White Nationalists Rush To Paul Nehlen’s Defense After Breitbart News Abandons Him

Amid the fallout from the revelation that Wisconsin congressional candidate Paul Nehlen harbors white nationalist sympathies, right-wing radio host Curt Schilling offered Nehlen a chance to clear the air in an interview. Continue reading “White Nationalists Rush To Paul Nehlen’s Defense After Breitbart News Abandons Him”

Cantwell Calls Erica Garner’s Heart Attack A ‘Holiday Miracle,’ And Performs A Racist Version Of ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas’

On Monday’s episode of The Radical Agenda, Christopher Cantwell — awaiting trial in Virginia with an ankle monitor — celebrated Christmas with his usual glorification of racism and violence. Continue reading “Cantwell Calls Erica Garner’s Heart Attack A ‘Holiday Miracle,’ And Performs A Racist Version Of ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas’”

Faith Goldy Warns Of Demographic Replacement In Special Christmas Message

On December 21, 2017, Stefan Molyneux held his “eight hour Christmas spectacular,” with guests such as Roaming Millennial, James O’Keefe, and Rebecca Hargraves (a.k.a. Blonde in the Belly of the Beast). Continue reading “Faith Goldy Warns Of Demographic Replacement In Special Christmas Message”

Grandpa Lampshade: White People Should Hope For A Right-Wing Authoritarian Government

On yesterday’s episode of his Thoughts of the Day podcast, the pseudonymous Grandpa Lampshade predicted that Western countries will soon be ruled by authoritarian governments, whether we like it or not. Continue reading “Grandpa Lampshade: White People Should Hope For A Right-Wing Authoritarian Government”

Andrew Auernheimer Decries ‘Christ-Killers’ And American ‘Wickedness’ During Interview With Jesse Lee Peterson

Recently, Jesse Lee Peterson began using his eponymous online talk show to give a platform to vocal white nationalists, including Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, and Tim “Baked Alaska” Gionet. Although he is an African-American pastor, Peterson has been receptive to white nationalist arguments on black crime rates, and once thanked God for the transatlantic slave trade during a live broadcast.

Continue reading “Andrew Auernheimer Decries ‘Christ-Killers’ And American ‘Wickedness’ During Interview With Jesse Lee Peterson”