Claremont Institute Fellow Jack Murphy Tells White Supremacist That The Government Is ‘Coming For’ White People

On the Sept. 16, 2021 episode of his online show Restoring Order, white supremacist Patrick Casey interviewed extreme-right podcaster Jack Murphy. Murphy, whose real name is John Goldman, boasted of doing interviews with high-profile figures, and told Casey that the U.S. government was “coming for” white people.

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ASU Student Group Invites White Nationalist To Give A Speech

Updated | On Jan. 13, 2021, College Republicans United (CRU) — a far-right student group at Arizona State University — announced on Twitter that they would be hosting speaker Vincent James Foxx on the 25th. Foxx is a California-based white nationalist vlogger who founded the Red Elephants media collective.

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White Supremacist Group American Identity Movement Has Disbanded

After four years, the white supremacist organization American Identity Movement (AmIM) is officially no more. According to a statement posted to the group’s blog by its leader Patrick Casey, AmIM has “reached the limit of what a dissident membership organization can realistically achieve in these turbulent, repressive times,” and, as of November 2, 2020, is “hereby disbanded.”

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Meet The People Behind AFPAC, The Extreme Right’s Newest Gathering

Updated | Tomorrow night, as many right-wingers are wrapping up for the day at CPAC — the annual Conservative Political Action Conference — a very different event will be going on in nearby Washington D.C. This year, the nascent “groyper” movement will hold it’s own event: the America First Political Action Conference, or AFPAC.

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Georgia Southern University Student Discusses The ‘Jewish Question’ On A Neo-Nazi Podcast

During the 27th episode of the white supremacist podcast Surviving Weimerika, Georgia Southern University student Charles Robertson made a guest appearance, where he denigrated black people as “superstitious” and talked about the “JQ” — or “Jewish Question.” Continue reading “Georgia Southern University Student Discusses The ‘Jewish Question’ On A Neo-Nazi Podcast”

White Nationalist ‘Tradwife’ Overdoses On ’50s Nostalgia And Insists June Cleaver Was Real

In a December 4, 2019 video, white nationalist and self-described “tradwife” Lacey Lauren Clark, who operates under the pseudonym “Lacey Lynn,” revealed that she recently spoke at a conference celebrating the tenth anniversary of the white nationalist podcast The Political Cesspool. Continue reading “White Nationalist ‘Tradwife’ Overdoses On ’50s Nostalgia And Insists June Cleaver Was Real”