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   May Day 2022

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Announcements & Events

Report exposes gas monopo-lies


Australians are victims of a massive fraudulent gas heist.

Gas prices are rising; gas is in short supply locally while massive amounts are exported. Gas multinationals are making huge, rapidly-increasing profits which are sent overseas, and these companies pay almost no Australian tax.

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 24


Who was behind the computer hacking of the Australian-Chinese community?


The mass hacking of a website used by Chinese-Australians within days of the recent federal election, may indicate continuing suspicion of overseas Chinese communities by the US and its agents of influence. 

Other related matters have a firm bearing upon the problem: they carry all the hallmarks of an organised conspiracy aimed at intelligence-gathering amongst Australia's largest ethnic minority who are an increasingly upwardly socially mobile group gaining considerable political ...

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 24


Bring Assange Home!


In less than a fortnight’s time, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will be extradited from Belmarsh Prison in England to the United States.
There he will face charges that together could result in a 175-year prison sentence.

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 19


Dealers in Death


The ADF is a force used to defend the overseas interests of the big bourgeoisie, largely as the lap dogs of American imperialism (e.g. injection of troops into Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea), using incredible amounts of violence and force to subdue resistance against the hegemony of American capitalism. 


more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 15


SA unions force government backdown


A rally called by the Maritime Union in South Australia for today was cancelled when the Malinauskas Labor government withdrew legislation to amend the Return to Work Act. 
The legislation aimed to save employers having to pay higher insurance premiums for coverage of injured workers by depriving workers of an entitlement fought for and won in the SA Supreme Court.

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 14


Heed international call for vigilance in challenging times


An international coordinating centre for revolutionary organisations to which our Party is affiliated, has called on organisations to review their methods of operation in today’s challenging times.
The International Coordination of Revolutionary parties and Organisations (ICOR) has 60 affiliates in 47 countries spread across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. Some are parties, some are workers’ and union organisations, and all have Marxism-Leninism as their guiding ideology.  ...

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 11


Book Review: Ruling Class, Ruling Culture


Ruling Class, Ruling Culture - Studies of conflict, power and hegemony in Australian life was referred to extensively in Class in Australia previously reviewed in Vanguard . The author, Professor Raewyn Connell is a sociologist, New Left intellectual and Professor Emerita at the University of Sydney. The book was first published in 1977 and was re-issued in 2010. It is available through on-line sources.

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 07


New Resources Minister backs Kimba nuke dump


The ALP’s new Resources Minister Madeline King has wasted no time in showing her support for the proposed nuclear waste dump at Napandee, near Kimba on Eyre Peninsula.
In response to an appeal to herself and PM Albanese from the disenfranchised and ignored Barngarla traditional owners, King has today stated that the nuclear waste dump was “a step forward” in the management of nuclear waste.

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 06


The Great Compo Battle Continues - This Time In SA


On the same day as the new Malinauskas Labor Government in SA handed down its first state budget it tabled a Bill in state parliament to reduce injured workers entitlements!

The new Government did this without even the pretence of consultation with its main supporters in the election campaign, trade unions!

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 04


CPA (M-L) expresses solidarity with Turkish activist Ecevit Piroğlu


The CPA (M-L) has written to the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Serbian Ministry of Justice, and the Ambassadors of Turkey and Serbia, to support Turkish activist Ecevit Piroğlu.

Currently jailed in Serbia, Piroğlu faces extradition to Turkey and imprisonent under anti-terrorist laws. He is not a terrorist, but a revolutionary activist, and we stand in solidarity with him.

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 04


ICOR condemns Turkish attack on South Kurdistan


The International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organisations (ICOR), to which our Party is affiliated, has issued a statement condemning the Turkish attack on South Kurdistan. The statement reads:

ICOR stands with the workers in Turkey and the Kurdish people

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 03


SA Labor welcomes third uranium mine


Three months into office in South Australia, Labor has given the go-ahead to uranium mining at Honeymoon on the edge of the Flinders Ranges.
SA currently has two mines at Olympic Dam (Roxby Downs) and the Beverley-Four Mile mine near Honeymoon. Honeymoon will be the nation’s third mine following the 2021 closure of the Northern Territory’s Ranger Mine.

more...- Posted on 2022 Jun 01


How US imperialism is shaping Australia’s regional approaches


Within hours of the Australian Labor Party winning recent federal elections the Biden presidential administration presented Australia with a major diplomatic challenge, potentially escalating regional diplomatic tensions with China. The endorsement of the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) regional bloc the same weekend has also presented Canberra with an alternative trade organisation to accommodate. The US has already clearly set the agendas for what they expect a compliant Australian government ...

more...- Posted on 2022 May 30


ICOR calls for active resistance against threat of a Third World War


On May 15, more than 100 comrades from at least 25 different countries participated in a webinar devoted to building the international anti-fascist and anti-imperialist united front.
The CPA (M-L) was one of the parties that made a presentation to the discussion.
We reprint below a resolution arising from the webinar.

more...- Posted on 2022 May 24


Reflections On The Federal Election


The federal election on Saturday 21 May resulted in the Morrison Government being replaced by the Labor Party with Albanese as Prime Minister.

The Labor Party became the government under the parliamentary system which swears allegiance to the British monarchy and its representative in Australia the Governor General.

more...- Posted on 2022 May 24


Russian Maoists: “Feminism is not toxic!”


The CPA (M-L) has sent a message of solidarity to the Russian Maoist Party and support for its efforts to fight the deplorable misogyny of the Putin regime. Our message, below, is followed by a statement from the Russian Maoist Party under the heading “Feminism is not toxic!”


more...- Posted on 2022 May 20


Martin O'Malley: Australian Communist Party condolence message


The CPA (M-L) has received a message of condolences on the death of our comrade, Martin O’Malley, from the Australian Communist Party. We thank them for their generous and sincere evaluation of Martin’s qualities as a working class leader.

more...- Posted on 2022 May 19


Oppose the Taliban’s war on women!


The following statement on the Taliban’s misogynistic repression of Afghan women was recently released by the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan. It followed the Taliban’s reactionary decree on enforcing the wearing of the hijab.  Down with patriarchy everywhere! 


more...- Posted on 2022 May 19


Federal election and the khaki component


Any doubts about the Morrison coalition government's attempt to make the 2022 federal election one steeped in US-led militarism, can easily be dispelled by their last-minute announcements about their acquisition of over forty naval helicopters from the US together with other related diplomatic hostilities toward the Solomon islands.

The manner in which the announcement about the helicopters was finally made in Canberra has raised serious questions about the nature of ...

more...- Posted on 2022 May 16


Locals stand up to developers at Toondah Harbour


The Cleveland – Redland Bay area of Brisbane is on the shores of Moreton Bay – a traditionally working class and small farming region, it has been gradually “gentrified” over the past few decades as the market farms were sold to developers building large housing estates.

more...- Posted on 2022 May 15


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)