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Idiot , great grandson of a Pandit, is standing for a HINDUPHOBIC #UrbanNaxals who works for enemies of India. Who has been designing communal riots in India. Who has been running fake news as fact checking. Who runs a sleeper cell of Khilafat 2.0. What a doom.
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Every person exposing BJP's hate, bigotry and lies is a threat to them. Arresting one voice of truth will only give rise to a thousand more. Truth ALWAYS triumphs over tyranny. #DaroMat
#FACT An #UrbanNaxals Front Office (FO), run by this communal bigot has been doing hit-jobs on people in the name of Fact-Checking. With one point agenda of making India look communal in Geopolitics and to stop FDI & India from development. These are the real enemies of India.
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Without providing any information including a copy of the FIR or remand application in Zubair’s case, we are told that he’s to be produced before a duty magistrate at his residence in Burari. He is currently detained inside a police bus in Burari for more than an hour.
भारत की अदालत तो आपको रिहा कर सकती है पर जब तक India के #UrbanNaxals की कंगारू कोर्ट आपको रिहा ना करें आप गुनहगार ही रहेंगे। True or false?