Jim Goad Joins White Nationalist Publishing House As A Biweekly Columnist

Far-right author Jim Goad announced earlier this month that he accepted a job as a biweekly columnist for Counter-Currents Publishing, a white nationalist imprint co-founded in 2010 by Greg Johnson. Goad made the announcement during an interview with Johnson, and revealed that he left his position with the racist publication Taki’s Magazine.

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White Nationalist Podcasters Mock Debate Question On Child Separation Policy

During the second and final presidential debate, President Trump was asked about a recent report that the government cannot find the parents of approximately 545 migrant children. The families were separated in accordance with a draconian “zero tolerance” policy enacted by the Trump administration in 2017 and ramped up in 2018.

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Far-Right Podcaster Suggests Violence Is Necessary To Prevent White ‘Genocide’ In South Africa

During the white supremacist show Flashback Friday, host Henrik Palmgren and his guest “Raging Humanist” promoted the myth of white genocide in South Africa. Raging Humanist, a Saskatchewan-based far-right podcaster, also repeatedly suggested that white South Africans might have to resort to violence to prevent their own “genocide.”

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White Nationalist Nick Fuentes Claims ‘Mussolini’s In Heaven’ During Pro-Fascist Rant

During the October 5, 2020 episode of his DLive show, America First, white nationalist and pro-Trump sycophant Nick Fuentes reacted to the president’s return to the White House from Walter Reed hospital by praising his “superior” genes. He also lauded fascist dictators like Benito Mussolini for “mak[ing] their countr[ies] feel proud again.”

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GOP Senate Candidate Makes Racist Remarks On White Nationalist YouTube Show

Last month, extremist candidate Lauren Witzke scored a victory in Delaware’s Republican primary. A QAnon supporter who aligned herself with the racist “America First” movement, Witzke is challenging Democratic Senator Chris Coons. Yesterday, Witzke appeared on the YouTube show of a well-known white nationalist hate group, where she decried “foreigners” and called Rep. Ilhan Omar a “Third World dictator.”

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Nathanael Kapner: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy Was ‘Infanticide’ And ‘Sexual Perversion’

On a recent episode of The Political Cesspool — a radio show hosted by white nationalists James Edwards and Keith Alexander — hate preacher Nathanael Kapner went on an antisemitic tirade in response to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death. Kapner repeatedly referred to the late Justice as a “bitch” and claimed she promoted “infanticide” and “sexual perversion.”

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Robert Rundo Announces Creation Of The Rise Above Movement’s Media Arm

During an appearance on a Neo-Nazi podcast, Robert Rundo — a leader in the Rise Above Movement (RAM), a white power fight club — announced the creation of a new media outlet. Rundo claimed the goal was to sanitize the group’s image and force the mainstream press to use only photos and videos crafted to make RAM look better to potential recruits.

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