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University of South Carolina

Among America’s oldest and most comprehensive public universities, UofSC Columbia is the major research institution of the University of South Carolina system and its largest campus, enrolling approximately 21,000 undergraduate students and approximately 8,000 students in graduate and professional programs. UofSC Columbia offers over 320 degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and professional program levels, affording students the most comprehensive array of educational programs in the state.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 176 articles

In Canada, the French and English languages generally peacefully coexist. Jeff Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Conflicts over language stretch far beyond Russia and Ukraine

It’s common for people to live near others who speak a different – but similar – language. But generally, they handle their differences without violence.
Ione Quigley of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe during a ceremony in Carlisle, Pa., on July 14, 2021, marking the return to tribal lands in South Dakota of disinterred remains of nine Native American children who died more than a century ago while attending a government-run school in Pennsylvania. AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Russia’s reported abduction of Ukrainian children echoes other genocidal policies, including US history of kidnapping Native American children

Ukraine says thousands of Ukrainian children have been kidnapped by Russian soldiers, which is a war crime. The US government kidnapped and forced the assimilation of Indigenous children for decades.
Social media sites like Twitter have been a major source of both true and false information regarding COVID-19 vaccines. MicroStockHub/iStock via Getty Images

Countries with lower-than-expected vaccination rates show unusually negative attitudes to vaccines on Twitter

A team analyzed more than 21 million tweets about COVID-19 vaccines and found that negative sentiments on social media were tied to lower-than-expected vaccination rates in many nations.
Le 24 février 2022, jour du début de l’offensive russe en Ukraine, Vladimir Poutine reçoit au Kremlin des représentants du monde des affaires. Alexey Nikolsky/AFP

Les oligarques russes ne sont pas près de renverser Poutine

Les oligarques tiennent un rôle central au sein du système politico-économique de la Russie. Décryptage de leur relation complexe avec Poutine.
La radioactivité résiduelle à Tchernobyl reste forte par endroit, d'où l'instauration d'une zone d'exclusion vierge de toute présence humaine permanente (zone de la Forêt rouge). Sherbak_photo / Shutterstock

Quels sont les dangers sanitaires et écologiques d’une activité militaire à Tchernobyl

Si la centrale de Tchernobyl n’est plus en fonction, elle est au cœur d’une zone toujours très irradiée que les mouvements de troupes peuvent déstabiliser. Avec quels effets pour la population ?
Researchers are working to develop vaccines that provide long-term immune protection from COVID-19. Marko Geber/Digital Vision via Getty Images

How long does protective immunity against COVID-19 last after infection or vaccination? Two immunologists explain

Because COVID-19 is a relatively new virus, researchers still aren’t sure exactly how long vaccines and prior infections provide protection.


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