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Foreign Funded Ecosystem Exposed Thread 1. Do you know who is saving Delhi rioters, Rohingya Muslims, Harsh Mander, Jamia Violence, and Zubair in the Supreme court? Do you know who is filing notorious PILs like Sabrimala, against the Road project of the Army, and Marital rape?
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Idiot , great grandson of a Pandit, is standing for a HINDUPHOBIC #UrbanNaxals who works for enemies of India. Who has been designing communal riots in India. Who has been running fake news as fact checking. Who runs a sleeper cell of Khilafat 2.0. What a doom.
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Every person exposing BJP's hate, bigotry and lies is a threat to them. Arresting one voice of truth will only give rise to a thousand more. Truth ALWAYS triumphs over tyranny. #DaroMat
Yes, Truth ALWAYS triumphs over tyranny. Finally, the most communal and dangerous #UrbanNaxals is behind the bars. In good company of Yasin Malik.
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Every person exposing BJP's hate, bigotry and lies is a threat to them. Arresting one voice of truth will only give rise to a thousand more. Truth ALWAYS triumphs over tyranny. #DaroMat
#FACT An #UrbanNaxals Front Office (FO), run by this communal bigot has been doing hit-jobs on people in the name of Fact-Checking. With one point agenda of making India look communal in Geopolitics and to stop FDI & India from development. These are the real enemies of India.
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Without providing any information including a copy of the FIR or remand application in Zubair’s case, we are told that he’s to be produced before a duty magistrate at his residence in Burari. He is currently detained inside a police bus in Burari for more than an hour.