Wonkette Weekend Chat Begins A Cruel Summer With You

Summer’s here and while the time is usually right for dancing in the street, right now, it’s time for some seething white-hot rage directed at our Robed Masters on the Supreme Court.

Today, we’re joined by special guest law-talker Jamie Lynn Crofts. She’ll help us outline some constructive options for our post-Roe future that don’t involve “God Bless America.” If you have questions for us, please feel free to leave them in the comments and we’ll hit you back.

The chaos magic starts at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe at the Wonkette YouTube-mobile.


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Burn It All Down.

Roe was overturned this morning.

It feels so quiet. It's not that there's not any noise. I can hear birds and cars and other general noises, but somehow it's still just so fucking quiet. It's very hard to not feel hopeless and hard not to wish horrible things on those who made this happen, to wish that they personally get fucked by this ruling in a thousand ways they had not previously considered, all because they were so busy getting excited about getting to force people they don't even know to give birth against their will like chattel. I am giving myself five minutes to consider these vindictive fantasies before I slap myself and remember that these horrible things will be happening to other people and that as furious as I am, I actually don't want people I despise to be forced to give birth against their will.

We knew it was coming. Not just because of the leak, we've known it's been coming for years. We've been warning about it. Screaming it from the rooftops. I've seen a thousand smug faces telling me that we're just overreacting, that this would never really happen because the Republicans need it to run on — as if they don't do perfectly well running on other kinds of hate.

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Everybody Pretty Sure Supreme Court Worthless, Illegitimate, Full Of Sh*t, Not Their Real Dad

Good morning. Will the Supreme Court enshrine Sam Alito's one-handedmisogyny scrawlings into law in the next hour and drop the ruling in Dobbs, the case that will overturn Roe v. Wade? Who knows! It's a decision day, though. (UPDATE: They did it. They fuckin' did it.)

Yay! We get to sit around and wait to see what rights we'll have at the end of the day, and which ones will go away because a bunch of partisan hacks decided their stupid garbage religious beliefs should supersede our right to live in a free society!


Anyway, yeah, those motherfuckers can eat shit, and according to new polling, America agrees.

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Let's Listen To Trump's Own Lawyers Tell Us How Insanely Illegal This Coup Plot Was! A LIVE-BLOG!

We're back for a fifth day of the House January 6 Select Committee hearings to 'splain Donald Trump's plot to overthrow the government and stay in power after the American people told him in no uncertain terms to get the hell out. Today's hearing will feature three of Donald Trump's own lawyers: former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, former acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue, and Steven Engel, who headed Trump's Office of Legal Counsel.

All of these guys are dyed in the wool Republicans, and all of them were totally down with the crazy shit Trump did trying to blackmail Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy the year before. Not saying that Your Wonkette wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire, but ... maybe it's best if we never test that hypothesis out, okay?

They did head off an attempted coup at the Justice Department though, so props to them for that! Here's a longer rundown, but, long story short, Jeffrey Clark, the head of the Environmental Division, tried to get the Department of Justice to announce investigations of non-existent election fraud in the swing states as a pretext for Republican-dominated legislatures to claw back Biden's electoral votes and recast them for Trump. Trump was only talked out of a plan to make Clark Attorney General — with 17 days left in his administration — and allow him to weaponize the DOJ after Rosen, Donoghue, and Engel, as well as many of their colleagues at the DOJ and in the White House Counsel's Office, threatened to resign in protest.

And, oh, hey, right on time, looks like Jeff Clark, who pled the Fifth before the committee, got his electronic devices confiscated by the FBI this morning. Also it looks like people associated with Trump's fake elector scheme in Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, and New Mexico got grand jury subpoenas from Uncle Merrick this week. Looks like it's fuck around and find out o'clock!

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Wonkette Weekend Chat Begins A Cruel Summer With You

Join the fun!

Summer’s here and while the time is usually right for dancing in the street, right now, it’s time for some seething white-hot rage directed at our Robed Masters on the Supreme Court.

Today, we’re joined by special guest law-talker Jamie Lynn Crofts. She’ll help us outline some constructive options for our post-Roe future that don’t involve “God Bless America.” If you have questions for us, please feel free to leave them in the comments and we’ll hit you back.

The chaos magic starts at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe at the Wonkette YouTube-mobile.


Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.

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'Pro-Lifers' Respond To Abortion Rights Protests With Violence, Misogyny And Trucks

They just love life SO much.

In much of the run-up to what we knew would be a whole lot of abortion rights protests following the death of Roe, right-wing pundits were clutching every pearl they could find and talking about how very terrified they were over how the left was probably going to end up burning the whole country down over a little thing like a whole lot of people losing their bodily autonomy. They love to be victims, particularly in the hypothetical.

That didn't happen. If you want the truth, Republicans are about to destroy their own states without any help at all from us. It won't be through protest or fire or anything we might do, but rather as a result of their own actions and inactions. With the lack of universal healthcare and subsidized education in this county (medical school costs a lot of money — doctors can't afford to set up practices in rural areas, many of which are in red states), and the lack of subsidized childcare and parental leave? It's going to be a trash fire for these states. An enormously expensive trash fire.

That being said, the violence and hatred we've seen this weekend has not come from our side.

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Wonkette Movie Night: Clue

Flames on the sides of our faces!

Enjoy! (And sorry, I scheduled it and it did not go up, although it is also possible I do not understand military time past 3pm)


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