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On the fast lane: Which occupations get the most ‘speeding’ fines?

On the fast lane: Which occupations get the most ‘speeding’ fines?

These sorts of statistics make you wonder what kinds of data insurers collect or possibly purchase that relates our occupations to our habits.

  • by Jim Bright


The industries where ‘green jobs’ are in demand

The industries where ‘green jobs’ are in demand

The shift to Net Zero has been dubbed the next industrial transformation by many, creating new opportunities for innovation and growth for Australian companies willing to take the plunge.

  • by Nina Hendy
For the love of teaching, it’s a testing time

For the love of teaching, it’s a testing time

With teacher strikes in NSW and many in the profession considering a career change amid mounting hours and stagnant pay, shortages are hitting classrooms across the country. What needs to change?

  • by Sue White
There’s blooming good careers in the garden

There’s blooming good careers in the garden

Urban gardening is taking off as a career choice, thanks to Covid, a spate of home improvement shows and the continuing boom in construction and home renovation.

  • by Sue White
Who gets fired over social media posts? We studied hundreds of cases to find out

Who gets fired over social media posts? We studied hundreds of cases to find out

What you say and do on social media can affect your employment; it can prevent you from getting hired, stall career progression and may even get you fired. Is this fair – or an invasion of privacy?

  • by Brady Robards and Darren Graf
The office monsters are trying to claw their way back to 2019

The office monsters are trying to claw their way back to 2019

If some bosses have their way, there will be a new test for their workers’ commitment to their jobs — return to the office, or you fail. But they might find themselves fighting a culture shift beyond their control.

  • by Vivian Giang
Dither at your own risk, you may miss out on that promotion

Dither at your own risk, you may miss out on that promotion

There is a lot less energy expended and fear generated by doing nothing, but rarely is anything of value achieved without taking a chance.

  • by Jim Bright
Diversity and inclusion aren’t the same, and both need your attention

Diversity and inclusion aren’t the same, and both need your attention

Many workplaces have a diverse workforce, but aren’t inclusive. It’s important to get both things right to make employees feel like they belong.

  • by Scarlett McDermott
Rural escape: Where talking about the weather is more than small talk

Rural escape: Where talking about the weather is more than small talk

As more of us leave city life for quieter locales, some are wondering - can you have a digital career from the bush?

  • by Sue White
Am I thin-skinned, or is my colleague’s nagging getting nasty?

Am I thin-skinned, or is my colleague’s nagging getting nasty?

A good manager knows how hard constructive criticism is to give, but they need to give it. Your co-worker needs to be told they’re doing a poor job passing judgment on your work.

  • by Jonathan Rivett
The variety and challenge of being a principal, ‘it’s all gold to me’

The variety and challenge of being a principal, ‘it’s all gold to me’

St Bernadette’s Primary School Dundas Principal Lisa Gerrard says the beauty of working in a school is that no day is the same.