abortion anti-Semitism incels misogyny

Incel on the end of Roe: “Now finally justice is served”

Thanks, DALLĀ·E mini, for “men celebrating abortion ban.”

Incels cheer on anything that hurts women, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they’re hailing the death of Roe with shouts of “HOES MAD” and celebratory animated emojis.

abortion misogyny MRA reddit

MRAs gloat over the death of Roe v Wade, demand the “right” to not pay child support

It’s a happy day in the Men’s Rights subreddit

Today is a day of mourning and rage amongst those who believe in the rights of pregnant people. The Supreme Court ruling striking down Roe V. Wade is a massive step backward, and may presage similarly retrograde attacks on everything from contraception to gay marriage. It’s bad news all around.

abortion open thread

The end of Roe v. Wade: Open Thread

Well, we knew it was coming. Though that doesn’t really help much. What a fucking disaster this is.

antifeminism grooming homophobia lesbians misogyny sexual exploitation

Lesbian feminists “want to spoil women,” by encouraging them to slut it up, destroying any value they could have had for men, Reddit weirdo explains

Lesbians, always up to something

So over on the AntiFeminists subreddit they’re discussing the important issues of the day. Like whether or not feminism is a giant grooming operation operated by “predatory lesbians” who want all the ladies to themselves.

#GetWokeGoBroke culture war homophobia lesbians

Disney/Pixar’s “Lightyear” stumbles at the box office and homophobic culture warriors couldn’t be happier

So Disney/Pixar’s new Toy Story movie, Lightyear, came up a bit short at the box office last weekend, taking in 50 million dollars, some 20 million dollars less than Disney was expecting. And homophobic culture warriors are over the moon, insisting that the poor performance of Lightyear was the result of the film’s alleged “wokeness,” with parents righteously outraged over a blink-and-you-might-miss-it kiss between two female characters.

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Women Celebrating Alone With Cell Phones

Yee ha! Another 127 messages on Tinder!

To hear some romantically challenged manosphereans tell it, cell phones have ruined modern women by delivering them so much attention — from Facebook and Instagram likes to countless messages on dating apps. This, the misogynists claim, makes women too stuck-up to date the regular hardworking men that are their “looksmatches,” instead enjoying endless hookups with a succession of Chads. And it makes these regular men sad.

abortion dating tips misogyny reddit

The continuing battle over right-wing dick

Just say no to guys who say no to abortion

Every few months, it seems, I run across another article talking about how hard conservative men are having it in the dating world just because they’re gross fascist turdballs that no sensible person wants to fuck. And somehow, as noted by @guy_freire on Twitter, “this supposedly reflects negatively on Democrats.”

music off topic

Other songs by Kate Bush that should be #1

Off Topic Sunday is here, and the off topic today is Kate Bush.

abortion gynocentrism hypocrisy misogyny MRA reddit

Snip snip! MRAs freak out over the exceedingly unlikely prospect of mandatory vasectomies

Men’s Rights Activists have discovered a new entirely hypothetical danger — that evil feminists, mad about the end of Roe V Wade, will force the government to mandate vasectomies for all pubescent boys.

anti-Semitism grooming literal nazis quiz TERFs transphobia

Who said it, Gender Crit or Nazi? Drag Queen Story Hour Edition

Pop quiz!

Some of the quotes below are from a discussion of Drag Queen Story Hour on the “GenderCritical” forum on Ovarit. The rest are from literal Nazis, either posting on Stormfront or on Can you tell the difference?

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