‘I Don’t Care If Your Kid Dies At School’: The Alt-Right Attacks Parkland Shooting Survivors

In the aftermath of our nation’s latest mass shooting which left 17 people dead at a school in Parkland, FL, white supremacists were furious. Continue reading “‘I Don’t Care If Your Kid Dies At School’: The Alt-Right Attacks Parkland Shooting Survivors”

Flanked By Warlocks Motorcycle Gang Members, Jason Kessler Gives Interview On Upcoming White Power Rally

Kessler Warlocks

After being fired from The Daily Caller for his white nationalist activism, Jason Kessler has devoted his time to spearheading the upcoming “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA. Continue reading “Flanked By Warlocks Motorcycle Gang Members, Jason Kessler Gives Interview On Upcoming White Power Rally”

Johnny Ramondetta Claims Murdered Sandy Hook Children Faked Their Deaths

Johnny Monoxide

On a recent episode of The Paranormies Present: The Ahnenerbe Hour, host Johnny Ramondetta (a.k.a. “Johnny Monoxide”) claimed that the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax carried out by the Obama administration. Continue reading “Johnny Ramondetta Claims Murdered Sandy Hook Children Faked Their Deaths”