-class families. On Thursday, Lujan Grisham said it would eliminate co-pays for them, too. Officials estimate both changes will make child care free for a total of 30,000 families.

This is pretty freaking wonderful; Lujan Grisham announced the expanded benefit yesterday on her website and at a child care center in Albuquerque, and the video is worth skimming through, if only for the occasional shots of a tiny little girl doing her level best to show interest in all these grownups talking about policy.

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Class War

Thank God America's Richest  Investors Did OK During The Pandemic!

$1.5 trillion in additional wealth is 'OK,' isn't it?

The pandemic, we're told, was just a terrible time for US businesses, especially small businesses like restaurants and places that depended on tourism. Airlines certainly took a hit, for a time. But quite a few of America's biggest corporations actually made out quite well, with huge benefits for their investors, a new Brookings study fnds. The study looked at 22 big American corporations that did reasonably well during the pandemic, like Amazon, Disney, FedEx, Home Depot, McDonald’s, and Target, among others.

Turns out that the 22 corporations studied generated a whopping $1.5 trillion in additional wealth for their shareholders, which must also have been welcome news to the companies' employees, too, because as we all know, when corporations do well, their workers do, too! That's just basic eco ... oh, wait, maybe that might have been true in olden times, but in reality, most employees saw very little improvement in their pay, although many did at least get the additional risk of working during the pandemic and getting yelled at by customers who refused to wear masks.

The Brookings executive summary summarizes who needs to be executed (with votes):

In general, worker pay is still far too low, compared to either a living wage or company financial performance; shareholders reaped tremendous rewards while workers shared only minimally in company success; and executives and shareholders were mostly insulated from losses that workers bore.

Here's a fun little table, noting that shareholder earnings increased 57 times as much as the gains made by the workers who made those fabulous profits possible:

Clearly, the smart move during the pandemic would have been to quit your job, become a member of the investor class, and watch the profits roll in. We wonder why so few minimum-wage workers chose that option.

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Texas Gov Gets Very Own Blockade By Pissed Off Mexican Truckers, Good Job Well Done

A tit for a tat.

Last week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced a number of measures that are absolutely vital to keep his name in the news with the primary coming up, and also ostensibly to protect Texas from Joe Biden's allegedly open borders. In addition to a stunt that would involve busing and flying asylum seekers to to dump them in Washington DC so Biden can have them (ha! ha!), Abbott ordered Texas state police to start performing "safety inspections" on every single commercial truck entering the US from Mexico.

When he announced the harsher "safety" inspections, Abbott said he knew they would "dramatically slow" cross-border traffic, but by golly it was worth it to keep Texas "safe." This week, it turns out that Abbott was more right than he knew: The inspections have led to hours-long delays for trucks entering Texas, and have sparked blockades of official border crossings by Mexican truckers angry at Abbott's policy.

The Texas Tribune reports that at the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge near McAllen, Texas — normally one of the busiest ports of entry — no commercial vehicles crossed the border at all Monday or Tuesday because Mexican truckers had blocked both north and southbound lanes of the the highway on the Mexico side, in protest of Abbott's inspection order.

Crossings have also slowed to a fraction of normal in El Paso and at other ports of entry, and the New York Times reports that delays of up to 14 hours have led some truck drivers to skip Texas altogether, and to take the longer drive to cross the border in New Mexico or Arizona.

No big deal, it's only around $12 million a day in produce alone that's being held up. If the slowdowns continue, that's certain to lead to higher prices and possible shortages in grocery stores across the US, which of course will be blamed on Joe Biden and Democrats regardless of the fact that Abbott caused them.

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LIVE: President Biden Talkin' Trucks

Today on WonkTV!

Unfortunately this will not be the president going VROOM around a track while he test drives a truck. Instead, according to the White House, it is Biden talking about "Remarks on Progress Made on his Administration’s Trucking Action Plan to Strengthen Our Nation’s Supply Chains." So that sounds nice!

We think Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is going to be there too.

Watch here live:

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