what the fuck is happening

really into Wii Deleted You, On Command, Jim's Computer, and Pokepastas atm :]

pfp art from ULTRAKILL, edits by @531 on tumblr!
19:34 27 June 202285672

Do NOT interact with anyone using the MAP flags!!!


i cant believe people think that it’s okay to be a pedo??


Your regularly scheduled reminder that paedophilia, is bad.

  1. chaotic-artists reblogged this from aggressivedaikons
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  5. sillystuffblep reblogged this from cinnamonbunsticks
  6. p10n33r-4ndr31 reblogged this from harpoonlover00 and added:
    MAPs are just fucked in the head. honestly. what fucking sicko decided that they can take away children's innocence.
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  14. yoshi-sanchez reblogged this from just-a-lesbian-human and added:
    oh god, they're fucking back...why
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  21. scratchyemporium reblogged this from patchyworx and added:
    death to all pedophiles: they are predators that literally only go after children because they're a) easy to manipulate...
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