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Interest rates

Global economy ‘flashing red’ warns world’s central bank

Global economy ‘flashing red’ warns world’s central bank

The global economy is facing a 1970s spiral of low growth and high inflation, the Bank for International Settlements warns, with Australians most at risk.

  • by Shane Wright


Rising interest rates, inflation give Lowe a challenging high wire act

Rising interest rates, inflation give Lowe a challenging high wire act

Central banks around the world are dealing with inflation by pushing up interest rates. It could end in success - or economic pain for millions.

  • by Shane Wright
Regulators home in on banks’ skinny deposit rate rises

Regulators home in on banks’ skinny deposit rate rises

Australia’s most powerful financial regulators are closely watching how much of the rise in interest rates banks pass on to household savings accounts.

  • by Clancy Yeates
Consumers penny pinch on snacks as Treasurer talks up economy

Consumers penny pinch on snacks as Treasurer talks up economy

Consumers say they are turning off appliances and cutting down on treats to deal with inflationary pressures, but the Treasurer remains upbeat.

  • by Shane Wright
Recession alarm bells are ringing as the war on inflation escalates

Recession alarm bells are ringing as the war on inflation escalates

The RBA and the US Federal Reserve Board are reading from the same playbook. They will do whatever it takes to bring inflation under control, even if it means recessions.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
State budgets and economies at risk from increasing interest rates

State budgets and economies at risk from increasing interest rates

If the Reserve Bank is forced into lifting interest rates faster than expected, it’s not just homeowners at risk. State budgets and economies would also be hit.

  • by Shane Wright
Is the era of cheap money over?

Is the era of cheap money over?

To answer this question, you have to ask why the Federal Reserve felt compelled to keep rates so low for so long in the world’s largest economy.

  • by Paul Krugman
Why interest rates are going up, and won’t be coming down

Why interest rates are going up, and won’t be coming down

The RBA is charting a course to get inflation down by increasing interest rates. But it’s a devilish challenge.

  • by Ross Gittins
Big-four bank mortgage market share raided as refinancing booms

Big-four bank mortgage market share raided as refinancing booms

New PEXA data show the big-four banks are losing thousands more refinancing deals than they are winning each month.

  • by Clancy Yeates
Home buyers warned by RBA to expect more interest rate pain

Home buyers warned by RBA to expect more interest rate pain

The RBA is expected to raise interests at its July meeting - with more to follow.

  • by Shane Wright
Budget faces debt cliff as interest rates on borrowings soar

Budget faces debt cliff as interest rates on borrowings soar

The highest interest rate on government debt since 2014 points to much higher interest bill for taxpayers and the federal government.

  • by Shane Wright