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Opinion & Perspectives

Sally McManus has pulled the ‘OK Boomer’ card on Phil Lowe. Is it fair?

ACTU Secretary Sally McManus accused Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe of “living in Boomer fantasy land”. Industrial relations are back, baby!

Jacqueline Maley
Jacqueline Maley

Columnist and senior journalist

The power behind the PM – who are Labor’s powerbrokers in government?

Who are the people who wield power behind the scenes in the Albanese government?

James Massola
James Massola

Sunday political correspondent

Why Albanese is beefing up the bureaucracy

The prime minister believes his government can be bolstered by a high-quality public service, having seen it run down and demoralised by the Coalition.

Michelle Grattan
Michelle Grattan

Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra



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