Just Fuckin Tossin Bikes in the River Bro

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

There is nothing funnier to me than the fact that DJ Khaled announced that he wouldn't eat pussy then less than a week later did THIS at an owl performance


I want you to know that I was in the live audience for this and not only was it very obvious that nobody told him what he was performing at (which is why he kept saying shit like "WHEN I WAS ASKED TO PERFORM AT... THIS EVENT. I KNEW I HAD TO BE PART OF IT!") but this man does not know how to work a crowd of people who are not already fans of his. It was absolutely dead silence from the crowd. At one point he yelled "WHEN I SAY DJ, YOU SAY KHALED! DJ!" and awaited a response that did not come from absolutely anyone, and then, by some desperate hope, once again yelled "DJ!" and someone yelled back "WHY DON'T YOU EAT PUSSY" and it was so quiet otherwise that it would've been impossible for him to not hear it. However uncomfortable the broadcast of this was, the live performance was a thousand times worse. If I were a famous musician and ever gotten an audience reception that bad, I would retire from the public eye completely and forever




Sorry you somehow find it unbelievable that someone online went to a sporting event and heard someone yell something funny at the stage, but this one's real. Here's a photograph I took from the audience:


Here's a photograph of me, in the audience, with a cosplayer working the event:


Here's a timestamped screenshot of me describing this terrible performance to my girlfriend, live from the audience:


Here's my ticket to the event with sensitive information about my friend who bought it redacted out:


So if you have some doubt that in a stadium full of 20,000 nerds, almost all of whom knew DJ Khaled ONLY from the Eating Pussy discourse that had literally just happened, one of them loudly referenced it during his performance, that's a YOU problem.


Absolutely SLAMMED with those receipts



I am both.


#one weird counterintuitive aspect of being asexual #is that im more open to kinky or weird shit #im not HAVING kinky or weird sex it's all theoretical

Hey @rosierugosa I hope it’s okay that I stole your tags because YES.

Because sexual desire is so weird and alien to me, personally, I find myself more accepting of weird and alien sex: I’m definitely not a monsterfucker in that I don’t wanna fuck the monster, but I fully accept and respect all monsterfucking because hey, sex in general -- straight, gay, or otherwise! -- is already so weird to me. Wanting to fuck Chad McDude down the street is just as strange to me as wanting to fuck the mothman. So my attitude is...go for it, I guess! Here’s a water bottle.


*pulls a water bottle from the cooler*

I never thought of it that way, but yeah. As a teen I was mystified at how anyone would just want to have sex with someone, like that was the goal. I understood getting off, sure, but to want to with the guy in chem class because he’s hot? Weird.

*hands over the water bottle*

Anyway, to each their own.


*gets out some orange slices*

And like, reducing hypersexuality in the queer community is an important conversation. We are more than our sexualities, all of us! Asexuals know that better than anyone. As such we should absolutely have spaces in our community where sex is de-emphasized. But for many people in the world sex is a natural part of their lives and what has, in the past, set the queer community apart is frank and open discussion of sexuality instead of shame. We should be trying to help the straight world adopt that frank openness instead of trying to assimilate into shame.

*restocks the lube counter*


*shows up 15 minutes late with a cooler full of gatorade*

Also don't forget about sex neutral and sex favorable asexuals! Asexuality, like most things, is a spectrum, and we tend to get left out of discussions regarding asexuality or boiled down to gotchas regarding ace people being in relationships with non-asexuals, but we exist and aren't any less asexual because of our decision(whatever the reasoning behind it may be) to have sex!

We are also just as tired of asexuality being used as a scapegoat for attacking kink in the queer community, since that attitude not only is bigoted bs, but it hinges on the assumption that ace people who have and enjoy sex just don't exist, which, news flash, we do!

Plus a lot of us are very kinky, just sayin', so when you support sex and kink as a natural part of the queer experience you're not just helping your fellow queer allosexuals, you're helping people within the asexual community as well!

