
Lord Terronus Official


Just a needless blog(?) of a fanfic/amateur writer. My work can be found in Fanfiction.net under Lord Terronus (And also AO3 now, too!), and any original works will be on Fictionpress.net under Lord Terronus 2. What's here? Mostly just fanfic updates, and anything I find particularly neat!

shirou’s noble phantasm is the ability to impose his ideal upon the world. shirou’s ideal is a fake. it is something he copied from kiritsugu. it is an impossible and childish ideal that the world is too complicated to allow. but the reason unlimited blade works is a reality marble is because shirou does not accept the world as it is. if the world will not allow everybody to be saved then i will create a world where everybody can be saved. archer’s version of unlimited blade works is a desolate desert under a sand brown sky filled with cogs, because archer has become a cog in the mechanism of the counter force and his own image of the ideal he holds has become tarnished by the tragedy he has been made to face and enact in the name of that ideal. even if he were to impose his ideal upon reality, the world created by that ideal would not be a beautiful one. but shirou’s version holds a clear blue sky. even if the ground is still desolate, even if the path is harsh, there is a better future to look forward to. the wish to help others is a beautiful one, and the world where everyone can be saved is a beautiful one. it is a world worth striving for even if that horizon cannot be reached within a lifetime

shirou’s ability to copy weapons is an extension, a manifestation of the way he copied his ideals. noble phantasms are representations of heroic spirits, embodiments of that hero’s ideals. shirou is someone who copies the weapons, the ideals of others. but he doesn’t copy them without understanding. in order to copy a weapon he has to understand its structure, the components and conditions that came together to shape this ideal. shirou almost exclusively uses strengthening in fate route until he becomes able to project caliburn with saber’s help after he grows closer with her and comes to understand the ideals that led her to take caliburn from the stone in the first place. shirou regularly projects swords in unlimited blade works but only becomes able to activate his reality marble after clashing with and coming to understand his own borrowed ideal, after seeing for himself what the reality of that ideal is and coming to realize what kind of world needs to be imposed upon reality to fulfill that ideal anyway. in heaven’s feel all his acts of magecraft are borrowed, useable only through the arm of archer, who embodies his ideal. but that reality marble, that borrowed ideal, becomes incompatible with him as he develops his own, unborrowed ideal. unlimited blade works is the logical extreme of a copied ideal, the shirou who no longer borrows another’s ideals cannot use it.

shirou copies his ideals, and shirou makes a world where those ideals become reality. so shirou is also someone who makes other people’s impossible ideals manifest. even weapons that don’t or no longer exist are possible for him to create as long as he can understand how they are created. shirou’s ideals are copied, and the weapons he uses to fight for those ideals are copied, but the act of copying is an act of respect for those ideals. he cannot copy ideals he cannot understand (ea), and he cannot copy ideals he does not believe he can achieve (excalibur). archer prefers kanshou and bakuya as his weapons because they were swords forged without ideals, and thus don’t burden him with the weight of those ideals. archer uses broken phantasms in unlimited blade works, destroying the weapons he borrows, because he is lashing out at the very idea of heroic ideals being worth fulfilling. conversely, when shirou projects heracles’ sword and technique in heaven’s feel it is to borrow heracles’ power to fulfill heracles’ ideal of protecting illya. when shirou copies a weapon it is a promise to fulfill the ideal behind that weapon in your stead. because the reason shirou is a hero is that he promised to fulfill kiritsugu’s ideal in his stead. he will take up the weapon, the ideal that you left behind, and he will create a world where that ideal can become reality.




If you don't know what Garden of Avalon is, it is a Light novel that tells the story of Artoria Pendragon from the day she pulled the sword to the day she died. It also gives more context and backstory on the knights of the roundtable, and even Queen Guinevere.

It is a wonderful book to read and if you're a saber fan, it's some of the best content she has.