White Nationalists Praise President Trump’s Assault On ‘Critical Race Theory’

On September 4, 2020, a memo was released by Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Russell Vought. According to that memo Vought had been directed by President Trump to put an end to racial sensitivity trainings for government employees, labeling such programs “divisive, anti-American propaganda.”

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White Nationalists Want To Go On Strike. Good.

In response to a series of setbacks — including landmark Supreme Court decisions on LGBTQ and immigrant rights, and charges in the murder of Rayshard Brooks — white nationalists and Neo-Nazis have called for a “white strike.” Using the hashtag #WhiteStrike on Twitter, they have encouraged white people to walk off their jobs and refuse to pay taxes.

Continue reading “White Nationalists Want To Go On Strike. Good.”

Facebook Banned The White Nationalist Website VDARE. When Will These Other Companies Follow Suit?

UPDATED 6/18/20 | With ties to the Trump Administration, VDARE is arguably the most influential white nationalist organization in the country. Recently the organization, listed as a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, was suspended from Facebook following an investigation into inauthentic behavior ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

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Hiding In Plain Sight: The White Nationalist Who Toiled Inside A Right-Wing Media Powerhouse

The following article was reported in collaboration with Right Wing Watch. It also appears on Right Wing Watch.

Updated | Michael J. Thompson demanded that someone turn down the “horrifying music” so that he could introduce the then-Daily Caller editor Scott Greer, whom he had helped publish his first book. Continue reading “Hiding In Plain Sight: The White Nationalist Who Toiled Inside A Right-Wing Media Powerhouse”