Anyway there really are tons of reasons ace people understand why we shouldn't police what people do in the bedroom, and ace people across the spectrum don't want to nor should be used as a cover for anti-kink bullshit. It hurts us just as much as it hurts everyone else.

*passes out cups*


Okay, as someone who has tried to explain what I am to my parents multiple times, only to have them just, I don't know, refuse to put in the effort to understand me? It is incredibly validating to see you all online and know that there is a community of people like me, and so many of us are awesome!

I was so afraid when I was first figuring everything out that someone was going to tell me I wasn't asexual because I liked kinky things, or some other kind of gatekeeping nonsense.

And I know that shouting into the void that is the internet can seem kinda pointless, but everyone on this post has helped me feel like I'm not an imposter and like I belong somewhere. So thanks.

*cleans up all the dishes the next day and makes breakfast for everyone*


disney KNOWS theyre pandering. they KNOW it's not good representation. they KNOW you would understand that a man buying pads is trans. conservatives dont, hence the giant identifiable fucking flag on his shirt. they KNOW conservatives are gonna go fucking rabid at this shit. theyre turning your flag into something to identify and target you by. this is a deliberate move to stir shit up and cause controversy and debate over something that should not be a debate. the more you acknowledge it and engage in "civil debate" the more credit you give to the questioning of trans people. fight back.


By continuing to engage in the discourse, all you’re doing is giving in to the opposition by showing them you ARE debatable and that their ideas hold some kind of weight. I’m saying you need to kill people.


They’re also continuing to donate to anti-LGBT causes, so the more you focus on the content of the stories and not the actions of powerful people, they will stay winning


cool that there’s a trans guy character in that new baymax series or whatever. idc it will never detract how funny it is to me that they thought a man saying “these are the type of pads i use for my period” wasn’t an obvious enough signifier of him being trans so they just. put him in a trans t shirt. like JUST. a tshirt. in case you missed that this is the trans character. this is the trans character guys. cant you tell by the Giant Trans Flag he’s wearing



like. isn’t this at least a little funny just on a conceptual level


getting people who are like “is op mad about this or something??? is op a transphobe??”

…i’m transmasc.

also this is a disney property we’re talking about here. yknow. the company that literally contributed a fuck ton of money to a huge lgbtphobic bill. one that was passed and fucks up the livelihood of lgbt people? why are we giving them literally any benefit of the doubt. they might’ve “pulled their support” or whatever, but the fact is they’ll only use lgbt rep as an excuse to pander to the community. this is just another example. they’ll pull the “we have an lgbt character!!!” card in everything they make and they show up for like 2 seconds and then never again. if this is the doing of the animators, cool! good for them. but if your first impulse is to come to disneys defense on this….idk what to tell you. disney does not care about representation. they only care about YOUR money.


did you know the don’t say gay bill - the one that disney funded - in florida has lead to laws being made where if an lgbt child is in a class then the entire class has to be notified about it. and their parents. in a red state. in other words this is going to get lgbt children killed. so no i don’t care about disneys Trans Background Character of The Week and you shouldn’t either


can you people spread this version of the post more actually. really sad to see the replies of this post be filled with “oh but i’m trans and i’d wear that!” “they just did this so we’d know he’s a trans man and that he wasn’t buying them for his wife!” “it’s a kids show it’s meant to be obvious!” “this is for all the dumb straights who can’t take a hint!” and no replies acknowledging this for the pandering it is. this company funded the alt right’s shitty echo chamber i can guarantee you they don’t care. you people have GOT to grow a spine and learn to start hating corporations again and please you have got to learn to recognize bait when you see it istg


I finally watched The Sound of Music and like I get it now, I get it. 

It’s a beautiful two hour love story of a strict man finally opening his heart again and then a fifty minute public service announcement to hate the nazis. Brilliant.


You’re not wrong there…


Originally posted by romancegifs


Originally posted by amospoe


Reblogging this version cuz those two gifs show the sexiest duality a man can have.


2 things a man should do

  • Look at me like he can’t believe I exist
  • Hate nazis