Decolonise your ears as Mozart’s works may be an instrument of Empire, students told

Undergraduates on University of Cambridge music course taught to view classical works as an ‘imperial phenomenon’

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The works of composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are being taught in relation to topics including European imperialism and Orientalism Credit: DEA/A Dagli Orti/De Agostini via Getty Images

Cambridge music students are being instructed to “decolonise the ear” and consider the classical canon as “an imperial phenomenon”.

The works of composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Giuseppe Verdi are being taught in relation to topics including European imperialism and Orientalism, as the music faculty pursues work on “curricular decolonisation”.

Undergraduates studying for the course, titled Decolonising the Ear, are taught to consider listening to sound in a “postcolonial” way, while a “music, power, empire” module explores how the classical repertoire is a middle-class and imperial phenomenon.

The music faculty has agreed to offer content warnings ahead of teaching “potential disturbing” musical topics, according to internal documents, after they were requested by students.

According to a course guide for Decolonising the Ear, undergraduates will examine topics including how musical repertoires could be “complicit… in projects of Empire and neoliberal systems of power”.

Students also learn how “Empire… affected our understanding of what constitutes ‘music’” and how “genres like opera seem particularly susceptible to racialised representations”.

The imperial leitmotif appears in a Western music history course dedicated to studies of “music, power, empire”, which urges students to consider the classical canon as an “imperial phenomenon”.

Picking apart ‘musical exoticism’

A 2021-22 undergraduate handbook stated that students learn how 19th-century “concepts of middle-class musical value resulted in the creation of a canon of European masterworks”.

The course overview added that this canon was played, enjoyed and patronised by a “musical establishment that was leveraged in the service of patriarchy, class aspiration, and imperial expansion”.

Suggested reading cites Verdi’s Aida as a starting point for the study of these issues, and the Decolonising the Ear course uses Mozart’s output as an example of “musical exoticism”, with course information adding that Igor Stravinksy and John Cage can be studied with regard to “musical appropriation”.

The course's suggested reading list cites Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida as a starting point for the study of colonialism and classical music Credit: EPA/STR

The course content has been cited as an approach to “curricular decolonisation”, according to internal documents, an approach which has been widely adopted as a means to offer diverse and modern courses to diverse and modern students.

However, documents revealed that students raised concerns about the aspects of musical history they were being taught and requested that content warnings be rolled out across the music faculty.

It was agreed that “potentially distressing” or “potentially disturbing” themes would be flagged in future before seminars, classes and the sitting of papers, and also to caution students about set reading for lectures.

Reading lists to be examined for ‘racial bias’

The 2021-22 music handbook also urged teaching staff to examine set reading lists for racial bias, and to consider such racial biases when offering compliments to students.

The University of Cambridge’s approach followed a reappraisal of music across institutions in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, with the Royal College of Music pledging to examine instruments made from “colonialism” materials and to make its classical curriculum more diverse.

A professor at the University of Oxford also suggested that musical notation is “colonialist”, amidst internal discussion over the question of the curriculum’s “complicity in white supremacy”.

Last autumn, Prof Paul Harper-Scott quit his position at Royal Holloway, University of London, in protest over “dogmatic” attitudes to decolonisation in universities.

The University of Cambridge and course leaders were approached for comment.