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Availability of submissions

Submissions to arXiv are typically made public Sunday through Thursday, with no announcements Friday or Saturday. Check the current time at the arXiv main site, with the amount of time remaining before the deadline. Submissions are made public as part of the scheduled announcement process. This includes new submissions as well as replacements, withdrawal notices, cross listings and journal reference. Journal reference submissions do not appear in the mailings, but are still processed at that time.

Note that all submissions are subject to moderation which may result in delays.

A note about arXiv-id assignments

The final arXiv identifier cannot be assigned until the paper is announced, so please do not ask for it ahead of announcement. It is not possible to make exceptions, nor accelerate the announcement schedule regardless of your circumstance.

Note: The arXiv identifier cannot be back-dated, so identifiers will be assigned in the month of first announcement. It may be the case that a submission appears in a different identifier month than its original submission date due to various factors.

Announcement Schedule

Submissions received between
(all times Eastern US)
Will be announced
(all times Eastern US)
Mailed to subscribers
Monday 14:00 – Tuesday 14:00 Tuesday 20:00 Tuesday night / Wednesday morning
Tuesday 14:00 – Wednesday 14:00 Wednesday 20:00 Wednesday night / Thursday morning
Wednesday 14:00 – Thursday 14:00 Thursday 20:00 Thursday night / Friday morning
Thursday 14:00 – Friday 14:00 Sunday 20:00 Sunday night / Monday morning
Friday 14:00 – Monday 14:00 Monday 20:00 Monday night / Tuesday morning

On Deferred Mailings

On the occasion that arXiv defers a mailing (either for locally celebrated holidays such as Thanksgiving or for ad hoc reasons), this information may be found on the arXiv status, or on the arXiv blog.