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Single-use plastic ban: The big menace of microplastics
By Shubhangi Shah While the government’s move to ban single-use plastic items starting July 1 is a step in the right direction, the menace of plastic is much larger, or should we say too small to even be detected by the naked eye. These are
Environmental microplastics disrupt swimming activity in acute exposure in Danio rerio larvae and reduce growth ...
Environmental microplastics disrupt swimming activity in acute exposure in Danio rerio larvae and reduce growth and reproduction success in chronic exposure in D. rerio and Oryzias melastigma ...
Scientists find microplastics in meat, milk, and blood of farm animals
Back in March, researchers from Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam found that microplastics had made their way into human blood. The researchers evaluated blood samples from 22 anonymous, healthy, and adult donors and found that 17 had plastic particles in their
Dear Mother Earth: Let's try for a plastic-free July
Dear Mother Earth: I read that July has become Plastic-Free July across the world. This is a global movement to reduce the amount of plastics we consume. This may be the only way to effectively reduce plastics in our environment. Our purchasing choices have
They’re here: Flathead Lake Biological Station, visiting researcher, examine microplastics
Microplastics are a concern on Flathead Lake. (Provided by the Flathead Lake Biological Station of the University of Montana) Tiny creatures that swim in Flathead Lake and filter out algae have trouble when they ingest microplastic. The tiny particles can
Columbia Shipmanagement supports coastal microplastics research project
Columbia Shipmanagement has joined forces with the
WATCH NOW: The science of microplastic: UW-L researchers study emerging field
Peering into a microscope and slowly adjusting the focus, Veronica Sannes analyzes small particles within a petri dish as they appear magnified on the adjoining computer screen.� As she works, Sannes quickly identifies the particles she sees, picking out
Microplastics detected in meat, milk and blood of farm animals
Microplastics detected in meat, milk and blood of farm animals ...
Experts predict top emerging impacts on ocean biodiversity over next decade
An international team of experts has produced a list of 15 issues they believe are likely to have a significant impact on marine and coastal biodiversity over the next five to ten years. Their "horizon scanning" technique focuses on identifying issues that are
Jordanian recycling initiative turns plastic waste into fuel
Akram Madanat exudes kindness and youthful energy. At nearly 70, this Jordanian entrepreneur is on a mission to clean nature and create jobs in his native Karak governorate, a region plagued by high unemployment. “A lot of people tell me, when you are this age
Robot fish at Sichuan University eat up microplastics in water
Scientists in China have invented tiny robot fish that gobble up rubbish in the water! The little robots measure just 1.3 centimetres in length – that’s just a little bit bigger than a button. But despite their small size, they’re fast! They
MOL Test Microplastics Collection System on Underway Car Carrier
Japan’s Mitsui O.S.K. Lines recently completed testing on a new device developed with Miura Co. that can continuously collect microplastics from seawater while a vessel is underway. The device, which builds on the companies’ previous efforts to
First long-term evidence of microplastic pollution from deep water layers of the open ocean
For the first time, scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) analyzed a long-term sample series on microplastic pollution in the Northeast Atlantic from 2000 m water depth with respect to number, size, mass, material and
9 surprising sources where microplastics can be found
Microplastics. What are they? Where do they come from? And why does it matter? Even if you think you have a grasp on your plastic consumption, you’re likely buying, using and disposing items you didn’t even know were made from microplastics. ...
Lecture by the Director General at the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific (IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency)
) (As prepared for delivery) Since Enrico Fermi built the world's first working nuclear reactor on a disused University of Chicago squash court in November 1942, nuclear energy and international peace and security have always been intimately linked. The
The Michael Stephen Column (Symphony Environmental Technologies plc)
) Today Michael talks about Korea, Carbon 13 Study, Defra, food shortages and biobased plastics. This is a FREE article Korea There is a lot of confusion about biodegradable plastic, caused mainly by articles written by people who may have a scientific
Link between soil pollution and heart disease identified in new study
Pesticides and heavy metals in soil may have detrimental effects on the cardiovascular system, according to a study published in Cardiovascular Research, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology. Pollution of air, water, and soil is a great and growing
MOL unveils updated microplastics collection device
Mitsui OSK Lines, Japan’s largest shipowner, has unveiled an updated device to collect microplastics. The centrifugal-type microplastic collection device, developed in association with local tech firm Miura, can continuously collect debris from the sea. A
'They're Everywhere': Microplastics in Oceans, Air, and Human Body
Images of plastic pollution
Microplastics penetrate deep into Bay of Bengal
MicroplasticsMhigher quantitieseastern coastline, researchers have found. Experts from the National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR) studied the pollution levels along 1,200 km of the east coast and found higher concentrations of microplastics at about 10km
Resolution proposes Plastic Pollution Action Month
Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) introduced a resolution designating July as Plastic Pollution Action Month, stemming from extreme concern over the plastic pollution crisis that is threatening human health and marine
'They're everywhere': microplastics in oceans, air and human body
From ocean depths to mountain peaks, humans have littered the planet with tiny shards of plastic. We have even
Scholarships 2022: Making A Difference To Microplastics, Penguins And Carbon Cycles
From microplastics and contamination in
Microplastics now in air, oceans, human body
FROM ocean depths to mountain peaks, humans have littered the planet with tiny shards of plastic. We have even absorbed these microplastics into our bodies — with uncertain implications. Images of plastic pollution have become familiar: a turtle suffocated by
‘They’re everywhere’: Microplastics in oceans, air and human body
From ocean depths to mountain peaks, humans have littered the planet with tiny shards of plastic. We have even absorbed these
"They're Everywhere": Microplastics In Oceans, Air And Human Body
From ocean depths to mountain peaks, humans have littered the planet with tiny shards of plastic. We have even absorbed these microplastics into our bodies -- with uncertain implications. ...
Scientific studies increasingly detecting microplastics in human organs
Scientific studies are increasingly detecting microplastics in some human organs — Sebastien Bozon/ AFP/File From ocean depths to mountain peaks, humans have littered the planet with tiny shards of plastic. We have even absorbed these microplastics into our
‘They’re everywhere’: Microplastics in oceans, air and the human body
Millions of tons of plastic produced every year, largely from fossil fuels, make their way into the environment and degrade into smaller and smaller pieces. ...
'They're everywhere': microplastics in oceans, air, human body
Paris, July 3 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Jul, 2022 ) :From ocean depths to mountain peaks, humans have littered the planet with tiny shards of plastic. We have even absorbed these microplastics into our bodies -- with uncertain implications. Images